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Angular2 Ultimate Starter

An Angular 2 starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Forms, Http, Services), ngrx, (store, more comming), Tests, E2E, Material, ng2-responsive, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, @types, TSLint, Codelyzer, and Webpack 2 by ME :D

Largerly based on the top of the wonderfull work of the awesome guys behind AngularClass. You may find somethings missing, as HMR. They will readded eventually

If you're looking for learn Angular 2 in general, you should go to AngularClass/awesome-angular2

If you're looking for Angular 1.x you can use AngularClass/NG6-starter

If you're looking for the original and still awesome Angular 2 Webpack Starter you should go to AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter

If you're looking to learn about Webpack and ES6 Build Tools check out AlgularClass/ES6-build-tools

If you're looking to learn TypeScript see TypeStrong/learn-typescript

If you're looking for a complete Starter with Ngrx and HMR you should go to QDouble/Angular-Webpack2-Starter

If you're looking to add Angular Material 2 go to the branch material2

If you're looking to add Bootstrap 4, with ng-bootstrap go to the branch bootstrap

This seed repo serves as an Angular 2 starter for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast. To have multiple targets to deploy: Electron, Angular2-Universal (soon) and NativeScript (not that soon). It use Webpack 2 for building the application, as well the backends, from the source files and assisting with boilerplate.
This is also using Protractor for our end-to-end story, Karma for our unit tests with Jasmine and TSLint with aditional plugins (Codelyzer), configured to properly linting the application.

  • The ultimate Angular 2 seed for anyone who wants to start their (hybrid) projects.
  • Angular 2 style guide applied in all the files.
  • Great semantic folder structure.
  • State managed by ngrx/store (done) and ngrx/effects (soon).
  • Ready to go build system using Webpack for working with TypeScript.
  • Electron Webpack configured to easily require remote from Angular aplication.
  • Testing Angular 2 code with Jasmine and Karma.
  • Coverage with Istanbul and Karma
  • End-to-end Angular 2 code using Protractor.
  • Type manager with @types
  • Material Design with angular/material2
  • Bootstrap 4 with ng-bootstrap

Quick start

Make sure you have Node version >= 6.x.x and NPM >= 3.x.x
Don't know how? Click me

Clone/Download the repo then edit app.component.ts inside /src/app/app.component.ts

# clone our repo
# --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history
git clone --depth 1

# change directory to our repo
cd angular2-ultimate-starter

# install the repo with npm
npm install

# start the server
npm start

# use Hot Module Replacement
npm run server:dev:hmr

# if you're in China use cnpm

Wait to your browser to load!!! Or open it and go to or http://localhost:3000

Table of Contents

File Structure

We use the component approach in our starter. This is the new standard for developing Angular apps and a great way to ensure maintainable code by encapsulation of our behavior logic. A component is basically a self contained app usually in a single file or a folder with each concern as a file: style, template, specs, e2e, and component class. Here's how it looks:

 ├── config/                              * All the configuration
 │    ├── karma/                          * Karma folder. Contains config for the unit tests, with Webpack and aditional files
 │    ├── protractor/                     * Protractor folder. Contains config for our end-to-end tests
 │    ├── tslint/                         * TSLint folder. Contains rules for every extension used.
 │    └── webpack/                        * Webpack folder
 │         ├── browser/                   * The development and production config files for the browser.
 │         ├── electron/                  * The build and watch config files for the electron application.
 │         │    ├── main/                 * The development and production config files for the main thread.
 │         │    └── renderer/             * The development and production config files for the renderer thread.
 │         ├── github/                    * The config files for github deploy.
 │         └── options/                   * Configurations, options and helpers
 ├── src/                                 * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
 │    ├── main.browser.ts                 * our entry file for our browser environment
 │    │
 │    ├── index.html                      * Index.html: where we generate our index page
 │    │
 │    ├── polyfills.ts                    * our polyfills file
 │    │
 │    ├── vendor.ts                       * our vendor file
 │    │
 │    ├── app/                            * WebApp: folder
 │    │    ├── app.component.ts            * AppComponent: a simple version of our App component components
 │    │    ├── app.component.spec.ts       * a simple test of components in app.ts
 │    │    ├── app.component.e2e.ts        * a simple end-to-end test for /
 │    │    ├── app.constants.ts            * All the aplication constants
 │    │    ├── app.module.ts               * AppModule: The main module of the aplicaction
 │    │    ├── app.reducer.ts              * The main reducer for the aplication, and the initial state
 │    │    ├── app.reducer.spec.ts         * The tests for the aplication reducer
 │    │    ├── app.routes.ts               * The routes of the aplication
 │    │    ├── environment.ts              * The app environment variables and modules
 │    │    │
 │    │    ├── actions                     * All the aplication actions dispatchables
 │    │    ├── components                  * All the aplication components
 │    │    ├── directives                  * All the aplication directives
 │    │    ├── models                      * All the aplication models
 │    │    ├── pages                       * All the aplication pages components
 │    │    ├── pipes                       * All the aplication pipes
 │    │    ├── reducers                    * All the aplication reducers
 │    │    ├── services                    * All the aplication services
 │    │    ├── utils                       * All the aplication functions or utilities that does not fit anywhere else
 │    │    └── widgets                     * All the aplication presentationals components or widgets
 │    │
 │    └── assets/                         * static assets are served here
 │         ├──icon/                       * our list of icons from
 │         ├──service-worker.js           * ignore this. Web App service worker that's not complete yet
 │         ├──robots.txt                  * for search engines to crawl your website
 │         └──humans.txt                  * for humans to know who the developers are
 ├── tslint.json                          * typescript lint config
 ├── typedoc.json                         * typescript documentation generator
 ├── tsconfig.json                        * config that webpack uses for typescript
 ├── package.json                         * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies
 └── webpack.config.js                    * webpack main configuration file

Want to know more about the file structure and the semantic behind? Check out the wiki!


The actions that should be dispatched to the store. Should be classes with statics enum-like strings, and non-static functions

 ├── <name>.action.ts                     * The action with constants and funtions
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the actions


The containers components of the aplication. They should handle all the logic and handle all the users inputs. Note that there is not need for a separate template

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.component.ts             * The component controller.
 │    ├── <name>.component.spec.ts        * The unit tests of the component.
 │    ├── <name>.component.html           * The component template. [Optional]
 │    └── <name>.component.scss           * The component styles. [Optional]
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the components.


The directives, both attributte and structural.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.directive.ts             * The directive controller.
 │    └── <name>.directive.spec.ts        * The unit tests of the directive.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the components.


All the aplication models for the data handeling.

 ├── <name>.ts                            * The model file.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the actions


All the actual pages of the application. They should handle no logic, and their behavior should be the same as a presentational component. However, e2e test must be placed here, and every page should test the behavior of the containers components of its own.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.component.ts             * The pages component controller.
 │    ├── <name>.component.spec.ts        * The unit tests of the page component.
 │    ├── <name>.component.e2e-spec.ts    * The e2e tests of the page component.
 │    ├── <name>.component.html           * The pages component template.
 │    └── <name>.component.scss           * The pages component styles.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the pages.


The pipes of the application.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.pipe.ts                  * The pipe controller.
 │    └── <name>.pipe.spec.ts             * The unit tests of the pipe.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the pipes.


The reducers. They should be export as constants.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.reducer.ts               * The reducer controller.
 │    └── <name>.reducer.spec.ts          * The unit tests of the reducer.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the reducers.


All the services.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.service.ts               * The service controller.
 │    ├── <name>.service.model.ts         * The service interface model. *not to be exported*
 │    ├── <name>.service.mock.ts          * The service mock. Service mocks must be `pure functions`.
 │    └── <name>.service.spec.ts          * The unit tests of the service.
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the services.


All the presentationals components or widgets. They should handle no logic, just show inputs properties, and output events.

 ├── <name>/
 │    ├── <name>.component.ts             * The presentationals component controller.
 │    ├── <name>.component.html           * The component template. [Optional]
 │    └── <name>.component.scss           * The component styles. [Optional]
 └── index.ts                             * Single barrel file for all the widget components.

Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm
    Ensure you're running at least this versions Node v6.x.x+ and NPM 3.x.x+, lastes are always prefered

If you have nvm installed, which is highly recommended you can do a nvm install --lts && nvm use in $ to run with the latest Node LTS. You can also have this zsh done for you automatically

If you have Windows, you should consider npm-windows-upgrade to update the npm after the Node installation.

Once you have those, you should install rimraf global with npm install --global rimraf. If you don't, you can't use any clean script.

This is a list of other modules you can install globally. This not really necessary, but recommended if you are working alone, if you are in a team it's better if all of the team work with this tools with the same version from the scripts.

  • webpack (npm install --global webpack)
  • webpack-dev-server (npm install --global webpack-dev-server)
  • karma (npm install --global karma-cli)
  • protractor (npm install --global protractor)
  • typescript (npm install --global typescript)


  • fork this repo (or Download ZIP).
  • clone your fork.
  • Install global modules if you would like to.
  • npm install to install all dependencies.

Running the app

After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app. Run npm run server to start a local server using webpack-dev-server which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as (or if you prefer IPv6, if you're using express server, then it's http://[::1]:3000/).


# development
npm run server
# production
npm run server:prod

Full list of script commands

build files

# web development
npm run build:dev
# web production
npm run build:prod
# electron (only production for now)
npm run build:electron

hot module replacement

npm run server:dev:hmr

watch and build files

# web (watch and build. Doesn't reload the static server)
npm run watch
# electron (watch and build. Reload the Electron app)
npm run watch:electron

run tests

npm run test

watch and run our tests (tdd)

npm run watch:test

run end-to-end tests

# make sure you have your server running in another terminal
npm run e2e

run webdriver (for end-to-end)

npm run webdriver:update
npm run webdriver:start

run Protractor's elementExplorer (for end-to-end)

npm run webdriver:start
# in another terminal
npm run e2e:live

build Docker

npm run build:docker


# clean everything (cache, generated folders and modules).
npm run clean
# clean everything and install.
npm run clean:install
# clean generated folders and files (dist, converage, doc, and logs).
npm run clean:folder
# clean everything, install and start.
npm run clean:start
# clean node_modules
npm run clean:modules
# clean dist
npm run clean:dist


Configuration files live in config/. This uses webpack, karma, and protractor for different stages of your application. This folder also have subfolders for the tslint extensions configurations.


You can include more examples as components but they must introduce a new concept such as Home component (separate folders), and Todo (services). I'll accept pretty much everything so feel free to open a Pull-Request.


To take full advantage of TypeScript with autocomplete you would have to install it globally and use an editor with the correct TypeScript plugins.

Use latest TypeScript compiler

TypeScript 2.0.3 includes everything you need. Make sure to upgrade, even if you installed TypeScript previously.

npm install --global typescript

Use a TypeScript-aware editor

We have good experience using these editors:

Visual Studio Code + Extensions

There is a extesions.json file in the the .vscode folder. It contains several recommended extensions to work with in this project, or any Angular2 project. It includes:

Debugger for Chrome The configuration automatically connects to the webpack development server on port 3000.

Typescript Hero It is configured to start multiple lines automatically after 100 characters.



All those extensions are a recommendation, and are by no way, necessary to develop with this project.


When you include a module that doesn't include Type Definitions inside of the module you can include external Type Definitions with @types

i.e, to have youtube api support, run this command in terminal:

npm i @types/youtube @types/gapi @types/

In some cases where your code editor doesn't support Typescript 2 yet or these types weren't listed in tsconfig.json, add these to "src/custom-typings.d.ts" to make peace with the compile check:

import '@types/';
import '@types/gapi';
import '@types/youtube';

Custom Type Definitions

When including 3rd party modules you also need to include the type definition for the module if they don't provide one within the module. You can try to install it with @types

npm install @types/node
npm install @types/lodash

If you can't find the type definition in the registry we can make an ambient definition in this file for now. For example

declare module "my-module" {
  export function doesSomething(value: string): string;

If you're prototyping and you will fix the types later you can also declare it as type any

declare var assert: any;
declare var _: any;
declare var $: any;

If you're importing a module that uses Node.js modules which are CommonJS you need to import as

import * as _ from 'lodash';

Frequently asked questions

This is the original faq in angular2-webpack-starter repo. Questions that I did not fell that fit with this repo, were removed. Links to PR, and issues, of the angular2-webpack-starter repo are prefixed with a2ws.

  • What's the current browser support for Angular 2?
  • Why is my service, aka provider, is not injecting parameter correctly?
    • Please use @Injectable() for your service for typescript to correctly attach the metadata.
  • How do I run this repo with an older version of node?
    • I strongly suggest you to update to node 6 LTS. If you need older, you should write the imports in Webpack config files in other way but destructive.
  • How do I run protractor with node 0.12.x?
    • Please check out this repo to use the old version of protractor a2ws#146
  • Where do I write my tests?
  • How do I start the app when I get EACCES and EADDRINUSE errors?
    • The EADDRINUSE error means the port 3000 is currently being used and EACCES is lack of permission for webpack to build files to ./dist/
  • How do I test a Service?
  • How do I add vscode-chrome-debug support?
    • The VS Code chrome debug extension support can be done via launch.json see issue a2ws#144
  • How do I make the repo work in a virtual machine?
    • You need to use so revert these changes a2ws#205
  • What are the naming conventions for Angular 2?
  • How do I include another CSS framework or jQuery?
  • How do I async load a component?
  • Error: Cannot find module 'tapable'
    • Please run npm clean:install.
  • RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    • This is a problem with minifying Angular 2 and it's recent JIT templates. If you set mangle to false then you should be good.
  • Why is the size of my app larger in development?
    • We are using inline source-maps and hot module replacement which will increase the bundle size.
  • If you're in China
  • node-pre-gyp ERR in npm install (Windows)
  • Error:Error: Parse tsconfig error [{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'lib'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'strictNullChecks'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'baseUrl'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'paths'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'types'.","category":1,"code":5023}]
    • Please run npm run clean:install
  • "There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing"

Support, Questions, or Feedback

For now, you can use the issues for this.


Some example apps
