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Codes for cross-correlating a sample with CMB maps in HealPix
Written by Mike DiPompeo (UWyo), 2014-2015

You may find other codes in my general idl library necessary (e.g. cosmocalc),
or just useful.  Find mdipompe on GitHub.

Expected that HEALPix maps are in *NESTED* (not RING) format.  All output maps are as well.  
Can use HEALPix codes and to convert if needed.

You should setup 'default_params.ini' file for the matter power spectrum from CAMB 
(cosmology will be set properly automatically, but other defaults may be changed).

1) These procedures can be used to make HEALPix maps of the lensing convergence
from Planck data:
Takes a planck DR1 lensing map file and makes a convergence map, as well as pulls out 
the mask information.  Can output files or just return the kappa and mask maps.
Planck DR2 just provides an ALM map and separate mask. This can be used to convert to 
a HEALPix kappa map.

2) The available area of each pixel is needed to properly calculate the source density per
pixel.  These three codes will do that, but note it can take some time:
Uses the nested nature of HEALPix to calculate the pixel areas in an iterative manner 
with control of the number of points per pixel used when calculating the pixel areas (on average).  
Uses a lower Nside HEALPix scheme (e.g. nside=16), loops over them, ransacking each one (note that
you need mangle representations of these HEALPix pixels), 
applies the mask, and then calculates the areas of the smaller sub-pixels (e.g. nside=2048) 
that you're interested in.  
Useful for very large footprints - if smaller (~few thousand deg^2), just 
ransack your region and use the next two procedures.
Apply the data mask to your random catalog, to determine the number of
objects inside and outside mask components. These are used for area calculation.
Use results from to determine actual area of each HEALPix pixel 
that is used, so the density calculation is correct.  Note that there are systematics 
that come into play depending on number of random points you start with.  
Later codes have the option of only using full HEALPix pixels - I recommend this 
until the effects of partial pixels is better studied. 

3) Once the areas are known, these can be run in order (or all at once in xcorr_master) to
make the lensing cross-correlation measurement:
After the map of pixel areas is generated from the 3 codes above, you can automate all 
of the rest using this procedure.  Calls all of the remaining codes, makes plots, etc.  
Note that the plotting isn't well tested outside of an initial region, but the code is.
Convert a HEALPix map of pixel areas to a binary mask (0 for unused pixels, 1 
for used pixels).  Set /full flag to only include pixels that don't overlap mask 
components (recommended currently).  If not, will used partial pixels for density calculation.
Takes two binary masks (like from different surveys) and combines them into 
one such that only good elements in BOTH are set to 1.
Take a sample RA and DEC list and caculate the number of objects per pixel, 
the density per pixel, and the relative density per pixel. Assumes that 
depth is uniform across the total area.
Cross-correlates two HEALPix maps.  Will bin ell in 3,4, or 5 bins per dex, 
defaults to 5.
Rotate a HEALPix map by a given amount in galactic longitude.  Can also flip 
by 180 in galactic latitude.  Many rotations can serve as your noise maps to calculate cross-corr errors.
Cross correlates maps with several other maps (such as rotated maps from or simulated noise maps).  Writes out binned cl with each 
one, and an integer incrementing which map it was cross correlated with.
Reads output of, calcualates covariance matrix and 
1-sigma errors.  Option to write to file.
Apply Gaussian smoothing to a HEALPix map (useful for visualization).
Change the HEALPix resolution of a map and its mask. Useful to reduce 
resolution for plotting/stacking routines, where the high resolution is unnecessary.
Takes a convergence and density map and plots them on top of each other 
to visualize cross-correlation.  Note that the resolution needs to be 
reduced from nside=2048 to at least 1024 or there won't be enough memory 
on many machines.  Since the maps should be smoothed anyway, this 
doesn't matter much.  Have not tested the location of the color 
bar/legend well, may need tweaking. (No longer necessary but retained for backward compatability)
Build an array of z and chi values (for model power spectra). Watch your cosmology!
Will use CAMB to calculate the matter power spectrum at many redshifts.  
CAMB can only handle 150 at a time, so you'll have to break up your runs.  
Relies on CAMB4IDL (available on my GitHub page).
Takes output files from CAMB (an individual one from each redshift), which 
have k and P(k), interpolate to a grid of ell values, and give back power 
spectrum as a function of k, ell, z.  Can output a fits file for use in Watch your cosmology! (used in
Take an array of z values and fit a spline to them.  Automatically 
writes out dndz_fit.txt, so you can check your fit. (will call and
Build a model DM CMB cross-corr.  Requires a linear power spectrum file, 
a file with sample redshifts (dndz.txt; will fit a spline to get dndz 
with, and an output from named z_chi.txt.  
Can run without any inputs, but you can set your own filenames for the 
above if you'd like.  Can also change the cosmology, but make sure you're consistent!!!
Will fit a model (like from provided as a text file with 
columns ell and cl) to cross-correlation data.  Can pass it 1-sigma errors 
and a covariance matrix (as a file or an array) if wanted.  Will also 
plot the fit (hardcopy if desired).

4) Some extra codes that may be useful:
Given a MANGLE ascii polygon file, will detect if it has been
pixelized, and return a string indicating the pixelization scheme 
(e.g. '6s')
Will rotate a HEALpix map in equatorial coordinates to galactic.  Note that
it is not possible to do this perfectly and preserve all information, so 
use with caution!
Will output the value and coordinates (equatorial) of HEALPix pixels.  Can 
limit to some specified RA and DEC range.


Codes for doing a CMB lensing cross-correlation






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