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Github flow workshop. Slides

Install git

If you don't have git on your machine, install it.

Become a collaborator in this repository

Come over to me to add you as a collaborator of this repository.

Part I - Github flow

Clone the repository

clone this repository

Now clone the repository to your machine. Go to your GitHub account, open the repository, click on the clone button and then click the copy to clipboard icon.

Open a terminal and run the following git command:

git clone "url you just copied"

where "url you just copied" (without the quote marks) is the url to this repository (your fork of this project). See the previous steps to obtain the url.

copy URL to clipboard

Create a branch

Change to the repository directory on your computer (if you are not already there):

cd github-workshop

Now create a branch using the git checkout command:

git checkout -b <add-your-new-branch-name>

The branch will be to edit the file in this repository and add your tips. So name it something relevant, including your name so that it is not the same with the rest of the people.

For example:

git checkout -b add-george-tips

Make necessary changes and commit those changes

Now open file in a text editor, and add your tips for writing good commit messages.

If you go to the project directory and execute the command git status, you'll see there are changes.

Add those changes to the branch you just created using the git add command:

git add

Now commit those changes with a nice commit message using the git commit command:

git commit -m "Add HERE your commit message"

replacing the text in "" with your commit message.

Push changes to GitHub

Push your changes using the command git push:

git push origin <add-your-branch-name>

replacing <add-your-branch-name> with the name of the branch you created earlier.

Submit your changes for review

If you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a Compare & pull request button (in Gitlab it is called Merge request) Click on that button.

It should be master at the left and your branch at the right. Sth like master <- your-branch-name

Now submit the pull request.

Get a review

Now exchange reviewes with a person sitting near you. In github you can assign them as a reviewer in your Pull Request or tell them your Pull request number.

Submit a review

Github offers 2 ways of reviewing, either with single comments or with start review that let you add multiple comments that will be visible when selecting the submit review. This way they will show all together. Use the signle comments

Add a review and ask the author to make some change. A review should be respectful and explain the reason that the change is needed, giving context.

Address comments

Address the comments of the review or reply to them explaining your reasoning. If see that the suggested changes make sense, make the changes locally and push the updates. Use a meaningful commit message when addressing the comments eg. Improve wording instead of addressing comments

Where to go from here?

Congrats! You just completed the standard clone -> edit -> PR_ workflow that helps you collaborate and share knowledge with your team!

Part II - Rewrite history

Rewritting history in git is possible. One should be careful not to do that, in any branch that is already shared with somebody else. To be on the safe side do history rewrites before pushing the commits or in another branch.

Get the ugly-history

Start a branch from the ugly-history branch


git checkout <BRANCH_TO_BASE_YOURS>
git checkout -b <NEW_BRANCH>

Look at the commits

Use git log to look at the commit messages

git log -5

Optional things

Tip: to make your git log look more compact like this:

16fed12 [4 minutes ago] (Meili Triantafyllidi) improve commit message tip
5a964a3 [13 minutes ago] (Meili Triantafyllidi) add slides and start part II
13ddeff [14 minutes ago] (Meili Triantafyllidi) add assets
707334e [4 hours ago] (Meili Triantafyllidi) add github workflow part I

you can edit you ``.gitconfig` file which is in you home directory and add this in the format section. Like this:

  pretty = %C(magenta reverse)%h%Creset %Cgreen[%cr]%Creset (%an) %s

Rewrite the last 4 commits

Undo the last 4 commits and split them into two, one adding the file and one the

Before pushing

Imagine that you forgot to add some comment. Add that comment in the code and amend the last commit.

Push and make a Pull request

push your new branch and make a Pull request. Ask for your reviewer to check the commits.


Check how the gitlab workshop is below

[Additional material]

Gitlab workflow


Github flow workshop







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