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A little react app to learn streets. Making use of leaflet, OpenStreet Maps and the Overpass API. Comes with a ready to use Dockerfile for production.


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Street Learning App V2

Street Learning App V2 is a small react app. It is reinterpretation of an old app, which proofed usefull but never left the development stage. This App provides a simple Homepage. The purpose of this homepage is to learn the location of streets using provided street names. At the time it is only possible to add Streets via the source. For more information see Add new StreetFiles.

How to play the game

Choose your learning file in the drawer on the left side. Guess the street. Once you beliefe you guess right, press the button check. Pretty simple ;-)

Getting started

There are two options how you can use this app.


The server side config can be changed using the server/app-config.json file or using the environement variables. If enviromenet variables are set, those overrule always those specified in the file.

config env variable use
isProxy IS_PROXY if true client app will be proxied as root
clientHostName PROXY_HOST name or IP of the client app host
apiPort APP_PORT Port to expose the app to
redisHostName REDIS_HOST Redis host for caching
redisPort REDIS_PORT Port to use for the redis host


Use the normal npm package manager and run npm install and then npm start. Or build it yourself an deploy it.

Be aware that there is a redis instance needed and the server and client must be run symultaniously. As of now the redis instance is looked under localhost or a hostname specified as environement variable. A config file will follow.

docker (recommended)

  1. Download or copy the Dockerfile-api, Dockerfile-client and the docker-compose.yml. Or clone this repo.
  2. Make sure they are all in the same folder.
  3. In case you use a separate redis instance adjust the variables in the docker-compose.yml
  4. Build the docker containers using docker-compose.
  5. After the build run docker-compose up
  6. you are ready to go.

Add new StreetFiles

All the related files are loacted under /server/data/streets.

  1. If you want to provid this to everyone. Fork this repo.
  2. Add a new StreetFiles. You need to provide a .json file containing all the streets as simple list. The name of the file doesn't matter much. A reference can be found below.
  1. Add the necessary data to the descriptor.json Use this as reference for your entry:
    "title": "Your title to Display",
    "fileName": "your-new-file.json",
    "countryCode": "fr",
    "city": "Paris",
    "zipCode": "75000",
    "OverpassAreaId": "0000000",
    "startCoordinates": [48.858093, 2.294694]
  1. If you want to provide this for everyone create a pull request😉. I would appreciate this.

Add new Feedback Texts

As for the streets you can also add more texts. The file can be found and modified under /server/data/text/question-feedback.json. Be aware you must always provide a locale. As always pull requests are welcome

Bugs and Requests

If you find a bug or have a request. Just open an issue here on github. Use the following labels

  • bug for bugs 🐞
  • enhancement for feauture requests ✨


As this is my first react project, any advice help and contributions are welcome. Thanks in advance.😊


Used Components

  • leaflet maps
  • overpass api
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • leaflet ESRI geocoder
  • Nominatim Browser
  • i18next



A little react app to learn streets. Making use of leaflet, OpenStreet Maps and the Overpass API. Comes with a ready to use Dockerfile for production.





