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Merge pull request #603 from metasfresh/FRESH-854-gh569
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Fresh 854 gh569
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metas-ts committed Nov 15, 2016
2 parents 1d026a7 + 01a26c6 commit 57dd77f
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211 changes: 182 additions & 29 deletions Jenkinsfile
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Expand Up @@ -2,61 +2,136 @@
// the "!#/usr/bin... is just to to help IDEs, GitHub diffs, etc properly detect the language and do syntax highlighting for you.
// thx to

* This method will be used further down to call additional jobs such as metasfresh-procurement and metasfresh-webui
def invokeDownStreamJobs(String jobFolderName, String buildId, String upstreamBranch, boolean wait)
echo "Invoking downstream job from folder=${jobFolderName} with preferred branch=${upstreamBranch}"

// if this is not the master branch but a feature branch, we need to find out if the "BRANCH_NAME" job exists or not
// Here i'm not checking if the build job exists but if the respective branch on github exists. If the branch is there, then I assume that the multibranch plugin also created the job
def exitCode;
// We run this within a node to avoid the error saying:
// Required context class hudson.FilePath is missing
// Perhaps you forgot to surround the code with a step that provides this, such as: node
// ...
// org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.MissingContextVariableException: Required context class hudson.FilePath is missing

exitCode = sh returnStatus: true, script: "git ls-remote --exit-code ${upstreamBranch}"
if(exitCode == 0)
echo "Branch ${upstreamBranch} also exists in ${jobFolderName}"
jobName = jobFolderName + "/" + upstreamBranch
echo "Branch ${upstreamBranch} does not exist in ${jobFolderName}; falling back to master"
jobName = jobFolderName + "/master"

// I also tried
// which worked from chrome, also for metas-dev.
// It worked from the shell using curl (with [ and ] escaped) for user metas-ts and an access token,
// but did not work from the shell with curl and user metas-dev with "metas-dev is missing the Overall/Read permission"
// the curl string was sh "curl -XGET '' --user metas-dev:access-token

// and I also tried inspecting the list returned by
// Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
// but there I got a scurity exception and am not sure if an how I can have a SCM maintained script that is approved by an admin

build job: jobName,
parameters: [
string(name: 'MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH', value: upstreamBranch),
string(name: 'MF_BUILD_ID', value: buildId),
booleanParam(name: 'MF_TRIGGER_DOWNSTREAM_BUILDS', value: false) // the job shall just run but not trigger further builds because we are doing all the orchestration
], wait: wait

// setup: we'll need the following variables in different nodes&stages, that's why we create them here
// setup: we'll need the following variables in different stages, that's we we create them here

// thx to with respect to the paramters
// disabling concurrent builds as long as we work with "SNAPSHOTS"
[$class: 'GithubProjectProperty',
displayName: '',
projectUrlStr: ''],
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '20')), // keep the last 20 builds, but only the last 1 archived artifacts
parameters([string(defaultValue: '', description: '''If this job is invoked via an updstream build job, than that job can provide either its branch or the respective <code>MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH</code> that was passed to it.<br>
[$class: 'GithubProjectProperty', displayName: '', projectUrlStr: ''],
string(defaultValue: '',
description: '''If this job is invoked via an updstream build job, than that job can provide either its branch or the respective <code>MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH</code> that was passed to it.<br>
This build will then attempt to use maven dependencies from that branch, and it will sets its own name to reflect the given value.
So if this is a "master" build, but it was invoked by a "feature-branch" build then this build will try to get the feature-branch\'s build artifacts annd will set its
<code>currentBuild.displayname</code> and <code>currentBuild.description</code> to make it obvious that the build contains code from the feature branch.''', name: 'MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH')]),
<code>currentBuild.displayname</code> and <code>currentBuild.description</code> to make it obvious that the build contains code from the feature branch.''',
string(defaultValue: '',
description: 'Will be incorporated into the artifact version and forwarded to jobs triggered by this job. Leave empty to go with <code>env.BUILD_NUMBER</code>',
name: 'MF_BUILD_ID')
// , disableConcurrentBuilds() // concurrent builds are ok now. we still work with "-SNAPSHOTS" bit there is a unique MF_BUILD_ID in each snapshot artifact's version

if(params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH == '')
echo "Setting BRANCH_NAME from params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH=${params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}"
echo "Setting BRANCH_NAME from env.BRANCH_NAME=${env.BRANCH_NAME}"

echo "Setting MF_BUILD_ID from params.MF_BUILD_ID=${params.MF_BUILD_ID}"
echo "Setting BRANCH_NAME from params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH=${params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH}"
echo "Setting MF_BUILD_ID from env.BUILD_NUMBER=${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

currentBuild.description="Parameter MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH="+params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH

