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Shopify React/TailwindCSS Template

standard-readme compliant

Some of the scripts are influenced by friends at the Stable, I do not take credit for this extremely well-documented readme, although I have modified it.

here is some info about this project:


Base Theme

This theme uses Dawn - 12.0.0 as its base theme.

Tech Stack

Project Structure



GitHub utilities like pull-request templates and actions (ref)


Shopify theme files get's pushed to Shopify, uses Shopify Theme Architecture


All un-compiled static assets like SCSS (not currently set up) & JS, gets compiled by Webpack which outputs to shopify/assets

Project Ignores

Theme Assets

shopify/assets/ is managed by Webpack and can be set to be ignored by .gitignore

It is possible to whitelist files in this directory, see the # [Unignore] Theme and Other Asset Files section of the .gitignore

Theme Merchandising Files

The following files are ignored in .gitignore to decouple merchandising data from the theme repository and can be pulled in via commands in package.json:

Optionally, you can also ignore:

See also, How to Remove a File from Version Control

Table of Contents


System Dependencies

Ensure the following is installed on your machine (click the links to find install instructions).


Local Development Setup

Run these commands to set the repository up locally.

# Set correct node version.
#   - If not installed try: `nvm install $(cat .nvmrc)`
#     otherwise install manually using nvm install [VERSION].
#   - See nvm --help
#   - See .nvmrc
nvm use

# Install deps from the package.json 

# Log into the storefront.
# yarn run login:[dev|prod]
# ex.
yarn run login:prod

# Clean
# - Optional
# - Only needed if you previously had this project cloned
#   before this README was updated.
yarn run clean-merch

# Pull down latest merchandising into the repo:
#   - See: Appendix: Pulling Theme Merchandising Files
yarn run pull-merch

Local Development

# Start the Webpack watch and create a Shopify development theme.
yarn run start

Local Deploy to Shopify

# Deploy to an existing preview (or live) theme.
#   - Select the theme from the list displayed after running this command.
yarn run deploy
# Deploy to a new Shopify preview theme.
# Name the theme something clear & useful, ex.
#   - [PROJ-123] Fix Header on Mobile (Bob)
#   - [DEV] Testing (Bob)
yarn run deploy:new

See: package.json for all available commands.


This project uses several tools to ensure code consistency & quality:

VSCode Setup

Install the following extensions to setup formatting & linting in real time (when applicable, these extensions will autoload local config):

Appendix: Project Setup

Setting this project up for the first time? Need to add a theme? Review the following information.

# NOTE: Assumes you've already created the repo in GitHub or Bitbucket.
cd path/to/project/folder
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin [REPO_URL]
git push -u

2.0 Project Find & Replace

  • Find & replace {client_name} in the project with the actual client name
  • Find & replace client_name in package.json with the actual client name
  • Find & replace {base_theme_name_and_version} in the with the Base theme name and version: Ex. Dawn 5.0.0
  • Find & replace {base_theme_link} in the with a link to the base theme

Commit changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Update repo info"

3.0 Add Theme Files to Project

3.1 Prep

  • Add the theme to the storefront(s) using Shopify admin (if it hasn't been added already)
  • Replace the value of login:prod in package.json with the prod storefront URL (exclude https://)
    • For example "login:prod": "shopify login --store [STOREFRONT_URL]"
    • If there is no prod store, do not update it
  • Replace the value of login:dev in package.json with the dev storefront URL (exclude https://)
    • For example "login:dev": "shopify login --store [STOREFRONT_URL]"
    • If there is no dev store, do not update it

Commit changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Update login scripts"

3.2 Pull the theme files from Shopify

Pull theme files using Shopify CLI

nvm use
# NOTE: If using the dev store, run login:dev.
yarn run login:prod
yarn run pull-theme

Commit changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Add theme to repo"

3.3 Add files in shopify/assets to .gitignore

  • Add any files in shopify/assets to the "Asset Unignores" section of .gitignore.

Get list of theme files

# NOTE: The `find` command will give us relative paths.
find shopify/assets/*
  • Copy and paste the list into .gitignore
  • Add a literal ! character in front of every path

Commit the changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Add theme assets to the repo"

3.4 Update shopify/config/schema_settings.json

  • Change the "theme_name" value to {client_name} Shopify Theme (max 25 chars)
  • Change the "theme_version" value to 0.0.1
  • Change the "theme_author" value to The Stable
  • Change the "theme_documentation_url" value to the repo URL
  • Change the "theme_support_url" value to the repo URL

Commit the changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Update theme schema settings"

4.0 Create yarn.lock

Install yarn dependencies


Commit changes to the repo

git add .
git commit -m "Add yarn.lock"

5.0 Add Compiled Assets to Theme.liquid

Depending on your setup, you will need to include compiled assets into the theme. The simplest version of this is adding files like main.js and main.css to theme.liquid, like so:

	<script src="{{ 'script.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>

6.0 Test Project

Test webpack:build command

yarn run webpack:build
  • Ensure command runs without error
  • Ensure theme files in shopify/assets are still there
  • Ensure webpack bundles (main.js|css, checkout.js|css) are in shopify/assets

Test shopify:serve & webpack:watch

yarn run start
  • Ensure theme appears as expected

Test deploy:new command

yarn run deploy:new
  • Ensure theme deploys and appears as expected

Appendix: Misc

Troubleshooting Shopify CLI

When the Shopify CLI errors, it can be a bit cryptic:

✗ An unexpected error occurred.

You can get more useful error output from the CLI if you set this env. setting in your terminal and running the failing command again:


Pulling Theme Merchandising Files

You can pull the files above into your local project using one or more of the following commands:

Macro Commands

# Pull all merch (templates/*.json, config/settings_data.json, & locales/*.json)
yarn run pull-merch

# Pull all merch from your dev theme (templates/*.json, config/settings_data.json, & locales/*.json)
yarn run pull-dev-merch

# Clean all merch (templates/*.json, config/settings_data.json, & locales/*.json)
yarn run clean-merch

Granular Commands

# Pull templates from the selected theme
yarn run pull:templates

# Pull templates from your development theme.
#   - This is useful if you've setup some merchandising on your dev theme
yarn run pull-dev:templates

# Pull config/settings_data.json
# from the selected theme
yarn run pull:config

# Pull config/settings_data.json
# from the your development theme.
#   - This is useful if you've setup some merchandising on your dev theme
yarn run pull-dev:config

# Pull locales/*.json from the selected theme.
yarn run pull:locales

# Pull locales/*.json from your development theme.
#   - This is useful if you've setup some merchandising on your dev theme
yarn run pull-dev:locales

# Remove these files with the following
yarn run clean:templates
yarn run clean:config

Pulling Other Theme Files

Pulling down other theme files is useful when trying to pull in changes made in Shopify into the repository (for example when an app injects snippets and changes).

It's best to pull the files down into a clean working directory and then use git to inspect changes.

# Check for a clean working directory
#   - This should output: nothing to commit, working tree clean.
#   - If not, then commit your changes.
git status

# Pull down all theme files from Shopify.
yarn run pull-theme

# Check for changes, additions, and deletions.
git status

# Inspect changes to all files.
git diff

# Inspect changes to one file.
git diff path/to/file.json

Troubleshooting Missing Files from Pull Commands

Certain conditions may cause the CLI to miss some files in the remote Shopify theme. So far this has been observed when two template/_.json files shared the same _.json name with an additional *.liquid extension.

For example, the CLI may not pull down the *.json version in the following case:

  • cart.json
  • cart.json.liquid

There isn't an obvious way to get the CLI to pull down the *.json file.


  • Avoid naming files this way (if possible)
  • Add the *.json file to version control (by adding an explicit unignore to .gitignore) and manually update it regularly (i.e. pulling file contents directly from Shopify and making a commit)
  • When deploying to a new theme, go to the storefront and manually duplicate a theme and then deploy to it(as opposed to using deploy:new)

Linting Commands

See: package.json for all available commands.

# Linting
yarn run lint:js
yarn run lint:css
yarn run lint:shopify

# Auto-fix
yarn run fix:js
yarn run fix:css
yarn run fix:shopify

How to Remove a File From Version Control

git rm --cached [FILE_PATH]

# This will result in an "untracked" file until you update the .gitignore
git commit -m "Removing [FILE_NAME] from repo"

Then, add the path in .gitignore file and commit your changes.




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