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A jquery plugin to display hNews information on a page in a popup box

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hNews popup widget

Written by Ben Campbell at the Media Standards Trust

Source code at:


hnews_popup is a jquery plugin to provide a little popup box for pages
containing hNews markup. hNews is a draft microformat for marking up news
articles (or blogs), and is defined at

The general idea is that you'd have some little "hNews" badge on the page
(eg a little hNews logo image) and when the user hovers over it a box will
popup which summarises the hNews data present in the article).

Basic usage

Inside  your <head> section, in additon to jquery, you need to include
"Microformats.js" and "hnews_popup.js". You'll probably also want to
include the default "hnews_popup.css" file (or provide your own
styling - covered later). eg:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js" ></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="hnews_popup.js" ></script>
  <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7" src="Microformats.js" ></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="hnews_popup.css" />

Note: "Microformats.js" requires feature which were introduced in javascript
1.7. Some browsers (eg firefox) only enable these features if you ask for
them, it, hence the ";version=1.7" in the type attribute.

To attach the popup behaviour to an element in the page:

(where '#someelementid' is the id of the element you want to attach the popup
behaviour to.

For example, using the standard jquery $.ready() mechanism, your <head> section
might have something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {

And somewhere else on the article page, you'd have:

  <img id="hnews-badge" alt="this article has hNews" src="hnews_icon.png"/>


Like most jquery plugins, hnews_popup() can take an "options" parameter.
For most cases the default settings should be find, so you can omit the
options parameter altogether.

The available options are:

  a function which returns a string of html to use to generate the
  heading of the popup box

  a function which returns html for the foot of the box

  a function to generate html to display one 'thing' of the hNews data
  (where a 'thing' might be a title, an author, a license... whatever)
  The function is passed parameters (label,content), where 'label' is
  a human-readable label of the hNews field to display, and 'content'
  is the value of the display. Both might be little html snippets.

  Determines which parser to use. must be  either "kaply" or
  "". See "Notes" below for more information.

  For the itchanged parser only, this determines the url of the page
  to parse. By default it will be the current page, but this can be 
  used to build popups which display hNews data on _other_ pages.


The default styling is determined by "hnews_popup.css" and by the
"head_fn", "row_fn" and "foot_fn" options passed into hnews_popup().

The default functions display the hNews data using a table. But this
not hard coded, so you can use whatever html you like.

If you want to customise the look and feel, probably the best thing is
to examine the default versions of the options in hnews_popup.js and
the styles in hnews_popup.css, then build your own replacements.


hnews_popup has two hNews parsers available to it. One is to use

  1. Microformats.js - this the parser written by Mike Kaply for the
     Operator Firefox plugin. I think this is now the official
     microformat parser incorporated into Firefox.
     The version shipped with hnews_popup is currently modified to
     add hNews support, but hopefully the changes can be incorporated
     into the "official" one some time...

  2. Using This site (also developed by the Media
     Standards Trust) has an API which will parse a given URL for
     hNews markup and return the results as json.
     One benefit is that the existance of your hNews article will be
     recorded as such by and potentially advertised to
     a larger audience. Also, could potentially return
     extra information about the article from other sources (for
     example if the author(s) have pages on, links
     could be displayed in the popup)
     The downside to using is that the plugin uses the
     "jsonp" technique (, which
     could be considered a security concern.


- the parser still needs a little work
- Should hnews_popup.js contain it's own copy of Microformats.js?
- Should the plugin file have a jquery prefix? eg "jquery.hnews_popup.js"
- Is the javascript1.7 requirement a problem? We could probably alter
  Microformats.js to run on 1.6, but it seems a shame to diverge from the
  one in Operator and Firefox...
- is the reliance on jquery an issue? Do we need a non-jquery version?
- TODO: when using the parser, the popup should display
  a placeholder "loading" spinner until the ajax call returns with the
  parsed data.

Full example

A basic example of an hNews-marked-up page using hnews_popup:

            <title>Bare-bones hNews popup example</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../hnews_popup.css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery-1.4.2.js" ></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../hnews_popup.js" ></script>
            <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7" src="../Microformats.js" ></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">
              $(document).ready(function() {

            <div class="hnews hentry">
              <h2 class="entry-title">Headline Headhghg</h2>
              by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">Fred Bloggs</span></span>
              for <span class="source-org vcard"><span class="org fn">The Daily Example</span></span>
              Published: <abbr class="published" title="2010-01-25T11:44:00Z">25/1/2010 11:44am</abbr>
              Last updated: <abbr class="updated" title="2010-02-13T13:25:00Z">13/2/2010 1:25pm</abbr>
              dateline: <span class="dateline">TestTown</span>
              <div class="entry-content">
                <p>Very interesting text goes here.</p>
                <p>blah blah blah blah blah blah</p>
                <p>blah blah blah blah blah blah</p>
                <p>blah blah blah blah blah blah</p>
                <p>blah blah blah blah blah blah</p>
              This article:
                  <!-- here's where we'll attach our popup widget -->
                  uses hNews <img id="hnews-badge" alt="this article has hNews" src="../hnews_icon.png" style="border:none; padding: 0px;"/>
                  is licensed under the
                    <a rel="item-license" href="">
                      Creative Commons attribution 3.0 license
                  adheres to the 
                  <a rel="principles" href="">PCC code of practice</a>
            </div>  <!-- end of hnews article -->


A jquery plugin to display hNews information on a page in a popup box






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