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Releases: metabase/metabase

Metabase v0.35.4

29 May 18:19
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This update contains an important security fix and is a recommended update for users who have a BigQuery or SparkSQL database connection in Metabase.

Security fix for BigQuery and SparkSQL

Metabase was recently informed of a potential SQL Injection vulnerability when connecting to Google BigQuery. While the vast majority of our database drivers utilize parameterized queries, our original implementation of BigQuery did not as it wasn’t supported at the time. In release v0.35.4, we have updated the BigQuery driver to support parameterized queries, which will prevent SQL injection attacks. As part of this release, we also determined that our SparkSQL driver was susceptible to the same issue and we have added additional escaping of user input to that driver as well.


  • Turkish translation is now available again (#12557)
  • Better site URL detection when Metabase is run behind a proxy (#12528)
  • Changed map tile server URL to HTTPS (#12431)
  • Drastically reduced memory usage for streaming large XLSX files — thanks to @sunui for the PR. (#12521)
  • Fixed incorrect Content-Type in part of the API — thanks to @federicotdn for the PR. (#12461)
  • Added documentation for the MAX_SESSION_AGE environment variable — thanks to @lindsay-stevens for the help. (#9495)

Bug fixes

  • Custom column concat function errors on Amazon Redshift when using 3 or more parameters (#12544)
  • Fingerprinting breaks on infinities (#12511)
  • Custom columns failing when joined data has over about 30 columns (#12481)
  • Fixed an issue where the Metabase logo was displaying too small (#12441)
  • Cannot query newly created Google Analytics databases (#12411)
  • Adding custom field result in not being able to find columns from table (#12397)
  • Create Slack Bot button has gone missing (#12382)
  • Cannot view/edit table-level permissions for databases that are not schema-based (#12372)
  • "Error reducing result rows" exception when downloading full results (#12339)
  • Unable to create new personalized questions (#12323)
  • Custom Column "ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table" Postgres (#12304)
  • Upgrade to 0.35.0 release fails (#12223)
  • Object Details (single record view) places the results outside of view (#11887)
  • Zero-dates cause Pulses to fail (#11665)
  • Cannot save question when results are empty (#11256)
  • Line/area/bar charts are hiding x-axis labels too aggressively when scale is set to Timeseries (#11158)
  • java.lang.NullPointerException when use TIMEDIFF (#10983)
  • Not possible to restore visibility after setting "Do Not Include" in Data Model (#10297)
  • Cannot read property 'lat' of null - Allow filter empty/not empty (like for dates) (#7361)
  • Auto-refresh doesn't work for dashboards if redirected after login (#7244)
  • Clicking link to unsaved question when logged out takes you to 404 page after login (#6317)
  • Raw queries with "ON" date filter are broken for Druid [Regression] (#6290)


You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.35.4
Download the JAR here:


SHA-256 checksum for the 0.35.4 JAR:


Metabase v0.35.3

21 Apr 23:34
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  • Improved error log messages on async responses (#12233)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where homepage is missing sections (X-rays and Our data) on login with Google Signin (#12359)
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to view or restore a table after setting Visibility to "Hidden" in Data Model (#12344)
  • Corrected replace function name (#12306)
  • Fixed an issue where saving native queries failed due to incomplete results_metadata (#12265)
  • Fixed an issue where a query with the same column names didn't display properly (#12252)
  • Fixed query failing on "Error reducing result rows" (#12251)
  • Fixed regression with column not found error after adding a custom column (#12243)
  • Fixed MBQL normalization bug (#11897)

You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.35.3
Download the JAR here:

SHA-256 checksum for the 0.35.3 JAR:


Metabase v0.35.2

10 Apr 23:21
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Bug fixes

  • Improve form error handling (#12291)
  • Fix email settings "Send test email" and "Clear" buttons (#12275, #12274)
  • Fix "Premium embedding" setting (#12273)
  • Cannot view/edit table-level permissions for databases that are not schema-based (#12269)

You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.35.2
Download the JAR here:

SHA-256 checksum for the 0.35.2 JAR:


Metabase v0.35.1

02 Apr 23:14
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Bug fixes

This release fixes two high priority bugs that were in version 0.35.0

  • Fixed a bug with date field filter variables in native queries and dashboards (#12228)
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing filtering on columns from manually joined tables (#12221)


You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.35.1
Download the JAR here:


SHA-256 checksum for the 0.35.1 JAR:


Metabase v0.35.0

31 Mar 21:22
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Filter expressions, string extracts, and more

(#11868 and #11940)

We've added filter expressions to let you write more complex filters that include ORs in them, and have also added a whole host of new spreadsheet-like functions to the custom column and custom metric formula editors.


