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Open-source C++ library focused on bringing Python's methods to C++


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Open-source C++ library focused on bringing Python's methods to C++17 and higher


File extraction

You can install cppy by simply extracting files from the include folder into your project directory


You can also install the library via CMake. Execute the following commands after cloning the repository and navigating into its root directory in the terminal:


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Windows (using MinGW) (Run Powershell as administrator):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
cmake --build . --target 

This will install the library system-wide. If you want to install the library locally, then change the parameter of CPPY_LOCAL_INSTALL to ON in CMakeLists.txt. All of the installed files will be located in /build/install/


After installing the library you include the header file cppy.h:

#include "cppy.h"

If you want to include only a specific method (e.g. print), then use the following syntax: #include "cppy/function.h":

#include "cppy/print.h"

int main()
  cppy::print("Hello World!");


The following methods are currently supported by cppy:

Method Description Status
abs() Returns the absolute value of a number. Already implemented in C/C++
all() Returns true all elements of the container are true, otherwise it returns false. Implemented
any() Returns true if atleast one of the element of the container is true, otherwise it returns false. Implemented
ascii() Returns a string with a printable representation of characters. Implemented
bin() Converts an integer to a binary string prefixed with "0b". Implemented
boolean() Returns the bool value of the input. If the input is a container, the function returns false if it's empty, otherwise it return true. Implemented (renamed due to name conflicts)
bytearray() Returns an array of bytes. Not implemented
bytes() Returns a sequence of integers in the range 0 <= x <= 255. Not implemented
callable() Checks if the input is callable. Implemented
chr() Returns the string representing a character whose Unicode code point is the integer input. Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. char c = 97; )
classmethod() Transforms a method into a class method. Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. SomeClass::SomeFunction() )
compile() Returns the specified source as a code object, ready to be executed. Not implemented
complex() Returns a complex number Not implemented
delattr() Deletes the named attribute Not implemented
dict() Creates a new dictionary Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. std::map<std::string int> map{{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}}; )
dir() Returns a list of valid attributes for a specified object Not implemented
divmod() Returns the vector of the inputs' quotient and remainder. Implemented
enumerate() Adds a counter as the key to the container. Implemented
eval() Evaluates the expression Not implemented
filter() Constructs a container from those elements of the input for which function is true. Implemented
floatp() Returns a floating point number Implemented (renamed due to name conflicts)
format() Formats the input. Implemented
frozenset() Returns a constant set Already implemented in C/C++ (const std::set)
getattr() Returns the value of the named attribute of an object Not implemented
hasattr() Returns true if the input is the name of one of the object's attributes. Returns false otherwise Not implemented
hash() Returns the hash value of the input. Implemented
hex() Converts an integer to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with "0x" Implemented
id() Returns the id of an object Already implemented in C/C++ (&)
input() Reads the input and converts it into a string. Implemented
integer() Converts the input to an integer. Implemented (renamed due to name conflicts)
isinstance() Returns true if the object argument is an instance of the argument. Returns false otherwise. Not implemented
issubclass() Checks if a class is a subclass. Implemented
iter() Returns an iterable object. Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. std::vector, std::list )
len() Returns the length of the input. Implemented
list() Returns a list object Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. std::list )
locals() Returns an updated dictionary of the current local symbol table. Not implemented
map() Applies the function to every element of a container. Implemented
max() Returns the biggest object among all the parsed ones. Implemented
memoryview() Returns the memory address of the input. Implemented
min() Returns the smallest object among all the parsed ones. Implemented
next() Returns the next item in a container. Not implemented
object() Returns a new empty object Not implemented (skipped)
oct() Converts an integer to an octal string prefixed with "0o" Implemented
open() Opens a file Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. FILE* or <fstream> )
ord() Returns the ASCII value of the input. Implemented
pow() Returns the base number to the power of another input. Already implemented in C/C++
print() Prints objects. Sep, End, File, Flush, if present, must be parsed like structs before objects in any order. Implemented
property() Returns a property attribute Not implemented
range() Returns the vector of integers, going from start till stop. Implemented
repr() Returns a string containing a printable representation of an object. Not implemented
reversed() Reverses the container. Implemented
round() Rounds up the input to digit. Implemented
set() Returns a set object. Already implemented in C/C++ ( e.g. std::set )
setatttr() Sets the attribute of an object. Not implemented
slice() Slices the container. Implemented
sorted() Sorts the container using TimSort. Key and Reverse, if present, must be parsed like structs after the container in any order. Implemented
staticmethod() Transforms a method int a static method Already implemented in C/C++
str() Converts the input into a string. Implemented
sum() Sums start and the elements of a container and returns the total. The container's elements are normally numbers. Implemented
super() Returns an object that represents the parent class. Not implemented
tuple() Returns a tuple object Already implemented in C/C++ (std::tuple)
type() Returns typename of the input. Implemented
vars() Returns the dict property of an object Not implemented
zip() Returns a vector of tuples, where the first element in each passed container is paired together, same goes for the second element and so on. Implemented


Delete the files that were extracted by either CMake or by you. If you've installed the library system-wide, then delete the files located in Linux: /usr/local/include/cppy/ and /usr/local/include/cppy.h Windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/cppy/


Open-source C++ library focused on bringing Python's methods to C++






