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A go interface to mefs's HTTP API


go get -u


To interact with the API, you need to have a local daemon running. It needs to be open on the right port. 5001 is the default, and is used in the examples below, but it can be set to whatever you need.

# Show the mefs config API port
> mefs config Addresses.API
# set api port and binding to all ip 
> mefs config Addresses.API /ip4/
# Restart the daemon after changing the config
> mefs shutdown
# Run the daemon
> mefs daemon


In a web browser mefs HTTP client (either browserified or CDN-based) might encounter an error saying that the origin is not allowed. This would be a CORS ("Cross Origin Resource Sharing") failure: mefs servers are designed to reject requests from unknown domains by default. You can whitelist the domain that you are calling from by changing your mefs config like this:

> mefs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin  '[""]'
> mefs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "POST", "GET"]'
# Restart the daemon after changing the config
> mefs shutdown
# Run the daemon
> mefs daemon


see example directory

package main

import (


func main() {
	// your local address
	p := path.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "test")
	file, err := os.Open(p)
	ob, err := sh.PutObject(file, path.Base(file.Name()), "bucket01")
	fmt.Println(ob, err)
	bks, err := sh.ListBuckets()
	fmt.Println(bks, err)
	obs, err := sh.ListObjects(bks.Buckets[0].BucketName)
	fmt.Println(obs, err)


See mefs docs


The API enables users to use the LFS abstraction of MEFS.


start user's lfs service


addr AddressID. Initialize user service with the given address. Type is string.

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • pwd PassWord. Password of the actual user that you want to execute. Type is string.
  • sk SecreteKey. Private key of the actual user that you want to execute. Type is string. If sk is not nil, mefs will store sk in the keystore with pwd; otherwise, mefs tries to load the private key from the keystore use the addr and pwd.
	sh = shell.NewShell("localhost:5001")
	// set multiple parameters
	op1 := shell.SetOp(option1, opsValue1)
	op2 := shell.SetOp(option2, opsValue2)
	// start user
	sh.StartUser(addr, op1, op2,...)


create a bucket in lfs.


bucketName is a string of the bucket name we want.

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • addr AddressID. The actual user's addressid that you want to execute. Type is string.
  • pl Policy. The Storage policy you want to use. Type is bool. truefor erasure coding and false for copyset. default is true.
  • dc DataCount. default is 3.
  • pc ParityCount. default is 2.


delete a bucket in lfs.


bucketname is a string of the bucket name .

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • addr AddressID. The actual user's addressid that you want to execute. Type is string.


put an object to a bucket

PutObject(data, objectName, bucketName, ops...)

data is the data we want to store. bucketName is a string of the bucket name. objectName is a string of the object name.

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • addr AddressID. The actual user's addressid that you want to execute. Type is string.


get an object in a bucket.

GetObject(objectName, bucketName, ops...)

bucketName is a string of the bucket name. objectName is a string of the object name.

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • addr AddressID. The actual user's addressid that you want to execute. Type is string.


delete an object in a bucket.


bucketName is a string of the bucket name. objectName is a string of the object name.


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