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My dotfiles and home conguration, using home-manager. This should work on macOS as well with minimal changes, but it is only tested with NixOS 21.11. Check out my NixOS config to see how I set it up in conjunction with this home configuration.

Structure: taking flakes to the max

Flake inputs can be simplified by splitting up the root flake into multiple subflakes. This makes it much more readable and puts the external inputs to flakes where they are actually used instead of polluting the root flake. In my root flake I define all my subflakes, one for each user, and one for each component. I then pass every input along to the users, who can generate their required homeConfigurations which home-manager expects.

To explain it with code:

# root flake.nix
  inputs = {
    # users
    mbund.url = "./mbund";

    # components
    common.url = "./common";
    cli.url = "./cli";
    firefox.url = "./firefox";
  outputs = { self, mbund, ... }@inputs: {
    homeConfigurations = mbund.genHomeConfigurations inputs;
# mbund/flake.nix
  description = "mbund's home-manager configuration for all systems";

  inputs = {
    home-manager = {
      url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, ... }@mbund-inputs:
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    in {
      genHomeConfigurations = parentInputs: {
        "mbund@mbund-desktop" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
          system = "x86_64-linux";
          stateVersion = "21.11";
          homeDirectory = "/home/mbund";
          username = "mbund";
          configuration = { config, ... }: ({
            # We can now use the parentInputs to access our neighboring `cli/flake.nix`,
            # for example and import it here for composability
            imports = with parentInputs; [
            # otherwise this is a normal home-manager configuration at this point...
            home.packages = with pkgs; [

Now that we can isolate everything into flakes a subflakes, we can use flake inputs to replace littering the code with pkgs.fetchFromGithub, take advantage of flake pinning, and generally just consolidate outside dependencies into where they belong.

Before you install

To run the installation, git must be installed and the experimental nix commands must be enabled. On NixOS you would set something like this in your configuration.

nix.extraOptions = ''
    # enable the new standalone nix commands
    experimental-features = nix-command flakes

If you're on a barebones NixOS without even git, then run nix shell nixpkgs#git before proceding with the installation.


Clone the repository and make edits to the root flake.nix file to something like this, replacing MY_USERNAME and MY_ARCHITECTURE_AND_OPERATING_SYSTEM as necessary. Note that your MY_USERNAME must be an actual user on the system.

MY_USERNAME = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
    homeDirectory = "/home/MY_USERNAME";
    username = "MY_USERNAME";

Likely values for MY_ARCHITECTURE_AND_OPERATING_SYSTEM are as follows, along with examples for what platforms they are probably for:

x86_64-linux   # NixOS or really any other linux distro
aarch64-darwin # M1 macbooks
x86_64-darwin  # Intel macbooks
aarch64-linux  # Raspberry pi

Then run this command once while in the directory of the repository to initialize your home-manager. Replace MY_USERNAME with what you set above.

nix run home-manager --no-write-lock-file -- switch --flake .#MY_USERNAME

In total it could look something like this

git clone
cd nix-home
...make your edits...
nix run home-manager --no-write-lock-file -- switch --flake .#MY_USERNAME


Any time you make changes to the home configuration files (after it has been installed) just run (while in the directory of the repository):

home-manager switch --flake .#MY_USERNAME

Good to know

Home-manager still uses nix-env and not the new nix profile, so the nix profile family of commands will not work. Check out this awesome blog post to learn more about the new nix commands.