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RFC 6750 bearer JSON Web Token (JWT) handler with RSA JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) key provider


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OAuth 2.0 Bearer JSON Web Token (JWT) Handler

A reusable token handler that validates a JWT access token according to RFC 6750 with an RSA JWKS Key Provider.

The token handler implements best current practices for JSON Web Tokens.

The token handler isn't coupled to any API or Web framework but supports a generic parser for a HTTP request message.


const JwtTokenHandler = require('node-oauth2-bearer-jwt-handler').JwtTokenHandler;

Required Token Handler Options

Option Description
issuer The required issuer of the JWT token. The JWT token will fail to validate if the token issuer doesn't match this value. (See Validate Issuer and Subject)
audience The required audience of the JWT token. This is usually a value you define for your OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Server (e.g. The JWT token will fail to validate if the token audience doesn't match this value. (See Use and Validate Audience)
jwks A JSON String, URL or Object of a JWKS used to validate the JWT signature

JWKS Resolver

The token handler supports using a static or dynamic JWKS resolver for JWT signing keys.

jwks Resolver
JWKS JSON String or Object Static Resolver
URL Dynamic Resolver

The dynamic resolver uses the following default options:

  strictSsl: true,
  rateLimit: true,
  cache: true

The dynamic resolved is recommended as it supports key rollover. If the resolver finds a new kid that wasn't published in the JWKS it will attempt to refresh the JWKS to see if the new kid was published.

Note: All JWT tokens must have a kid JOSE header specified for the resolver to locate the correct public key

Static JWKS Example
// JWKS String
const handler = new JwtTokenHandler({
  issuer: process.env.ISSUER,
  audience: process.env.AUDIENCE,
  jwks: '{"keys":[{"alg":"RS256","e":"AQAB","n":"tcnyvuVCrsFEKCwHDenS3Ocjed8eWDv3zLtD2K_iZfE8BMj2wpTfn6Ry8zCYey3mWlKdxIybnV9amrujGRnE0ab6Q16v9D6RlFQLOG6dwqoRKuZy33Uyg8PGdEudZjGbWuKCqqXEp-UKALJHV-k4wWeVH8g5d1n3KyR2TVajVJpCrPhLFmq1Il4G_IUnPe4MvjXqB6CpKkog1-ThWsItPRJPAM-RweFHXq7KfChXsYE7Mmfuly8sDQlvBmQyxZnFHVuiPfCvGHJjpvHy11YlHdOjfgqHRvZbmo30-y0X_oY_yV4YEJ00LL6eJWU4wi7ViY3HP6_VCdRjHoRdr5L_Dw","kty":"RSA","use":"sig","kid":"C4NgL2QHTzoER_o13LbskjXZMQWQhQTYg3otPGGZGXY"}]}'
// JWKS File
const handler = new JwtTokenHandler({
  issuer: process.env.ISSUER,
  audience: process.env.AUDIENCE,
  jwks: fs.readFileSync(process.env.JWKS_PATH, 'utf8')
Dynamic JWKS Example
//JWKS as URL (supports key rollover)
const handler = new JwtTokenHandler({
  issuer: process.env.TOKEN_ISSUER,
  audience: process.env.TOKEN_AUDIENCE,
  jwks: process.env.JWKS_URL,

Optional Token Handler Options

Option Description
realm The "realm" attribute that indicates the scope of protection in the manner described in HTTP/1.1 RFC2617. The default value is the same value as audience
clockTolerance The number of seconds to tolerate when checking the nbf and exp claims of a JWT, useful to deal with small clock differences among different servers. The default is 5 seconds.

Token Validation

A JWT token can be validated using the verifyToken method with a callback.

handler.verifyToken(token, function(err, claims))
// optionally override token handler options
handler.verifyToken(token, options, function(err, claims))


handler.verifyToken(token, options, function(err, claims) {
    if (err) {
        res.set('WWW-Authenticate', err.challenge)l
    // handle claims

Scope Validation (Optional)

The token handler can optionally validate that a scope claim value is present in the token when validating the token. This is common JWT access token validation requirement for an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource. If the token doesn't contain the scopes specified, the verification callback will return an InsufficientScopeError error to challenge the caller for the required scopes.

Param Name Description
scopes Array of scopes that must be present in the JWT token
scopesClaimName The name of the claim in the JWT that contains granted scopes


const handler = new JwtTokenHandler({
  issuer: process.env.TOKEN_ISSUER,
  audience: process.env.TOKEN_AUDIENCE,
  jwks: process.env.TOKEN_JWKS_URL,
  scopes: ['api:read', "api:write"],
  scopesClaimName: 'scopes'

Request Validation

The verifyRequest method attempts to parse the HTTP request for a token using a method (HEADER, QUERY, or FORM_BODY) and validate the token using verifyToken.

The default handler options will attempt to first look for an access token in the Authorization header, if not token is found it will look for a token in the access_token query parameter, finally if the request has a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and the HTTP Method is not GET it will look for the form body parameter access_token`.

Once a token if found, it is processed with the verifyToken method.

handler.verifyRequest(request, function(err, claims))
// optionally override token handler options
handler.verifyRequest(request, options, function(err, claims))

You can determine what token methods verifyRequest uses with the methods options. The default option is to use all methods methods: ["HEADER", "QUERY", "FORM_BODY"]


Most API and Web frameworks use a similar object model for a HTTP request. You can usually just pass the raw request object to the verifyRequest method if it matches the following contract:

  headers: {
    key: value
  query: {
    key: value
  body: {
    key: value

If your request doesn't match the contract, you will need to transform the request!

Authorization Header Example

  headers: {
    authorization: token
    methods: [JwtTokenHandler.methods.HEADER]
  function(err, claims) {
    if (err) {
        res.set('WWW-Authenticate', err.challenge)l
    // handle claims

Query Paramer Example

  query: {
    access_token: token
    methods: [JwtTokenHandler.methods.QUERY]
  function(err, claims) {
    if (err) {
        res.set('WWW-Authenticate', err.challenge)l
    // handle claims

Form Body Example

  body: {
    access_token: token
    methods: [JwtTokenHandler.methods.FORM_BODY]
  function(err, claims) {
    if (err) {
        res.set('WWW-Authenticate', err.challenge)l
    // handle claims


The package exports 3 error classes that provide a common interface to easily construct WWW-Authenticate responses in your API or Web framework with correct challenge and HTTP status code such as:

res.set('WWW-Authenticate', err.challenge)

The following typescript summarizes the interface:

enum BearerTokenErrorCode {

interface BearerTokenErrorInterface {
    realm: string;
    errorCode: BearerTokenErrorCode;
    statusCode: number
    description: string;
    uri: string;
    challenge: string

class BearerTokenError implements BearerTokenErrorInterface {

class InvalidTokenError implements BearerTokenErrorInterface {

class InsufficientScopeError implements BearerTokenErrorInterface {
    scopes: Array<string>

Note: The InsufficientScopeError will only be returned if you specified required scopes with the scopes and scopesClaimName option


RFC 6750 bearer JSON Web Token (JWT) handler with RSA JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) key provider







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