Reference saved questions in your SQL queries


You can now reference the results of saved questions in your SQL or native queries using syntax like with my_result as {{ #123 }} select * from my_result, where #123 is the ID number of a saved question.


Performance improvements

(#12025, #12026, and #11809)

We've refactored a number of things in this version, including how we handle the saved question "database" that allows you to use the results of saved questions as starting data for new ones. We hope you'll find that the net result is a much snappier loading times of pages throughout much of Metabase.

Minor Enhancements

  • Replace util fns with ones from (updated) medley (#12061)
  • Add background hover on bubble radio items (#12055)
  • Add hover color to dash card titles (#12053)
  • Add 'block' support to Select (#11894)

Bug fixes

  • Improve chart value labels styling (#12160)
  • Can't scroll columns list when creating a filter in the notebook (#12139)
  • Cannot filter on joined/linked table when question has Custom Column (#12129)
  • Expressions - Certain function text is impossible to read on hover (#12103)
  • Homepage is missing sections (X-rays and Our data) on login (#12085)
  • Public shared question does not show Y-axis (#12018)
  • User with no data access are not allowed to see questions (#11932)
  • Druid v0.17.0 Error for a simple query (#11925)
  • Dashboard filter using boolean value sends string on browser reload (#11911)
  • Cannot use mixed-type question filters on dashboard (#11882)
  • Fixed a bug with date/range native query template tags for Unix timestamp columns (#11934)
  • Don't use system command as alias with MySQL (#12098)
  • Attempt to infer better base type for native queries (#12150)
  • Fix some typos in docs (#12142)


You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.35.0
Download the JAR here:


SHA-256 checksum for the 0.35.0 JAR:


Metabase v0.35.0 RC 2

25 Mar 18:19
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Metabase v0.35.0 RC 2 Pre-release

This is a preview release of the upcoming 0.35 update.

Here are some highlights of what will be included in version 0.35:

Filter expressions, string extracts, and more

The custom question mode has gotten a bunch of new spreadsheet-like functions added to custom column and custom aggregation expressions, so you can now do things like case statements, concatenation, or sumif and countif.

You can also now create filters with ORs in them by using the all new filter expressions:


Reference saved questions in your SQL queries

You can now include the results of another saved question in your SQL queries using syntax like with Example as {{ #123 }} or select * from {{ #123}}, where #123 is the ID of the saved question. (Note that you can only include questions based on the same database as the one you've currently selected.)


Performance improvements

We've reworked the way Metabase deals with the saved questions "database" that allows you to nest saved questions inside of new ones. The result is a much faster experience on many pages throughout Metabase.

Get this preview release

You can download the JAR here:
The Docker image is here: metabase/metabase:v0.35.0-rc2

Metabase v0.34.3

27 Feb 00:24
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  • Line, area, bar, combo, and scatter charts now allow a maximum of 100 series instead of 20. (#11305)
  • Chart labels now have more options to show significant decimal values. (#11565)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where connected tables didn't work anymore (#11928)
  • Fixed an issue where dashboard with filter and Text Box breaks interface when editing (#11927)
  • Fixed a problem where dashboard filters using boolean values send string on browser reload (#11911)
  • Fixed a bug with Field Filters in Postgres (#11883)
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a greyed out visualization could break the interface (#11861)
  • Fixed a problem where dragging to create date filters would break broken-out charts (#11796)
  • Fixed a bug where filters weren't inferring the correct datatype for the "Count of Rows" metric (#10552)

You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Download the JAR here:
Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.34.3

SHA-256 checksum for the 0.34.3 JAR:


Metabase v0.34.2

05 Feb 22:04
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed filtering on time fields in BigQuery (#11725)
  • MongoDB single date/month field filters aren't working correctly (#11715)
  • MongoDB single date field filters aren't working correctly (#11690)
  • MongoDB Field filters variable in native query with nested fields not working (#11597)
  • Native Query cannot be cancelled (#11713)
  • Disappearing X-Axis in Scatter Plot (#11688)
  • "Add to dashboard" popup shown when starting a new question (#11666) (#10672)
  • Postgres "money" type breaks visualization (#11498)
  • Postgres: Casting to Money is broken (#3754)
  • Cannot click on some "Saved Questions" in personal collection (#11496)
  • Diacritics in a user's name prevent a user's personal collection from being created via LDAP SSO (#10738)
  • Text columns are converted aggressively to DateTime in charts (#11069)
  • When report-timezone is set, Snowflake dates are returned from the day prior (#11036)
  • Permission error messages are not showing (#10921)
  • Don't abort on any 403 (#10816)
  • Make MySQL metadata use utf8mb4 (#10691)
  • Unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 7 (#9885)
  • Prefix "₹" gets converted to "?" on save on RDS (#5192)

Minor enhancements

  • We now log a warning when connecting to unsupported MySQL versions (#11767)
  • We've updated the Google Analytics driver's Google dependency version (#11733)

You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.34.2
Download the JAR here:

SHA-256 checksum for the 0.34.2 JAR:


Metabase v0.34.1

14 Jan 00:30
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This minor release includes bug fixes for LDAP, collection permissions, the Presto DB connection, and more. If you haven't yet upgraded to version 0.34, you can check out the new features on our blog.

