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Using the prompt

Marco Hinz edited this page Nov 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Use :Grepper to fire up a prompt.

  • CR: Start searching using the current query.

  • Esc: Close the prompt without searching. Using Ctrl+c works as well.

  • Tab: Cycle through the list of available grep tools, even if you already entered your query. You can also change that key. If you use a mapping for :Grepper, you can even use the same keys for them:

    nnoremap <leader>g :Grepper<cr>
    let g:grepper = { 'next_tool': '<leader>g' }

    After remapping, Tab does a simple file completion instead.

  • Ctrl+f: Open the command-line window. This is a Vim feature. See :h cmdline-window. It gives you a list of recent searches, putting you on an empty line. Use Ctrl+c to quit the cmdline window or navigate to another line and use CR to use it as query in the prompt.

Also see :h grepper-mappings.

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