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Startup with Media Cloud AI


To install the MediaCloudAI stack, you will need to first install several third party components. The versions indicated in the documentation are the version tested to be compatible. Older versions might be compatible but have not been tested.

If you want to use storage services, you will need to install openssl too.


Docker Compose


  • yq 4.20+

Quick start

First launch the setup script:


To quickly start locally the plateform this is very easy:

make up

This command will launch all needed containers. With default values, the backend UI could be accessed with the url: http://localhost:8080

To stop the plateform without removing containers:

make stop

If you want to stop the plateform and remove containers:

make clean

Adding new workers

The workers can be specified in two files : opensource.workers.yml and private.workers.yml. The structure is depicted as an example in opensource.workers.yml. The available keywords are (* if mandatory):

  • name* for the worker name. The job queue in RabbitMQ will be constructed after this name, namely by job_${NAME}.
  • image* for the image name or build* for a path containing a Dockerfile.
  • count* for the number of workers to be created.
  • environment to specify custom environment variables.
  • vault to specify whether the worker needs to retrieve secrets for secret backend (Backend or Vault).
  • gpu to specify whether the container needs to change runtime to nvidia.

Start Workers On-Demand

By default, all workers are started. But there's a way to start only wanted workers. In .env.workers file there's an environment variable which list all workers to start: WORKERS_TO_START.

WARNING: If all workers are already started, you must stop them before regenerate the docker-compose file using make workers-stop.

EFK stack for monitoring

In order to perform an applicative monitoring (viz. save and access the logs of the docker containers), an EFK (Elasticsearch-Fluentd-Kibana) stack is used. A complete description on it is placed in monitoring folder. A Grafana instance is also instanciated as well as a Prometheus server.

Vault for keeping your secrets safe

In order to centralise your secrets, a Vault instance is used. A complete description of Vault and its usage is placed in vault folder.

Enabling/Disabling of features

It is possible to enable or disable features via the .env.* files :

  • The EFK stack for monitoring is bound to the EFK=true|false environment variable in .env.
  • The logging level of the workers is bound to the LOG_LEVEL=info|warn|error|debug environment variable in .env.workers.


### Configuration

Now, you must update your /etc/hosts file by adding the following domains with their respectives docker's IP (make ip to show containers's IPs):


### URLs

Namespace Service URL
Backbone RabbitMQ 
Backend Backend
Storage Minio
Storage Nginx VOD
EFK Kibana
Grafana Grafana
Prometheus Prometheus
Vault Vault

Common commands

Commands below will be used for both stacks (backend & workers):

Command Description
make clean stop & remove all containers
make up start containers
make ps show all containers and there status
make stop stop containers
generate-certs generate self-signed TLS certificate for * domain.

Backbone commands

Commands below will be used for only for the backend stack:

Command Description
make backbone-clean stop & remove all containers
make backbone-up start containers
make backbone-ps show all containers and there status
make backbone-stop stop containers

Backend commands

Commands below will be used for only for the backend stack:

Command Description
make backend-clean stop & remove all containers
make backend-up start containers
make backend-ps show all containers and their status
make backend-stop stop containers

Workers commands

Commands below will be used for only for the workers stack:

Command Description
make workers-clean stop & remove all containers
make workers-up start containers
make workers-ps show all containers and their status
make workers-stop stop containers

Storage commands

Commands below will be used for only for the storage stack:

Command Description
make storage-clean stop & remove all containers
make storage-up start containers
make storage-ps show all containers and their status
make storage-stop stop containers



In order to allow the workers to access the storage endpoints, here are the default credential values that should be set into the backend interface (see the file content to get the MINIO_ACCESS_KEY, MINIO_SECRET_KEY, FTP_ACCESS_USER and FTP_ACCESS_PASSWORD values to set):

  • S3_SECRET: {"type":"s3","hostname":"http://minio:9000","access_key_id":"mediacloudai","secret_access_key":"mediacloudai","bucket":"bucket","region":"us-east-1"}
  • HTTP_SECRET: {"type":"http","endpoint":"http://http_nginx"}
  • FTP_SECRET: {"type":"ftp","hostname":"ftp_vsftpd","port":21,"secure":false,"username":"mediacloudai","password":"mEd1aCl0uda1","prefix":"/data"}

Vault commands

Commands below will be used for only for the vault stack:

Command Description
make vault-clean stop & remove all containers
make vault-up start containers
make vault-ps show all containers and their status
make vault-stop stop containers


IP address conflict

In case of IP address conflict, you need to add ipam configuration to three docker-compose:

  • In backbone/docker-compose.yml in networks.backbone:
  - subnet:
  • In backend/docker-compose.yml.tpl in networks.backend:
  - subnet:
  • In workers/docker-compose.yml.tpl in networks.workers:
  - subnet:


Docker compose to startup project locally







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