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Michael Fessenden edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

Coordinate Conversion

SpriteKit uses a coordinate system that is different from Tiled's; SpriteKit scenes' origin is at the bottom-left, while Tiled sets the origin at top-left.

To emulate this, the SKTilemapnode draws its layers starting at the origin and moving downwards into the negative y-space. To accommodate this, each layer type has conversion methods for converting points to coordinates and vice-versa. Be sure to convert points to the layer you are querying to return the correct coordinate.

Remember that the layers are centered on the SKTilemap origin.

// convert a position in the current view to a scene position
let positionInScene = view.convert(point, to: scene)

// convert a scene point to the layer's position
let positionInLayer = tileLayer.convert(positionInScene, from: scene).invertedY

// get the coordinate at the specified point
let coord = tileLayer.coordinateForPoint(positionInLayer)

If adding objects to a layer, you can easily get a position for a Tiled coordinate:

// get position in a layer for the given coordinate
let point = tileLayer.pointForCoordinate(3, 4)

Converting Coordinates from Other Nodes

Use the default SKNode.convert(_:from:) method to convert a tile position to another node's coordinate space. If you wanted to add a node to the SKTiledScene:

let positionInLayer = layer.pointForCoordinate(0, 17)
newTile.position = worldNode.convert(positionInLayer, from: layer)

User Interaction

SKTiled also has methods for handling touch events (iOS) and mouse events (macOS):

// iOS with UITouch
let touchPosition = tileLayer.touchLocation(touch)

// OSX with NSEvent mouse event
let eventPosition = tileLayer.mouseLocation(event: mouseEvent)

You can also query coordinates at an event directly:

// get the coordinate of a touch event
let coord = tileLayer.coordinateAtTouchLocation(touch)

// get the coordinate of a mouse event
let coord = tileLayer.coordinateAtMouseEvent(event: event)

It's important to remember that each layer has the ability to independently query a coordinate (which can be different depending on each layer's offset). Querying a point in the parent SKTilemap node returns values in the default layer.

Coordinate Offsets & Hints

When converting a tile coordinate to screen points, you can also add optional pixel offset values:

// use CGFloat for offset
let point = tileLayer.pointForCoordinate(3, 4, offsetX: 4, offsetY: 0)

// use TileOffset for offset
let point = tileLayer.pointForCoordinate(3, 4, offset:

The SKTiledLayerObject.TileOffset enum represents a hint for placement within each layer type:        // returns the center of the tile.           // returns the top of the tile.
 TileOffset.topLeft       // returns the top left of the tile.
 TileOffset.topRight      // returns the top left of the tile.
 TileOffset.bottom        // returns the bottom of the tile.      
 TileOffset.bottomLeft    // returns the bottom left of the tile.
 TileOffset.bottomRight   // returns the bottom right of the tile.
 TileOffset.left          // returns the left side of the tile.
 TileOffset.right         // returns the right side of the tile.