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Minko Gechev edited this page Feb 7, 2013 · 5 revisions


In this section I'll describe in short the configuration file's location and the properties of both the End point and the Entry host which can be configured.

##Configuration files

The extension of the configuration files is *.conf. There are three configuration files:

  1. endpoint-config.conf
  2. entryhost-config.conf
  3. endpoints.conf

The configuration files can be located in a relative to the file directory conf/.*conf or at /etc/plainvm/*.conf. First plainvm reads the relative directory if it don't find any configuration files there, it reads them from the /etc/plainvm directory. If no configuration files are found then the program exits with an error message.

##End point

The End point has few properties which can be configured. They are as follows:

  • PORT - a port on which the end point should listen for connections. Default value 5000.
  • ADDRESS - an address on which the end point should listen. Default value
  • SCREENSHOT_UPDATE_INTERVAL - an interval on which the end point should make screenshots of it's virtual machines. Default value 2.
  • UPDATE_INTERVAL - an interval on which the end point should check for updated virtual machines. Default value 1.
  • ISO_DIR - directory where will be saved the ISO files which are uploaded during the installation.
  • GUACAMOLE_USERS - directory where is located the Guacamole's user mapping file.
  • VMS_LOCATION - directory where will be located the hard drives of the machines created during the installation process.


PORT                        =     5000
ADDRESS                     =
UPDATE_INTERVAL             =     1
ISO_DIR                     =     /home/user/Downloads
GUACAMOLE_USERS             =     /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
VMS_LOCATION                =     /home/user/VirtualBox VMs

##Entry host

In this sub-section I'll describe the configuration properties of the Entry host.

  • HTTP_PORT - port on which should be started the web server. Default value 5001.
  • ADDRESS - an address on which the entry host should listen for client connections. Default value
  • ENDPOINT_PORT - port on which the entry host should connect to the end points. Default value 5000.
  • POLL_INTERVAL - an interval on which the entry host should poll the end points for updates. Default value 1.
  • SCREENSHOT_POLL_INTERVAL - an interval on which the entry host should poll the end points for updates of the VM's screenshots. Default value 1.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT - the amount of seconds which the entry host will wait until send error response to the client if the end point haven't returned any response (only for need-response requests)


HTTP_PORT                 =       5001
ADDRESS                   =
ENDPOINT_PORT             =       5000
POLL_INTERVAL             =       1
REQUEST_TIMEOUT           =       30

The entry host has one more configuration file. It's name is endpoints.conf. It contains all end points associated with the current entry host.

It's value is comma separated list of values of the host names of the end points plus optional port.


If a port is not provided then the default one, configured in entryhost-config.conf, will be used.

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