Bug fixes

  • LDAP group sync broken on 0.34.0 (#11617)
  • Permission: SQL questions cannot be viewed after granted "View access" (#11672)
  • Unable to connect Presto in v0.34.0 (#11598)
  • Can't edit segments (#11343)
  • Charts not working with window smaller than 800px wide (#11619)
  • Field filters mismatch Datetimes and Timestamps (#11578)
  • Can't break out Google Analytics metrics by Date:Month (#11489)
  • Metabase does not install new version of database plugins when upgrading (#11699)
  • Fix issues where dates in Pulses could be formatted with wrong year (year of the start of the week instead of actual year) (#11692)
  • Pulse charts don't honor custom column names (#11655)
  • Boolean field filters don't work correctly for Oracle (#11693)
  • MongoDB single date field filters aren't working correctly (#11690)
  • Trend/SmartScalar visualization returns NaN when % growth over 1000 (#11630)
  • Automagic dashboards fail on PeriodDuration.between (#11603)
  • Native query on sql server with filter on bit column type throws exception- Invalid column name 'TRUE'. (#11592)
  • Native/SQL editor displaces cursor one position to the right of mouse click (#11584)
  • Interrupted typing when adding a SQL parameter (#11581)
  • Native/SQL variable panel, cards jumps around when editing (#11580)
  • Native questions shows Save-button without changing anything (#11572)
  • Trend/Smart Number does not work when dates are descending (#11089)


  • GeoJSON proxy response performance improvements and improved resource cleanup (#11706)

You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.34.1
Download the JAR here:

SHA-256 checksum for the 0.34.1 JAR:


Metabase v0.34.0

20 Dec 01:37
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The official release for Metabase v0.34.

New features and enhancements

  • Added support for variables and field filters in native Mongo queries (#3653)
  • Added option to display data values on Line, Bar, and Area charts (#4788)
  • Improved behavior of SQL editor to no longer fade out previous results when editing a query (#10975, #11361)
  • Improved the behavior when auto-visualizing GUI queries to persist the selected visualization (#10957)
  • Dashboard cards now scroll the browser window when dragging to move them (#5333 — thanks @maxzheng!)
  • Updated and optimized world and US states map files (#11436 — thanks @flamber!)

Bug fixes

This release includes an overhaul of how Metabase handles timezones, and includes many fixes for timezone-related bugs and issues.

  • Presto timezone bug (#10487)
  • Date filter is not working correctly [MySQL] (#7968)
  • TimeZone Problem [MySQL] (#6273)
  • Datetime SQL parameters bug [MySQL] (#8567)
  • Inconsistent timezone handling for time values (#10366)
  • Zoom In for a table cell shows the values of the cell above, when using Group By Date Period (#11251)
  • Google Analytics days/months/etc off by one (#4372)
  • Google Analytics: Date filter "current" use wrong dates (#4492)
  • Wrong Data fetched when using date Variables in query when using 'between' in where clause. (#8861)
  • Bug: wrong date label displayed on line chart (#9366)
  • Metabase uses UTC to determine current week for Google Analytics query filters (#9467)
  • Google Analytics driver should use ga:yearWeek, not ga:isoYearIsoWeek in week segmentation (#9474)
  • Google Analytics question shows days/weeks/months off by one (#9476)
  • Google Analytics - Filter by Prior [X] Months Breaks "Last Month" (#10701)

Additional fixes:

  • Date filters throw error (BigQuery, v0.33.4) (#11222)
  • Maximum call stack size exceeded opening a dashboard (#10127, #6701)
  • Infinite loop on pie chart rendering (#11122)
  • Cannot add more than one foreign key columns if primary columns are removed (#11499)
  • Filter Equal with multiple IDs of Entity Key only shows Object Details of single ID (#11162)
  • Column heading Filter does not load data options on first popup (#11120)
  • Setup Page does not show any error messages (#10926)
  • Docker Image Nearly Doubled in Size (#10771)
  • French Guiana labelled as France in Map figures (#8609)
  • Y-axis label requires manual entry (#10765)

Get this release

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.34.0
Download the JAR here:


