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MeMaS Concepts: Corpuses, Namespaces, CP DP Split, and Access Control

Max Yu edited this page Sep 3, 2023 · 1 revision


A Corpus is a collection of memories. It is the key unit of storage and retrieval in MeMaS, similar to tables in a traditional database.

Like database tables:

  • When memorizeing information, you need to specify a corpus.
  • You can perform analytics on the content within a corpus.

Unlike database tables:

  • When recalling, if you don't specify a corpus, you'll be querying all corpuses that user has access to.
  • Create any number of corpuses, on a multiple per user basis.
  • Can configure options, but nothing to the degree of designing your schema.


We organize user and corpus names using a structure we call Namespaces, taking inspiration from c++ namespaces and file system file paths. All users and corpuses are specified by an unique namespace pathname, where each user has its own hierarchical namespace.

For each user, they are either at the root level like "memas", or a child of another user, like "memas.user1" or "memas.pdx.user2". The . is used to separate the parent user from the child.

Then for each corpus, they are either at the root level like ":test_corpus", or belong to a user, like "memas:test_corpus" and "memas.user1:test_corpus". The : is used to specify that a corpus belongs to the preceding user. Root level corpuses technically belong to the root user "", hence the : in front of root level corpuses ":test_corpus". Even though this may be confusing at first, this helps people distinguish a corpus name from a user name just by looking at the namespace pathname.

This namespace system allows us to use the same corpus name under different users, as well as establish a hierarchical structure so that many permissions/settings propagate naturally.

Control Plane and Data Plane

MeMaS APIs are split into two distinct sets: Data Plane and Control Plane APIs.

Data Plane APIs are the most basic data APIs fundamental to the abstraction of a memory module: memorize and recall. These are safe APIs meant to be called frequently, integrated into AI, and even possibly given full control to chatbots/agents.

Control Plane APIs on the other hand are admin APIs used by administrators/developers to manage the users, corpuses, access/permissions, etc. We highly NOT recommend giving your chatbot/agent access to these APIs.

Access Control from Namespaces

With the structure of namespaces, we can naturally enforce 2 kinds of permissions.

For CP APIs, users can only call CP APIs targeting namespaces belonging to that user. So for example, for user "memas.user1", they can call CP APIs on "memas.user1.subuser2", "memas.user1:c1", but not "memas" nor "memas.user2".

TBD For DP APIs, users by default can only call DP APIs within their own direct namespace, meaning that for user "memas.user1", they can call DP APIs on "memas.user1:corpus", but not "memas:corpus", not "memas.user1.subuser2:corpus", nor "memas.user2:corpus".

Please contact us if you find this model unnatural, it was designed to be intuitive, and likely means oversight from our end...