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Quick Start Guide

M. H. Golkar edited this page Oct 9, 2022 · 13 revisions


This brief document only covers the basics of Arrow.

For more information, please read other pages of the wiki as well.

New Project

Arrow welcomes you with an unsaved project, every time you open the editor.

To have a new project, you just need to save that untitled project, by pressing the Save button on the title-bar or via Inspector (panel) > Project (tab) > New (menu button) > Save Current and Continue.

Common keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S is also available.

You'll be asked for a title and a file name.
New files will be created in the work-directory.

To import and list a project from file-system use:
Inspector (panel) > Project (tab) > New (menu button) > Import Project File.

Where Project Files Are

Arrow keeps all related projects in a single work-directory, an independent workspace.

This directory is by default user:// standing for the platform-specific user local app data.

You can change the work-directory's path from preferences panel.

Changing work-directory will not move your project files, and if you save an open project, after any change in the work-directory's path, it will be regarded as a new project for that new workspace.

Projects are saved with .arrow extension.

Saved files are textual, formatted in JSON.

Unlike .html and .json (purged) exports targeting production, .arrow save files include all the editor's meta-data, and developers' node notes, so are much more suitable to backup, track, and re-import projects on development.


Editor configuration is possible from the Preferences panel.

To access it, press the Arrow menu button on top-left corner of the editor and select Preferences.

This configurations will be remembered in arrow.config files.

There are also volatile Quick Preferences that control convenient features such as Auto Node Update and Connection Assist (both active by default.) You'll find them on bottom-right corner of the editor.

Nodes and Graphs

Right Click on the Grid, to insert new nodes.

From the popup menu you can also copy, cut, paste or delete selected nodes.

Common keyboard shortcuts are available for them as well.

Right clicking on the graph nodes won't select or deselect them. It's considered as a normal right click on the grid.

You can change play/execution order of nodes by connecting their slots (small circles attached to them.)

Visual position of nodes on the grid will not affect the order of execution.

Quick node insertion

Create a connection (incoming or outgoing) to an empty space on the grid, then from the opened popup, insert the node type you want (double-click or enter.) This works only if the respective Quick preference is active (default).

Node Inspection

To change how a node behaves, and its parameters, you can open a node in the Node tab of the Inspector panel by

  • double-clicking on any node,
  • or just selecting one if Auto-Inspection (from quick preferences) is active.

The parameters you can modify depends on type of the node; yet there are few common properties:

  • UID: Mutable unique identifier (i.e. name property) of each node

    This parameter reflects underlying immutable Integer UID but is independent and editable. By (hardcoded) default, its value is forced to be unique throughout the project.

  • Node Notes: The arbitrary metadata you may add to any node

    E.g. badges such as WIP, TODO, or Developer Notes.

  • Skip: Deactivates the node (in play-time) without removing it

    Behavior of each skipped node type depends on its implementation.

Nodes shall be updated in order to keep changes, otherwise when you inspect another node, the changes are gone.

With the quick preference Auto Node Update active (default), inspected nodes get updated automatically when user inspects another node or deselects the current one by clicking on the grid or multiple selection.

Re-selecting the already inspected node will reset its parameters to the latest state kept in memory and will not trigger auto-update.

Updating nodes, changes them in memory. To store them permanently, save the project.

Variables and Characters

Some node-types such as User-Input or Dialog, need a Variable or a Character to work properly.

To make them, head to the respective tabs in the Inspector panel.

You may need to use arrow buttons on the top-right corner of the panel to move other tabs into view.

Note: Auto-update only target for nodes, you may need to set edited parameters to be updated.

To expose a variable or character tag's value in textual nodes such as Dialog, Interaction, Content, etc. use mustache placeholders resembling {variable_name} or {character_name.tag_key}. The Arrow's console and compatible runtime(s) will replace them with their respective current values.

History of Changes

Early versions of Arrow only supported Snapshots, full images of the open project, serving as manual edit history points that users could create and restore.

A snapshot of a project or a snapshot of another snapshot, can be taken, previewed or restored into the main working draft, from the Project tab of the Inspector panel.

Snapshots can be edited in the preview mode but changes are volatile unless stored by taking another snapshot of the very edited snapshot.

You can as well export or save them as a copy via Inspector > Project > Export.

Second feature Per-Node Modification History was implemented later, to track editions for each node individually.

Starting with v2, another feature, History System, is added to provide quicker and more convenient undo/redo revision, by keeping a collection of snapshots in a deck in memory.

Keyboard shortcuts and two buttons on top bar are available for history rotation.

This feature is experimental and still uses full project images akin to snapshots which could put a burden on devices with visibly low specs when project size is considerably large. This is why history size preference is zero by default. Any higher value will automatically activate the history system.

Quick Tip:
Save and export functions always save what is currently loaded in the editor, whether it is the main working draft, a previewed snapshot, or an undo history point! In other words, you can undo a change, or preview a snapshot Save a Copy and export it, then redo or close the preview and continue with no data loss.

Above mentioned features, work independently.

Test-Play (Console)

You can use the Console panel to test-play your creation without exporting it.

There are few buttons on the top-right corner of the editor which open console and play from a special starting point.

Console keeps the changes made in the variables and character tags while it is not cleared. You can also manually modify them via: Console > Settings > Inspect ....

Test-playing and manipulating data in the Console will not change your project data, but only the console's memory itself, so play and test with ease of mind.

Double-Click on non-interactive parts of a node in the console, makes the grid to change view and focus on that very node.


When a project is open, you can export it via Inspector > Project > Export.

As previously mentioned these functions save what is currently loaded in the editor, whether it is the main working draft, a previewed snapshot, or an undo history point.

Arrow supports .json and .html exports.

.html export will produce a single-file playable document using the official HTML-JS runtime template. The generated document can be played in any modern web browser.

JSON is also a very popular format you can use in many programming languages and game engines to further develop your narrative and/or use it as a database of your game content.

Unlike full .arrow saved file (also in JSON format), exported files may drop metadata and notes (for privacy reasons). That makes them not really suitable to be re-imported without manual alteration.

Miscellaneous Notes

  • Panel Resize and Move

    • Grab top-right corner of a panel to resize it
    • Grab a panel's title-bar to move it

    When panels overlap, grabbing title-bar of any panel will take it to the top layer above others.

  • In addition to the legacy mini-map (floating on the bottom-left corner), a larger mini-map (later added to Godot) may be activated using the net-like button grouped with other grid controls on its top-left corner.

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