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Java API for reading systemd-journald logfiles


jjournal (AKA libjournal-java-reader) is a library for reading systemd journals with Java.

systemd has become a standard base component in many Linux distributions. Its centralised logging is not using files in /var/log anymore, it uses a specific, internal log database format. Accessing the logs, called "journals", can be done via the commandline tool journalctl. For programmatic access to these journals, though, there wasn't much to be found, save for the systemd C library itself.

Hence this library, which allows you to access these logs/journals from Java. It provides a number of filtering and accessing facilities, retaining the specific structure and model used by the systemd journals.


  • JDK 8 and up

Getting Started



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The runtime system has to have libsystemd installed and accessible via Java library path.


  1. Import the Journal class.
  2. Create an instance using the constructor flags indicating which systemd journal to access, and how.
  3. use member functions to access the journal.
  4. .close() the journal after use.

journald features like cursor, field lists, filters are implemented; additional helper functions like foreachInTimerange(), moveForwardUntilTime() etc. are available as well.

If you are unfamiliar with systemd journal concepts, see doc/ or general documentation about it.


print messages for most recent minute from the journal of the current user:

 import org.metabit.platform.interfacing.jjournal.Journal;
 Instant now =;
 Instant oneMinuteAgo = now.minusSeconds(60);
 try (Journal journal = new Journal(EnumSet.of(OpenFlags.CURRENT_USER)))
    journal.foreachInTimerange(oneMinuteAgo,now,jj ->
        final String msg = jj.readMessageField();


Make sure libsystemd is installed and accessible via Java library path on the runtime system the code is executed on.

(e.g. apt-get install libsystemd0)


jjournal is implemented as a JNR wrapper for the standard C systemd-library interface. Because of that, the systemd library must be present and accessible for the Java code using this library. Should this not be the case, the Journal() constructor will throw a RuntimeException.


Use of jjournal is free of cost.

  • GPL3: For non-commercial use, it is placed under GNU Public License 3.
  • APL2: For commercial use, or if you prefer this license, you get an Apache 2.0 license after registration, at no cost.