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Releases: meedan/check


09 Oct 14:55
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This note describes the latest changes on API and changes on database.

  • Configure Slack notifications per list:
    • updateProject mutation now accepts a slack_events string field. It allows projects to send notifications related to item creation to different channels (example of value to send on mutation: '[{ "event": "item_added", "slack_channel": "#channel-name" }]')
    • Project type have a new field get_slack_events that returns the setting above, as a JSON object
  • Version type: added a new field smooch_user_external_identifier. For versions related to smooch annotations, the field returns the external identifier (phone number or Twitter handle) of the Smooch user related to the smooch annotation
  • Add message to assignment (list and item) e-mail
    • ➕ Added a new migration to add column message to assignments table. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
    • updateProject and updateDynamic mutations: added the field assignment_message to set the message attribute for the project assignment or annotation assignment
  • ➖ was removed from Keep Bot options. A task was added to remove the option from existing Keep Bot intallations and to delete the fields and versions related to its responses. To run the task: rake check:migrate:remove_archive_is_archiver


28 Sep 17:59
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This release include changes on GraphQL types and queries, on database and on a task.

Tasks now can be configured to appear or not in the Check browser extension:

  • ➕ Added a new migration to add column show_in_browser_extension to team_tasks table. The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up
  • TeamTask GraphQL mutations accept a show_in_browser_extension boolean field
  • TeamTask and Task GraphQL types have a new boolean field show_in_browser_extension

There was also improvements on task to fix projects ids on elasticsearch. To run the task: rake check:migrate:fix_elastic_search_project_ids


25 Sep 16:48
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This note describes the latest changes on API and changes on database

  • New media type:
    • ➕ Added a Blank media: this media type doesn't have url, quote or file
    • ➕ Added the mutation replaceProjectMedia: it allows a ProjectMedia that is related to a Blank media to be replaced by another ProjectMedia. The report_design and verification_status annotations related to the former are moved and overwrite the ones from the latter
  • Explicitly set "analysis" information for an item. This structure will be responsible for storing the fact-checking information
    • ➕ New analysis fields were added to verification_status annotation. The fields should store the analysis information
      • title: customized title for the item. If present, it is displayed on searches, list view, Slack notifications and reports instead of the original title
      • content: customized description for the item. If present, it is displayed on searches, list view, Slack notifications and reports instead of the original description
      • published_article_url: the published article URL of the item being analyzed
      • date_published: the date the content was published
      • external_id: for analysis imported from other source with Fetch, it stores its original ID
      • raw: for analysis imported from other source with Fetch, it stores the raw information
    • ➕ Changes on database to support the changes. The migrations should run very fast during docker-compose up
      • Migration to add the new fields to verification_status annotation
      • Migration to remove the DynamicAnnotation::AnnotationType with annotation_type: fetch
    • ➕ New task to convert analysis structure. To run the task: rake check:migrate:convert_analysis
      • Delete metadata annotations and metadata_value fields. The information is migrated to the new fields on verification_status annotation
      • Delete analysis annotations and analysis_text fields. The information is migrated to the new fields on verification_status annotation
    • ➖ GraphQL fields removed from ProjectMedia: metadata and overridden. The fields were replaced by the new fields on verification_status annotation


11 Sep 02:38
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This release includes improvements on development and test environments.

Changes ♻️

  • The MinIO buckets created by Pender to save the URLs information and images are now public. This change makes possible to see the item picture on list page when running Check locally.
  • Removed the gems sauce_whisk and rubyzip from CheckWeb. They were no longer being used when running integration tests.
  • Test files refactoration on CheckWeb. Some helper methods were created to avoid repetition and simplify the creation of tests. Please check the file test/spec/app_spec_helpers.rb to see the the helper methods.


05 Sep 13:56
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This release includes a change on database.

Changes ♻️

A new migration was included to add new fields title and date to report_design annotation type schema.
The migration should run very fast during docker-compose up.


