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Reuben Thomas edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 7 revisions

This glossary is in alphabetic order; terms defined in the glossary are capitalized.


A line between two Masters, each point on which specifies an Instance created by interpolation.


A new font specified by a certain position on an Axis, or on multiple axes.


A font specified in a standard form suitable for interpolation. A Master can be compared and interpolated with another Master along an Axis.


A portmanteau wordplay referring on the one hand to Donald Knuth's font programming language Metafont, and on the other to Erik van Blokland's Superpolator and Pablo Impallari's Simplepolator font interpolation tools.


A characteristic, feature, or other measurable factor that can be used in the definition of a particular system. We use Parameters at various levels of abstraction to define fonts. Global parameters are at the font level, for example font size. Glyph parameters are at the glyph level, for example glyph width. Point parameters are at the Point and curve level, for example the coordinate of a Point in a particular glyph.


Depending on the nature of a point, we can have a control-in and/or a control-out Point. The direction of a path defines wheter it's an 'in' or 'out' Point. In this example we have a curve Point (orange) with a control-in (red) and control-out (green) Point. The arrow indicates the curve direction.

This Point is represented thus in UFO:

<point x="340" y="65"/>
<point x="340" y="184" type="curve"/>
<point x="340" y="295"/>


Unified Font Object is a font format for font application interchange, used for loading and saving fonts in Metapolator.


Point in a two dimensional cartesian coordinate system, defined by x and y coordinates: z=(x,y)