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Collection of general scripts and files for bioinformatics

Ideas to implement

A simple script to remove sequences from a multifasta using its ID, without external libraries like BioPython. This means write a sequence parser, test the exact presence of identifier, and explicily tell the which sequence were removed. Default will be an output in the STDOUT and information in the STDERR. A file and logfile and be used too.


Examples of dotfiles in the directory dotfiles/. Do not forget to copy them and add the caracteristic . prefix!

Conda environments

First a tips: how activating environment in a BASH script? Here are two lines to add at the top of your script:

CONDA_BASE=$(conda info --base)
source $CONDA_BASE/etc/profile.d/

# Then load one of your environment, eg:
conda activate MySuperEnvironment

Some scripts presented below require non-native Python libraries or external tools. I provide recipes for the Conda environments I used to use under the resource/ directory.
To install such environment from a recipe, follow these instructions:

  1. first I suggest you to use mamba as package manager which is orders of magnitude faster than Conda
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba 
  1. Install the environment from the YML recipe
conda env create --solver libmamba -f /path/to/environment.yml -n MyEnvName
  1. Activate your freshly installed environment
conda activate MyEnvName

For documentation about Conda usage, I suggest you to have a look at the official documentation.

Python3 scripts


Here is a list of homemade libraries:

  • provides generic functions that can be used in my other scripts

Scripts for parsing

Here is a list of scripts used for different task. Note that the library cited above is mandatory for some of them!

  • take a NCBI taxid as input and outputs the full taxonomy. Several options are available. Uses the ETE3 toolkit.
  • return some basic statistics for an assembly
  • extract a list of PFam profiles from the IDs.
  • reformat the amino-acid identity (AAI) results obtained by comparem aai_wf, as the table is not very easy to understand...
  • get the proportion of gaps for each sequence in an alignment file, Fasta format


Run a workflow

In general, to run a SnakeMake workflow, use:

conda activate snakemake

snakemake -s ~/bioinfoscripts/snakefiles/phylosift_run.smk  --config samples=samples.tsv outdir=result/00_test_pipeline

A list of interesting parameters:

  • --dry-run, to test the behavior
  • -c, --cores, the number of threads that SnakeMake can use. The workflow is distributed on this number of cores
  • --config param=value, to pass expected parameters

The list of wokflows

A list of SnakeMake scripts

  • snakefiles/phylosift_run.smk: run PhyloSift on a genome. This workflow requires an input: a tab-separated file with 2 columns, with the genome identifier {tab} path/to/sequence/file.fa, without column names. And pass this information to the script with --config samples=/path/to/my_samples.tsv. It is also possible to give an output directory with --config outdir=path/to/dir. The number of thread to run PhyloSift can be customised too, through --config thread={int}.


Gererate URL to share files stored in S3

Here is the procedure to generate a temporary URL to download a single file stored in a S3 bucket:

# Generate the link, replace 'http' by 'https'
s3cmd signurl S3://BUCKET/path/MyFile `date -d 'now + 7 days' +%s` | \
    sed 's/http:/https:/g'

# Download with wget OR curl
wget -O MyFile URL
curl -o MyFile URL

A full example:

# Get the list of files; 'microstore' is an alias to my S3 storage name
rclone ls microstore:for_data_sharing/ | cut -f 2 -d " " | \
    awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print "for_data_sharing/" $0 "\t" $3}' \

# Generate the links
while read file name
    s3cmd signurl S3://$file `date -d 'now + 7 days' +%s` | \
        sed 's/http:/https:/g' | awk -v file=$file -v name=$name \
        'BEGIN{}{print file "\t" name "\t" $0}' \
    sleep 1
done < metaplasmidomes_files.tsv

# Download
while read file name url
    ## Uncomment the line with your preferred tool
    # wget -O $name $url
    # curl -o $name $url
    sleep 2 # because it always better to let server rest for some seconds
done < metaplasmidomes_files_urls.tsv

Usage, Share and Contibutions

All resources available in this repository are released under the GNU General Public License v2.0, see LICENCE for more details.

Any contribution is welcome!


Damien's scripts for every- and anything







No releases published
