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2021 11 19 board

David Brown edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

November 19, 2021 MCUboot Governance Board Meeting


  • Andrzej Puzdrowski
  • Andy Gross
  • David Brown
  • Eric Finco
  • Fabio Utzig
  • François Ozog
  • Garrett LoVerde


  • Project status
    • 1.8.0 release completed.
    • Documentation progress
      • Moved documentation to, generated from project source repo. will point to that.
      • Many contributions, new contributors to project
    • Plans for 1.9.0.


  • Went over status and project plans
  • Discussed PSA potential work for "FFM", and how MCUboot might be involved
  • SUIT:
    • Summary of IETF 112, discussed MTI (Mandatory To Implement) discussions.
  • What to do with project funds
    • Possibly pay consultants
    • Pay for security analysis
    • Set up bug bounty
    • Board members to seek info/quotes to discuss at next board meeting
  • PSA certification, can MCUboot claim this as a component of certified configurations?
  • Discussion of plans: not everything may get done, emphasizing that individual contributor plans may change
  • Linaro: LITE Trusted Substrate project and MCUboot involvement
  • Secure storage APIs and Zephyr
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