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M. H. Golkar edited this page Oct 9, 2022 · 1 revision

Jump is another technically important navigational node type.

Arrow's editor is designed with authors and artists in mind, so takes a graph (node-and-link) or no-coding development approach extensively. Nodes (the most common resources) are mainly organized on a grid and connected using graph links, creating series that define in what order these building blocks will be played.

There should as well be a way to connect nodes that are not on the same grid (i.e. nodes on different scenes), or nodes that are on the same grid but far away (where a normal graph link just wouldn't look nice).

Here shines Jump node type.

A Jump node accepts another node's name (user-editable UID), internally finds the respective underlying immutable UID, and keeps it as the target, so maintains a valid working link even if the destination node is renamed later.

Jump instances show their destination name and their reason label on their grid node view helping to better visualize each Jump and its purpose.

When a Jump node is played, it immediately plays its target node forward.


  • Jump is an automatic node: it does not wait for user interaction.

  • Skipped and invalid or unset Jump nodes would play nothing forward (i.e. EOL).

  • Jumping to another Jump is considered an unsafe operation therefore unexpected behavior that may or may not be handled.

  • Jumping to a node that belongs to a macro would cause that macro to be treated as a normal scene.

    If you intend to play a macro from beginning to end, try recommended way: Macro-Use.


Inputting another node's name in the destination field of a Jump inspector is all you need to do. If the name is exact, the job is done. For partial names, the inspector does a search and provides you with a list of nodes having that substring in their names. You can then select one from the list.

If the grid node shows no change in destination or the inspector field resets, the data is either not (auto-) updated, or the inputted name is invalid.

Assigning a reason to each Jump is optional, but recommended, specially if the destination node's name is not meaningful enough.

Alt + Double-Click on the grid Jump node will change grid view to focus on the destination node.

See also:

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