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prepare data for 1.C vizs #16 #21
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robindemourat committed Jun 1, 2023
1 parent fda8a99 commit 86ae19f
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions datascripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
from collections import Counter
import requests
from itertools import groupby
import csv
from pprint import pprint

toflit_output_path = "../public/data/origins_for_marseille_exports.csv"
navigo_output_path = "../public/data/navigation_frlevant_to_marseille.csv"

def get_online_csv(url):
results = []
with requests.Session() as s:
download = s.get(url)
decoded_content = download.content.decode('utf-8')
reader = csv.DictReader(decoded_content.splitlines(), delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
return results

arriere_pays = ["Corse", "Provence", "Languedoc", "Roussillon"]

pointcalls_observations_Marseille = []
with open('../data/navigo_all_pointcalls.csv', newline='', encoding='utf8') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
if row['date_fixed'].split('-')[0] == '1789' \
and row['pointcall_function'] == "O" \
and (row["source_suite"] == "Registre du petit cabotage (1786-1787)" \
or row["source_suite"] == "la Santé registre de patentes de Marseille") \
and row['net_route_marker'] != "Q":
# and row['toponyme_fr'] == 'Marseille' \
pointcalls_before_Marseille = []
with open('../data/navigo_all_pointcalls.csv', newline='', encoding='utf8') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
if row['date_fixed'].split('-')[0] == '1789' \
and (row["source_suite"] == "Registre du petit cabotage (1786-1787)" \
or row["source_suite"] == "la Santé registre de patentes de Marseille") \
and row['net_route_marker'] != "Q":
# and row['toponyme_fr'] == 'Marseille' \

# possible todo if we want to simplify number of port objects : join corse and roussillon
# toponyme_counter_corse = Counter([point["toponyme_fr"] for point in pointcalls_before_Marseille if point["pointcall_province"] == "Corse"])
# toponyme_counter_roussillon = Counter([point["toponyme_fr"] for point in pointcalls_before_Marseille if point["pointcall_province"] == "Roussillon"])

rank_Marseille = {}
for row in pointcalls_observations_Marseille:
rank_Marseille[row["source_doc_id"]] = row["pointcall_rank_dedieu"]
ranks_smaller_than_Marseille = []
for row in pointcalls_before_Marseille:
if row["source_doc_id"] in rank_Marseille:
max_rank = rank_Marseille[row["source_doc_id"]]
if row["pointcall_rank_dedieu"] < max_rank:

departures = {}
for p in ranks_smaller_than_Marseille:
port = p["toponyme_fr"]
id = p["pointcall_uhgs_id"]
province = p["pointcall_province"]
if province in arriere_pays:
if id not in departures:
departures[id] = {
"count_to_marseille": 0,
"latitude": p["latitude"],
"longitude": p["longitude"],
"province": province,
"port": port
departures[id]["count_to_marseille"] += 1
#sorties_g5 = ''
#1er mars : Mise à jour du fichier avec ajaccio : 110 sorties en 1789 qui sortiront de Corse
sorties_g5 = ''
sorties_g5 = get_online_csv(sorties_g5)

g5_map = {}
for p in sorties_g5:
if p["annee"] == "1789":
id = p["uhgs_id"]
port = p["toponyme_standard_fr"]
count = p["nb_conges_cr"]
g5_map[id] = {
"port": port,
"count": count

for id in departures.keys():
if id in g5_map:
count_total = g5_map[id]["count"]
departures[id]["count_total"] = count_total
departures[id]["ratio_to_marseille"] = int(departures[id]["count_to_marseille"]) / int(count_total)

with open(navigo_output_path, 'w') as f2:
data = [val for val in departures.values()]
w = csv.DictWriter(f2, fieldnames=data[0])


with open('../data/toflit18_all_flows.csv', 'r') as f1:
r = csv.DictReader(f1)
local = Counter({})
national = Counter({})
for row in r:
origin = row['origin_province'] or 'inconnue'
value = float(row['value'] or 0)
if row['year'] == "1789" and \
row['export_import'] == 'Exports':
if row['best_guess_region_prodxpart'] == '1' and \
row['partner_simplification'] == "Marseille" and \
row['customs_region'] != 'Marseille' \
local.update({origin: value})
if row['best_guess_region_prodxpart'] == '1' \
national.update({origin: value})
data = [{"origin": origin, "value": value, "scope": "Marseille"} for origin, value in local.items()] + [{"origin": origin, "value": value, "scope": "France"} for origin, value in national.items()]
with open(toflit_output_path, 'w') as f2:
w = csv.DictWriter(f2, fieldnames=['origin', 'value', 'scope'])

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