28 Aug 12:00
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This note describes the latest changes on API.

Changes ♻️

Existing queries were changed or removed and some arguments and fields were included to support the new concept of field sets, where a set is a container for an ordered list of fields (a.k.a. tasks):

  • createTeamTask, updateTeamTask, createTask and updateTask mutations: added fieldset attribute of string type
  • TeamTask and Task types: added fieldset attribute which is a text name to group fields
  • ProjectMedia type: the tasks connection now accepts an optional fieldset argument to return only the tasks with the defined fieldset
  • Team type: the team_tasks connection now accepts an optional fieldset argument to return only the team tasks with the defined fieldset
  • Team type: added get_fieldsets JSON field that returns the fieldsets configured for that team
  • ♻️ Replacing tasks ordering mutations
    • moveTaskUp, moveTaskDown, moveTeamTaskUp and moveTeamTaskDown mutations: change the order of tasks and team tasks
    • taskOrder mutation was removed. Please use the mutations above to order the fields.


20 Aug 17:58
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This release includes a change on local test environment.

Changes ♻️

Automated integration tests run with the latest Google Chrome version


13 Aug 01:48
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This note describes the latest changes on API and local development environment.

New ⭐

New type and mutations related to the new feature read/unread items:

  • ProjectMediaUser: a mapping between users and project medias. This type has the boolean field read to identify when a project media is read by a user
  • createProjectMediaUser, updateProjectMediaUser and destroyProjectMediaUser: create, update and destroy the mapping between users and project medias

Changes ♻️

  • About type: audio files are now supported and two new fields were added to show details of it:
    • audio_max_size: returns the maximum audio upload size. Currently audios larger than 20.97 MB are not supported
    • audio_extensions returns the allowed audio types. Currently the supported types are mp3, wav and ogg
  • Annotations can return the version created as a result of any action (create, update, delete):
    • ♻️ createComment, updateComment and destroyComment mutations: renamed the payload fields comment_version and comment_versionEdge to version and versionEdge, respectively
    • ♻️ createTask, updateTask and destroyTask mutations: renamed the payload fields first_response_version and first_response_versionEdge to version and versionEdge, respectively
    • createDynamic, updateDynamic and destroyDynamic mutations: added the payload field version
  • ProjectMedia type: included the field is_read. This field is true when the item has already been opened
    • If the argument by_me is sent to the field is_read, it shows if the item was read by the user that made the request
  • ➕ Set the team slug to allow requests in the context of the team
    • for GraphiQL page: added a new field "Team Slug" in the top of the page
    • for API endpoint: using command line or external app, use:


13 Aug 01:34
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This note describes the latest changes on API and local development environment.

New ⭐

New mutations were added to this release. Most of them related to bulk operations:

  • deleteTeamStatus: delete a team status and change existing items to another status
  • updateProjectMediaProject: update the relation between a project media and a project
  • Bulk operations:
    • updateProjectMedias: send or restore trashed project medias
    • createProjectMediaProjects: add project medias to lists
    • updateProjectMediaProjects: move project medias from one list to another
    • destroyProjectMediaProjects: remove project medias from a list

Changes ♻️

Existing queries were changed, some arguments and fields were included or removed:

  • Team type: included two new arguments on field verification_statuses
    • items_count: when true, get the number of items that are marked with each team status
    • published_reports_count: when true is sent, get the number of reports published with each team status
  • User type: included the argument status on field team_users to filter only the team associations that have the specific status
  • ProjectMedia type: removed field verification_statuses. Please get it from Team type
  • PublicTeam type: removed field verification_statuses. Please get it from Team type
  • updateProjectMedia and destroyProjectMedia: these mutations now are exclusive for single operations with project medias
    • removed argument ids and payload field affectedIds
  • createTags mutation: removed payload field enqueued. The mutation now is executed in foreground
  • ⬆️ Upgraded PostgreSQL database to version 11: users that are running Check locally should follow these instructions to upgrade the database: