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231 lines (172 loc) · 15.6 KB

Essential JavaScript Links

Forked from Essential Javascript Links

This is a very exclusive collection of only must-have JavaScript links. I'm only listing my favorite links. Nothing else makes the cut. Feel free to suggest links if you think they're good enough to make this list. The really curious should feel free to browse the comments to find other links. I can't guarantee the quality of links in the comments.

Required Reading (Online resources)

Required Viewing



Dev tools & collaboration

  • nvm First install this...
  • Node Then install Node (with nvm). You'll need this even if you're a front-end dev.
  • npm Install lots of other things with npm. The package manager for JavaScript. Comes with Node.
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Node Inspector Debug Node code with the Chrome debug tools
  • TraceGL Powerful runtime analysis of live JavaScript code
  • Tern Static analysis in JavaScript
  • JSDoc Pair with Tern for static analysis
  • Nitrous.IO (Supports live collaboration / pair programming)
  • Slack Chat for teams, with GitHub and Google hangouts integration
    • For hangouts, just type /hangout in any channel
  • PrettyDiff
  • ES6 Fiddle


Testing / Lint / Quality checkers

  • JSHint
  • ESLint
  • Istanbul Code coverage reporting
  • tape Minimal, dead simple unit testing. (This is all you need, really!)
  • faucet Prettify unit testing output (like what comes from tape).
  • Supertest The best way to test HTTP endpoints.


JavaScript environments

  • Node.js Server side JavaScript and more
  • io.js The Node fork


Web Components

QA / Deployment / Monitoring / CI

  • PM2 Process monitoring / self repair
  • New Relic Deep insights into the performance and health of your production apps
  • Sauce Labs Cross platform web application testing with great collaboration and integration support
  • Travis CI CI, of course
  • Docker Run your CI process using the same OS configs as your production systems.
  • Shippable Docker-based hosted build / CI



Pasting / sharing code


Hackable Hardware


For kids (and people who just love to have fun)

Twitter (alphabetical order)