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xslt update based on metanorma/mn-native-pdf@38eef10da851d2a0eff54397d1ccac5b9aa6bc5f #583

xslt update based on metanorma/mn-native-pdf@38eef10da851d2a0eff54397d1ccac5b9aa6bc5f

xslt update based on metanorma/mn-native-pdf@38eef10da851d2a0eff54397d1ccac5b9aa6bc5f #583

Triggered via pull request March 27, 2024 21:17
Status Failure
Total duration 55m 43s


on: pull_request
rake  /  ...  /  prepare
rake / prepare / prepare
Matrix: rake / rake
rake  /  tests-passed
rake / tests-passed
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2 errors and 1 warning
rake / Test on Ruby 3.0 macos-latest
Process completed with exit code 1.
rake / Test on Ruby 2.7 macos-latest
The hosted runner: GitHub Actions 6 lost communication with the server. Anything in your workflow that terminates the runner process, starves it for CPU/Memory, or blocks its network access can cause this error.
rake / Test on Ruby 3.1 ubuntu-latest
Codecov: Failed to properly create commit: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v4/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 1