// set the version prefix, 1 for "master", 2 for "not-master" a.k.a. feature
def BUILD_MAVEN_VERSION_PREFIX = BRANCH_NAME.equals('master') ? "1" : "2"

// examples: "1-master-SNAPSHOT", "2-FRESH-123-SNAPSHOT"
// the maven artifact version that will be set to the artifacts in this build
// Thanks to for the idea of incorporating the a build-number into the artifact version
// examples: "1-master-543-SNAPSHOT", "2-FRESH-123-9842-SNAPSHOT"

// the version range used when resolving depdendencies for this build
// example: "[1-master-SNAPSHOT],[2-FRESH-123-SNAPSHOT]

currentBuild.description="Parameter MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH="+params.MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH
currentBuild.displayName="#" + currentBuild.number + "-" + BRANCH_NAME + "-" + MF_BUILD_ID

node('agent && linux')
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'aa1d8797-5020-4a20-aa7b-2334c15179be', replaceTokens: true, variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')])
withMaven(jdk: 'java-8', maven: 'maven-3.3.9', mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', mavenOpts: '-Xmx1536M -XX:MaxHeapSize=512m')
withMaven(jdk: 'java-8', maven: 'maven-3.3.9', mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', mavenOpts: '-Xmx1536M')
stage('Preparation') // for display purposes
// use this line in the "real" multibranch pipeline builds
// checkout scm

// use this line when developing this scrip in a normal pipeline job
git branch: "$BRANCH_NAME", url: ''

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,18 +167,27 @@ node('agent && linux')

// collect test results
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml'

// TODO: notify zapier that the "main" stuff was build
} // withMaven
} // configFileProvider
} // node

// invoke external build jobs like webui
// wait for the results, but don't block a node for it
stage('Invoke downstream jobs')
invokeDownStreamJobs('metasfresh-webui', MF_BUILD_ID, BRANCH_NAME, true); // wait=true
// more do come: admin-webui, procurement-webui, maybe the webui-javascript frontend too

// to build the client-exe on linux, we need 32bit libs!
node('agent && linux && libc6-i386')
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'aa1d8797-5020-4a20-aa7b-2334c15179be', replaceTokens: true, variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')])
withMaven(jdk: 'java-8', maven: 'maven-3.3.9', mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', mavenOpts: '-Xmx1536M -XX:MaxHeapSize=512m')
withMaven(jdk: 'java-8', maven: 'maven-3.3.9', mavenLocalRepo: '.repository')
stage('Build dist')
Expand All @@ -113,15 +197,84 @@ node('agent && linux && libc6-i386')
// maven.test.failure.ignore=true: see metasfresh stage
// we currently deploy *and* also archive, but that might change in future
sh "mvn --settings $MAVEN_SETTINGS --file de.metas.endcustomer.mf15/pom.xml --batch-mode -Dmetasfresh-dependency.version=${BUILD_MAVEN_METASFRESH_DEPENDENCY_VERSION} -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean deploy"

// endcustomer.mf15 currently has no tests, so we allow empty results.

