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sodaCAD is an enterprise level 2-D vector based drafting program used by fashion designers and manufacturers to create and grade patterns used in the apparel industry.


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---- About sodaCAD ----

An open source pattern making CAD suite, with capabilities similar to Optitex, Tukatech, or Gerber’s Accumark.

sodaCAD will support many advanced features such as pattern making, grading, and markers. The user interface will be user friendly for technical designers and pattern makers in the apparel and sewn product industries. sodaCAD is developed in a community-oriented, open environment. Users and developers are invited to contribute.


//The steps below have not yet been tested or updated for sodaCAD.

OS X Users

If you use macports, see below. If you use brew, or neither one, use this section.

Install Homebrew from

gcc --version # you'll need gcc 4.4 or newer. If yours is older:
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew options gcc48
brew install [flags] gcc48
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.8 gcc
ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++-4.8 g++
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-ar-4.8 gcc-ar
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-nm-4.8 gcc-nm
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-ranlib-4.8 gcc-ranlib
source ~/.bashrc
gcc --version # make sure it's 4.8. if it's not, ~/bin might not be on your path

brew install boost muparser qt

# Unzip or checkout a version of LibreCAD into a directory.
cd LibreCAD

This creates an executable "" and package "LibreCAD.dmg".

OS X with MacPorts Users

install macports from

After that install QT and a new gcc, which should version 4.4 or later.

Install a version of Qt, boost and muparser, for example $ sudo port install gcc46 qt4-creator-mac qt4-mac boost muparser

Select the right compiler, as LibreCAD doesn't build with the default llvm-gcc42, $ sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc46

Unzip or checkout a version of LibreCAD into a directory.

cd LibreCAD

This creates an executable "" and package "LibreCAD.dmg".

Users of Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

Make sure you have the Qt version 4 development packages installed by running the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install g++ gcc make git-core libqt4-dev qt4-qmake libqt4-help \
qt4-dev-tools libboost-all-dev libmuparser-dev libfreetype6-dev pkg-config

Alternatively, you make sure you have deb-src lines enabled in your sources.list file, and run,

$ sudo apt-get build-dep librecad

For SVN see also:

For git see also:

Note that you will most likely need to run qmake-qt4 instead of just qmake.

Users of Red Hat and similar distibutions

Install Qt, Boost and muParser development packages for your respective distribution; EPEL( and similar repositories may come handy if your base OS does not include the necessary packages.

As an example, for CentOS 6.4, after adding the EPEL repository,

yum groupinstall 'Desktop Platform Development' 'Development tools'
yum install qt-devel boost-devel muParser-devel

will install the necessary build dependencies.

Note that you will most likely need to run qmake-qt4 instead of just qmake.

FreeBSD users

Make sure you have the following ports installed:

x11-toolkits/qt4-gui devel/qt4-linguist devel/qt4-help-tools graphics/qt4-svg devel/boost-libs math/muparser

LibreCAD requires a C++11-capable compiler to build, Currently this means that one of

lang/gcc47, lang/gcc48, lang/gcc49 or lang/clang33

must be used.

Once these pre-requisites are satisfied, run the provided


See the script itself for some more options. Clang 3.3 does not yet work.

Windows Users

Building steps are also given at our wiki page:

A sample build batch file is included as scripts/build-windows.bat. If successful, this building script generates a Windows installer file using NSIS(

Notes: At this point you will have the following directory structure: C:\muparser\muparser_v2_2_2\ (assuming you are using muparser-2.2.2). If you prefer to keep muParser in other locations, you should specify the directiory location with a file in LibreCAD source folder, for example, the following setting is equivalent to the default muparser path in

MUPARSER_DIR = /muparser/muparser_v2_2_2

  • Start Qt Desktop using "Qt 4.8.4 for Desktop (MinGW)" shortcut.
  • In Qt Desktop console, navigate to muParser build directory (C:\muparser\muparser_v2_2_2\build), then type the following command to built muParser library: mingw32-make -fmakefile.mingw

After installation, start Qt Creator and load, from the build menu select "Build All".

Generic Unix Users

Unzip or checkout a version of LibreCAD into a directory.

cd LibreCAD

The executible is generated at "unix/librecad"


sodaCAD is an enterprise level 2-D vector based drafting program used by fashion designers and manufacturers to create and grade patterns used in the apparel industry.







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