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PHP Public Key Server PHPKS


This application implements a public key server according to

The specification is not too detailed. So I oriented myself towards existing servers like or


Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution.


Use vagrant up to start this software.


The application is configured in config.php @see PRODUCTION MODE @see TESTING MODE

Set GPG_BINARY to the correct path. You may find the correct path by calling "which gpg".

You may set the APPLICATION_TITLE in config.php It will be displayed on html pages (title, headline).

There is an admin section where you may delete keys. You may turn it off by setting ADMIN_MODE_AVAILABLE to false. @see ADMIN_MODE

Production Mode

To turn on PRODUCTION mode edit config.php, replace the line $_ENV['SLIM_MODE'] = 'TESTING'; with $_ENV['SLIM_MODE'] = 'PRODUCTION';

see comment in config.php

In Production Mode tests won't run and issue a hint.

When NOT in Production mode the website uses the testing keyring and displays a warning.

Make sure the webserver has read and write access to

  • keys/pubring.gpg
  • keys/pubring.gpg~
  • keys/trustdb.gpg

Testing Mode

Unit tests and integration tests use the pubring and trustdb configured in config.php. By default this is tests/keys In TESTING mode the website uses the testing keyring and displays a warning. Don't run tests on the production pubring!

To run tests edit config.php, replace the line $_ENV['SLIM_MODE'] = 'PRODUCTION'; with $_ENV['SLIM_MODE'] = 'TESTING';

see comment in config.php

If not configured properly tests won't run and issue a hint.

  • To run all tests issue "phpunit".
  • To run unit tests issue "phpunit tests/model" and "phpunit tests/view".
  • To run integration tests issue "phpunit tests/integration". @see DEVELOPMENT section

Tests will fail on invalid access rights.

When working with vagrant/puppet the webserver runs as "user" so this is not an issue, you may skip the next lines.

Take care of access rights:

  • "user" is the user running phpunit.

    • "www-data" is the webserver group.
    • Both need write access to tests/keys.
  • add user to webserver group

    • the user will need to re-login for effectively being a member of www-data
    • usermod -a -G www-data user
  • tests/keys accessible and sticky group

    • chown user:www-data tests/keys
    • chmod 2770 tests/keys
  • pubring.gpg and pubring.gpg~

    • chown user:www-data tests/keys/pubring.gpg*
    • chmod 660 tests/keys/pubring.gpg*
  • trustdb.gpg

    • chown user:www-data tests/keys/trustdb.gpg
    • chmod 660 tests/keys/trustdb.gpg

Admin Mode

There is an admin mode where you are able to remove keys and export all keys. For everything else "man gpg". One of your friends is --homedir.

  • Url is /admin

  • Keys are identified by their fingerprint.

  • It might be wise to restrict access from public.

  • The admin section is turned off by default. You may turn it on by setting ADMIN_MODE_AVAILABLE to true in application/config.php

  • Restrict access to /admin (example for apache2, basic auth)

    <Location /admin>
      AuthType basic
      AuthName "admin area"
      AuthUserFile /var/www/keys/htpasswd
      Require valid-user
  • Create admin-user and password


Submitting Keys

  • POST Url: /pks/add

  • Parameters:

    • keytext=-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----...
    • options=nm (optional) -- No Modification Option, not implemented


  • GET Url: /pks/lookup

  • Parameters:

    • op=[get|index|vindex]
    • search=
  • Optional Parameters:

    • options=mr -- Machine Readable Option
    • exact=[on|off] -- Exact Match Option, NOT IMPLEMENTED
    • fingerprint=[on|off] -- Show Fingerprint Option (only for index/vindex)



autoloading, namespaces

  • There is a mapping from namespaces to paths in composer.json for autoloading.
  • When you add new paths or namespaces edit composer.json, section autoload then run "php composer.phar dump-autoload"




  • To run tests configure the application for TESTING mode, see TESTING section.
  • To run all tests issue "phpunit".
  • To run unit tests issue "phpunit tests/model" and "phpunit tests/view".
  • To run integration tests issue "phpunit tests/integration".



The "get" operation

The "index" Operation

The "vindex" (verbose index) Operation

The "fingerprint" Variable

The "mr" (Machine Readable) Option

Not specified:

  • The minimum length of the search param is hardcoded to 3 characters.
  • The maximum length of the search param is hardcoded to 320 characters.


Some keyservers lookup key ids only when prefixed with "0x". The underlaying gnupg does not care about it. So don't I. Searching with or without a leading 0x makes no difference. Anything you search for will be searched for in any field.

The "exact" Variable

It is recognized, validated (on or off) and is available in the model. I did not find a proper way to tell the underlaying gnupg to care about it. Doing so within the application is possible but nonsense in my eyes.

The "nm" (No Modification) Option

It is recognized, validated (on or off) and is available in the model. A keyserver is allowed to alter the email address of a submitted key so it always points to the keyserver's owner's domain for instance. A feature like this seems questionable to me. It is neither specified nor implemented.

So there is no need to tell the server to reject a submitted key in case this restriction would apply.


see file


have a look at these files:

  • docs/apache-vhost.conf
  • docs/howto-thunderbird-enigmail.txt