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Mike Conlon edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 2 revisions

Positions have five attributes:

  1. Start date -- from an enumeration of dates of the form yyyy-mm-dd
  2. End Date -- from an enumeration of dates of the form yyyy-mm-dd
  3. Organization of Position -- from an enumeration of organizations by name
  4. Person in position -- from an enumeration of people by orcid
  5. Job title -- open text

The steps to manage positions

  1. Update your enumerations using python
  2. Get positions from your VIVO using python -a get
  3. Edit your spreadsheet positions.txt correcting and adding information for existing positions, and adding new positions. Use a text editor or spreadsheet program
  4. Update the position information in your VIVO using python -a update

Repeat the steps as necessary.