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/ watchbot Public archive

A service to watch media links and report on their status

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Subsystem that continuously monitors web links to verify certain conditions and states.

The architecture is a self-contained system that receives links from clients and monitors those links on behalf of those clients. The monitoring activity is scheduled by the Watchbot according to a configured schedule. The act of monitoring consists of verifying certain conditions (such as checking for HTTP 404 on a link) and notifying the client via a web hook in case the condition is true. Some conditions are general to all links, while other only apply to certain links (e.g. based on their host).



404 Checker

This checker verifies if the link is still online or not. It returns true if the HTTP response for the link is on the 400 range.

Google Spreadsheet Updated Checker

This checker verifies if a Google Spreadsheet was updated or not. This is done based on a MD5 hash of the its rows. If the hash changes within 30 seconds, it's because probably someone is still editing the spreadsheet, so on this case it returns false.

Facebook Likes & Shares

This checker verifies the number of likes and shares of a Facebook post, using Facebook Graph API. Returns false if the numbers haven't changed since the last check or if it was not possible to connect to Facebook API. Returns a hash { :likes, :shares } otherwise.

Twitter Favorites & Retweets (API)

This checker verifies the number of favorites (likes) and retweets (shares) of a tweet, using Twitter REST API. Returns false if the numbers haven't changed since the last check or if it was not possible to connect to Twitter API. Returns a hash { :likes, :shares } otherwise.

Twitter Favorites & Retweets (HTML)

This checker verifies the number of favorites (likes) and retweets (shares) of a tweet, by scraping the HTML page of the tweet. Returns false if the numbers haven't changed since the last check or if it was not possible to parse the HTML page. Returns a hash { :likes, :shares } otherwise.

How to write your own checker

In order to write a new checker, you just need to:

  1. Add the new condition to the conditions property in your configuration file
  2. Write a new method with your condition name under the module LinkCheckers (this method should return false in order to not notify the client or any other thing, which will be notified to the client, and can write/read link data on its data attribute, which is a hash)

How to communicate with the Watchbot

The client communicates with the Watchbot via a REST interface:

  • Add a link: POST /links {"url":"link"} which returns {"type":"success"} in case of success or {"type":"error","data":{"message":"Error message","code":"error code"}} otherwise.

  • Add many links: POST /links/bulk {"url1":"link1","url2","link2","url3","link3",...,"urln":"linkn"} which returns {"type":"success"} in case of success with a message that says how many items were created successfully and how many items failed.

  • Remove a link: DELETE /links/:link which returns {"type":"success"} in case of success or {"type":"error","data":{"message":"Error message","code":"error code"}} otherwise.

  • Remove many links: DELETE /links/bulk {"url1":"link1","url2","link2","url3","link3",...,"urln":"linkn"} which returns {"type":"success"} in case of success

Check the script at scripts/ to see how these endpoints can be called.

When a condition is verified, the client is notified through a webhook. An example simple client written in Sinatra can be found at scripts/sinatra.rb, which runs by default at http://localhost:4567 and has a /payload API enpoint to receive the notifications from the Watchbot. It's necessary to setup a secret_token on both client and server in order to verify the communication.

The example client webhook can be run by: SECRET_TOKEN=mysecrettoken ruby scripts/sinatra.rb

When notified, it will print something like this on its log:

JSON received: {"link"=>"", "condition"=>{}, "timestamp"=>1427390618, "data"=>{}} - - [26/Mar/2015 14:23:38] "POST /payload HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.0075

In case of an invalid secret token, it will just return an error 500: - - [26/Mar/2015 14:21:42] "POST /payload HTTP/1.1" 500 24 0.0061


The Watchbot is configured with the following options (at config/applications/<environment>/application.yml):

  # A callback URL on the client to notify of a condition being met on a certain link. The endpoint signature is as follows:
  # POST :callback_url { 
  #   link: original link for which condition was met,
  #   condition: the name of the condition that was verified,
  #   timestamp: the time at which the condition was verified
  #   data: an object with any information returned by the checker
  # }
  # The HTTP header X-Watchbot-Signature is set to a hash signature of the post body. 
  # The :secret_token configuration is used to compute the signature.
  # Refer to [^] for implementation details
  callback_url: http://localhost:4567/payload
  secret_token: mysecrettoken
schedule: [
  # Schedule of verifying conditions.
  # For each action, the conditions are verified every first :interval, until the time elapsed exceeds :to. 
  # At this point, the schedule moves to the next :interval, until the time elapsed exceeds the second :to, and so on.
  # If the last entry only contains :interval, the conditions will continue to be verified forever at that interval.
  { to: 172800, interval: '*/5 * * * *' }, # 2 days old - check every 5 minutes
  { to: 604800, interval: '0 * * * *' },   # 7 days old - check every hour
  { interval: '0 3 * * *' }                # More than 7 days old - check once a day
conditions: [
  # Conditions to verify.
  # Each condition verification is applied to each link that matches :linkRegex.
  # :condition(:link) -> :boolean is a function that returns true when the condition applies, false when it doesn't apply.
  # If the condition applies and :removeIfApplies is true, then the link should be removed from the database.
    linkRegex: '^https?:\/\/(www\.)?(twitter|instagram)\.com\/',
    condition: check404,
    removeIfApplies: true
    linkRegex: '^https?:\/\/docs\.google\.com\/',
    condition: check_google_spreadsheet_updated,
    removeIfApplies: false
  # Other settings required by checkers go here...


  • Copy config/mongoid.yml.example to config/mongoid.yml and configure your database
  • Copy config/sidekiq.yml.example to config/sidekiq.yml and configure Sidekiq
  • Copy config/initializers/errbit.rb.example to config/initializers/errbit.rb and configure Errbit
  • Create the applications on config/applications/<environment> (check examples under config/applications/example)
  • Install the gems: bundle install
  • Start the server
  • Start Sidekiq: bundle exec sidekiq -d (you can monitor Sidekiq by going to http://watchbot-server/sidekiq)

Administrative tasks

There are some rake tasks to perform administrative actions. For example:

  • rake watchbot:api_keys:delete_expired: Remove expired keys from the database
  • rake watchbot:api_keys:create application=<application name>: Create a new API key for the application

Automated tests

Run the test suite and coverage by calling rake test:coverage.


Provided by Swagger. You can access it by going to http://watchbot-server/api and you can update it by running rake swagger:docs.