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Releases: meedan/check


23 Dec 22:04
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  • Upgrade of Gems on CheckAPI: the gems should be installed during docker-compose up build
  • Search items in the trash and in unconfirmed items
    • PublicTeam and Team type: added the GraphQL field unconfirmed_count of type Int to count the team unconfirmed items
    • Team type: added field check_search_unconfirmed of type CheckSearch
  • ➕ Add a migration to create the fields smooch_request_type and smooch_request_id to smooch annotations. The migrations should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • Sort by comment_count, reaction_count, related_count and suggestions_count
    • ➕ New migration to add mapping for these 4 new sort options. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • ➕ New task for indexing the fields comment_count, reaction_count, related_count and suggestions_count. To run the task: check:migrate:index_new_columns_2
  • ➕ New task to remove related ProjectMediaProjects for Trashed/Unconfirmed items. To run the task: check:migrate:remove_pmp_from_trashed_unconfirmed_items


23 Dec 01:49
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  • Changes to support better the new feature related to image and text confirmed similarity / suggested similar / related items:
    • ➖ GraphQL types removed: RelationshipsType, RelationshipsSourceType, RelationshipsTargetType
    • ProjectMedia type: removed the GraphQL fields relationship, relationships, secondary_items
    • ProjectMedia type: added the GraphQL fields suggested_main_item, suggested_similar_relationships, suggested_similar_items_count, confirmed_similar_relationships, confirmed_similar_items_count, is_confirmed_similar_to_another_item, confirmed_main_item, default_relationships and default_relationships_count
    • ➕ Relationship mutations: added the GraphQL fields relationship_source_type and relationship_target_type
    • Relationship type: removed GraphQL field current_id
    • ➕ Three new migrations were added to support the changes. The migrations should run very fast during docker-compose up
      • Add new column weight on relationships table to store how similar the images / texts are
      • Add index to column relationship_type of table relationships
      • Convert Alegre Relationships on database to confirmable or suggestables
    • ➕ New task for indexing relationships for searches. To run the task: check:migrate:reindex_relationships
  • Refactor archived field to be integer instead of boolean. The value returned on archived field can be 0 (NONE/not archived), 1 (TRASHED/deleted) or 2 (UNCONFIRMED/flagged)
    • ➕ New migration to convert the column archived to integer on tables teams, projects, project_medias, sources. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • ➕ New task for updating the archived changes from versions table. To run the task: check:migrate:update_archived_logs
  • Pender uses the Facebook API to get sharing metrics of some URLs. Pender now accepts any number of Facebook APP IDs and it tries the first credential and if the API limit is reached, Pender will try to get the metrics with the next app credentials.
    • New configuration format facebook_app: 'fb_app_id_1:fb_app_secret_1;fb_app_id_2:fb_app_secret_2'


22 Dec 23:44
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This release includes more search options:

  • Search by assignments: the filter should match the items directly assigned to the users listed on search
    • ➕ New migration to add mapping for assignment search. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • ➕ New task for indexing assignments. To run the task: check:migrate:reindex_assignments
  • Search by report status, tags and social media post publication date
    • ➕ New migration to add mapping for these 3 new search options. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • ➕ New task for indexing the fields report_status, media_published_at and tags_as_sentence. To run the task: check:migrate:index_new_columns


22 Dec 01:30
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  • ➕ Add a task to import data for Fato ou Fake and populate in Check by creating items and reports. To run the task: bundle exec rake check:import_from_fato_ou_fake_csv
    • Add the gems bitly and open_uri_redirections to Gemfile as optional. These gems are used on import task
  • ➕ New migrations were added related to SmoochBot. The migrations should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • Add conversation id to smooch fields: this allows us to track how the service is being used
    • Add privacy statement setting to SmoochBot: Smooch Bot setting overwrites default ToS


22 Dec 00:58
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  • Improvements on search: find items that match all or any of the tags listed on GraphQL query
    • ➕ Add to search query the new argument tags_operator that can have the value and or or. Example: query { search(query: "{\"tags\":[\"brazilian\",\"soccer\"],\"tags_operator\":\"and\"}") { medias(first: 1) { edges { node { title }}}}}
  • ➕ New migrations were added to fix the data related to SmoochBot and AlegreBot. The migrations should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • Change SmoochBot settings labels
    • Fix user_id for relationships created by AlegreBot
    • Remove TOS settings from SmoochBotWorkflow


21 Dec 18:53
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  • Users are now able to choose which columns to display in the list view. The changes on GraphQL to support this feature:
    • ➕ New field list_columns for Team mutations, of type JSON: allows a workspace to set the custom list columns, as an array of column identifiers
    • ➕ New field list_columns_values for ProjectMediaType of type JSON: returns a hash where the key is a list column identifier and the value is the cached value for that column
    • ➕ New field list_columns for TeamType of type JSON: returns the list columns (selected and available) for a given workspace
  • Improvement on search: search for metadata fields with any/no value and tasks with any/no answer. New tasks were added to allow the search within the existing data:
    • ➕ New task for indexing team tasks of type single/multiple choices and free text with and without answers. To run the task: check:migrate:migrate_task_responses
    • ➕ New task for indexing analysis_title and analysis_description fields from reports. To run the task: check:migrate:migrate_keyword_fields
    • ➕ New task for indexing the task comments. To run the task: check:migrate:migrate_task_comments


10 Nov 15:54
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  • Metadata and tasks annotations now support more file formats. The changes on CheckAPI:
    • ♻️ Added a new GraphQL field file_data to replace the removed field image_data from Annotation types (Dynamic, Comment, Tag, Flag, Task)
    • ➕ Added two new fields of type String on About GraphQL type:
      • file_max_size: returns the maximum file upload size
      • file_extensions: returns the allowed file types
    • ➕ Added a new migration to convert existing image_upload metadata fields and tasks to file_upload fields. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • ➕ A new migration was added to reindex project medias with Link media type. The reindex is needed because items now can be filtered by published date, the value parsed from the link page. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • OpenAPI 3.x support by replacing swagger-docs (which is still stuck on Swagger 1.x) with Rswag on Pender. Swagger UI URL is now at


04 Nov 00:09
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This release started the integration between Check and CrowdTangle API to parse and get metrics from Facebook and Instagram posts.

To support the integration two new keys were added to Pender configuration file (config/config.yml). If the keys are missing or invalid, Check will parse the page as fallback

  • crowdtangle_facebook_token: get the data from Facebook posts
  • crowdtangle_instagram_token: : get the data from Instagram posts


28 Oct 14:03
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This note describes the latest changes on GraphQL API and changes on database.

  • Users need a visual confirmation that a report has been delivered successful to users. There was some changes on GraphQL to support this feature
    • GraphQL changes:
      • Dynamic type has a new field sent_count of type Integer. If the annotation type is report_design the field returns how many times a report was received by unique users
      • Version type has two new fields for versions related to annotations of type smooch:
        • ➕ Field smooch_report_received_at of type Integer. The field returns a timestamp of when a report related to that request was received by the user
        • ➕ Field smooch_report_update_received_at of type Integer. The field returns a timestamp of when an updated report related to that request was received by the user
    • ➕ Change on database: new migration to add field smooch_report_received added to annotations of type smooch. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • Search filters improvements:
    • ➕ Added a new task to add Elasticsearch mapping for search filters and migrate existing data. To run the task: rake check:migrate:migrate_task_responses
  • Default bots on Bot Garden
    • ➕ New migration was added to include the column default to bots table which will have a boolean value. The bots with true on default column are installed automatically when a workspace is created (currently, the language bot). The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • Refactored tipline resources and requests to track and generate metrics about resources deliveries. Two migrations were added and they should run very fast during docker-compose up
    • ➕ New migration to create the table bot_resources that references the team table.
    • ➕ New migration to update the Smooch bot installations. The migration iterates through Smooch Bot installations to store bot resources


20 Oct 17:10
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This note describes the latest changes on API and changes on database.

Changes related to the new feature for the Smooch Bot workflow:

  • TeamBotInstallation type has a new field smooch_bot_preview_rss_feed and receives as arguments a rss_feed_url and number_of_articles. If the bot is a "Smooch Bot" and the user has the right permission, it returns that number of RSS items formatted in the same way that the Smooch Bot would do when generating a resource to be sent to a tipline user
  • ➕ Added two new migrations that should run very fast during docker-compose up:
    • Migration to update the Smooch Bot JSON Schema with the resources array and add a new menu option of type custom_resource
    • Migration to create the feed job for Smooch Bot