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Mike Conlon edited this page Sep 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

Each person in VIVO has contact information and other identifying information as expected.

This Simple VIVO example supports 19 attributes for each person. Each one is optional.

  1. display_name
  2. orcid -- enter the person's orcid id in the form nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn
  3. types -- enter the person's type(s) using the abbreviations in the person_types.txt enumeration.
    fac for faculty, pd for postdoc, etc.
  4. research_areas -- enter the person's research area(s) using the
  5. overview -- enter a plain text overview for the person. Do not cut and paste from Microsoft Word.
  6. name_prefix -- name prefix such as "Dr"
  7. first_name -- person's first name
  8. middle_name -- person's middle name
  9. last_name -- person's last name
  10. name_suffix -- person's name suffix such as "Jr" or "III"
  11. title -- person's title
  12. phone -- person's primary phone number
  13. email -- person's primary email
  14. home_page -- person's home page URL
  15. street_address -- mailing address street for the person
  16. city -- mailing address city
  17. state -- mailing address state or province
  18. zip -- mailing address postal code
  19. country -- mailing address country

As with everything in Simple VIVO, the attributes are optional. For any particular person, enter as many attribute values as you have. It is straightforward to update the person with additional attributes in the future.


  1. concept_enum.txt -- used to list possible subject areas for the advising relationship
  2. person_types.txt -- used to list possible person types with abbreviations for each

Adding and Updating people

  1. Update the enumerations using python
  2. Get the existing people from VIVO using python -a get
  3. Edit the people as needed -- correcting values as needed, adding values to people in the spreadsheet, and adding new people. To add new a new person, add a row to the spreadsheet, leave the uri column blank, and add as many attributes as you have for the person. All the attributes you add should be found in the appropriate enumerations (see above). If the value you specify is not found, it will not be added. To add new values to enumerations, first add them to VIVO, then update the enumerations, then add them to the person.
  4. Update VIVO with your improved spreadsheet using python -a update

Repeat these steps as needed to add additional mentoring relationships to VIVO.