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Michael Fessenden edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

Linking Errors

If you get a zlib import error, make sure you have linked zlib in your Xcode project:

Project > Build Settings > Swift Compiler - Search Paths > Import Paths

Add a path that represents the SKTiled zlib module:

zlib compression

In your Xcode project file, the path entry will look like this:


XML Parsing Errors

External Tileset Errors

Occasionally the XML parser will throw errors with external tilesets that have been downloaded from the internet. Importing & re-exporting the Tiled document(s) should make the error go away.

Tileset Texture Errors

If you have trouble building tilesets, check to make sure that your textures are not referenced in

If you use the tileset transparent color feature in Tiled, make sure your png has no alpha channel.

Code Signing Errors

Occasionally you'll get a code signing error when compiling:

Codesign Error

If you're using Photoshop to create & save images, you might need to cleanup Finder metadata. To check, browse to your images directory in shell and run the following command:

ls -al@

If any of your files have extra metadata that Xcode doesn't like, you'll see it listed below the file name:

Image Metadata

Running the xattr command in your images directory will clean up the extra data:

xattr -rc .

Additionally, you could add a script phase to your app target. In Xcode, select your target and add a new New Run Script Phase

Carthage Problems

If you are getting errors including a framework in Xcode, use the --no-use-binaries flag when updating SKTiled.