// endcustomer.mf15 currently has no tests. Don't try to collect any, or a typical error migh look like this:
// ERROR: Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?
// For example, /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/metasfresh_FRESH-854-gh569-M6AHOWSSP3FKCR7CHWVIRO5S7G64X4JFSD4EZJZLAT5DONP2ZA7Q/de.metas.acct.base/target/surefire-reports/TEST-de.metas.acct.impl.FactAcctLogBLTest.xml is 2 min 57 sec old
// junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml'

// we currently deploy *and* also archive, but that might change in future
archiveArtifacts 'de.metas.endcustomer.mf15/de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.dist/target/*.tar.gz,de.metas.endcustomer.mf15/de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.swingui/target/*.zip,de.metas.endcustomer.mf15/de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.swingui/target/*.exe'
} // withMaven
} // configFileProvider

// clean up the workspace, including the local maven repositories that the withMaven steps created
step([$class: 'WsCleanup', cleanWhenFailure: true])
} // node

def downloadForDeployment = { String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String packaging, String classifier, String sshTargetHost, String sshTargetUser ->

def packagingPart=packaging ? ":${packaging}" : ""
def classifierPart=classifier ? ":${classifier}" : ""
def artifact = "${groupId}:${artifactId}:${version}${packagingPart}${classifierPart}"

// we need configFileProvider because in mvn get -DremoteRepositories= is ignored.
// See "Caveat: will always check thecentral repository defined in the super pom"
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'aa1d8797-5020-4a20-aa7b-2334c15179be', replaceTokens: true, variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')])
withMaven(jdk: 'java-8', maven: 'maven-3.3.9', mavenLocalRepo: '.repository')
sh "mvn --settings $MAVEN_SETTINGS org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:get -Dtransitive=false -Dartifact=${artifact}"

// copy the artifact to a deploy folder. strip classifier and version so that we don't have to bother that much about for the filename looks
sh "mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:copy -Dartifact=${artifact} -DoutputDirectory=deploy -Dmdep.stripClassifier=true -Dmdep.stripVersion=true"
sh "scp ${WORKSPACE}/deploy/${artifactId}.${packaging} ${sshTargetUser}@${sshTargetHost}:/home/${sshTargetUser}/${artifactId}-${version}.${packaging}"

def invokeRemote = { String sshTargetHost, String sshTargetUser, String directory, String shellScript ->

sh "ssh ${sshTargetUser}@${sshTargetHost} \"cd ${directory} && ${shellScript}\""

def userInput = input message: 'Deploy to server?', parameters: [string(defaultValue: '', description: 'Host to deploy the "main" metasfresh backend server to.', name: 'MF_TARGET_HOST')];

echo "Received userInput=$userInput";

def distArtifactId='de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.dist';
def packaging='tar.gz';
def sshTargetHost=userInput;
def sshTargetUser='metasfresh'

// main part: provide and rollout the "main" distributable
// get the deployable dist file to the target host
downloadForDeployment("de.metas.endcustomer.mf15", distArtifactId, BUILD_MAVEN_VERSION, packaging, "dist", sshTargetHost, sshTargetUser);

// extract the tar.gz
def fileAndDirName="${distArtifactId}-${BUILD_MAVEN_VERSION}"
def deployDir="/home/${sshTargetUser}/${fileAndDirName}"

// Look Ma, I'm currying!!
def invokeRemoteInHomeDir = invokeRemote.curry(sshTargetHost, sshTargetUser, "/home/${sshTargetUser}");
invokeRemoteInHomeDir("mkdir -p ${deployDir} && mv ${fileAndDirName}.${packaging} ${deployDir} && cd ${deployDir} && tar -xvf ${fileAndDirName}.${packaging}")

def invokeRemoteInInstallDir = invokeRemote.curry(sshTargetHost, sshTargetUser, "/home/${sshTargetUser}/${fileAndDirName}/dist/install");

// also provide the webui-api; TODO actually deploy it
downloadForDeployment('de.metas.ui.web', 'metasfresh-webui-api', BUILD_MAVEN_VERSION, 'jar', null, sshTargetHost, sshTargetUser);
// clean up the workspace, including the local maven repositories that the withMaven steps created
step([$class: 'WsCleanup', cleanWhenFailure: true])
} // timestamps

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion de.metas.scripts.rollout/src/main/bash/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# project specific script to start the adempire/metasfresh service on a traget system suited for this particular project.
# project specific script to start the adempire/metasfresh service on a target system suited for this particular project.
# The "implementation" can be by directly calling the OS infrastructure (like systemctl) from within this script, but it can also be delegating to another more host-specific script.
# The important thing is that our script can call it.
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