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@hamilton hamilton released this 27 Oct 17:39
· 624 commits to master since this release


This is a fairly large release with a number of new features and bug fixes. Here are the highlights:

#456 - the X and Y axes now meet at the southwest corner of the graphic, and extend to the plot limits. This came after considerable discussion and a number of issues filed where users thought our old approach created display bugs.
#503 - you can now color time series individually with hex / rgb(a) / web colors, directly in MG.data_graphic.
#504 - the title element is now part of the SVG.
#490 - expanded the rollover formatting options substantially. Now you can change the X or Y rollover information and format independently.
#436 - expanded support for European time options on the axis labels.
#470 - began work toward WebAIM compliance. We've increased the opacity of the fonts, and provided an additional accessibility stylesheet. There is surely more work to be done here, and we're very pleased to have the issue brought to our attention.

As well as a plethora of bug fixes. Please refer to the 2.7 milestone for a complete list of changes, and the examples page for updated examples.

Thanks to all for the issues filed, and especially to @viktoraseev, @zaizhuang, @Tchanders, and @mndrake for the PRs.