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Spring Social Security Demo - with custom local user account persistence. Also demonstrates use of spring-social-hibernate-jpa

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Spring Social Security Demo

NB: This is a fork of the spring-social-security-demo application - the intention is to demonstrate how to customise Spring-Social-Security so it creates local user accounts using a custom domain model and persistence mechanism. The following modifications have been made to the default configuration of the original demo

  • We are going to use Hibernate/JPA for the persistence of local domain model, so JDBC ConnectionRepository is replaced with Hibernate/JPA version for consistency.
  • The "Signup" components from Spring-Social-Security have been excluded from the component scan, and custom classes created - User, UserConnectionSignUp, UserSignUpController, UserSignUpService, UserSpringSocialProfileFactory and registered as beans where appropriate.

About this demo:

Simple Hello World Webapp demonstrating the spring-social-security module.

Resources in the application are protected using provider specific roles such has ROLE_USER_TWITTER or ROLE_USER_FACEBOOK, or simply by ROLE_USER.

Spring Security is configured with the SpringSocialSecurityAuthenticationFilter which ensures that users attempting to access a protected resource are prompted to connect with the relevant SaaS provider in order to authenticate.

Once authenticated, users confirm their chosen username, a account is created for them, and they can access the protected resource.

Once a user has an account, they can login to the system any time by simply reconnecting with any of the providers they have previously connected with the app previously.

Local user account creation is implemented using custom components and entities to illustrate how Spring-Social-Security can be used with your own persistence mechanism/domain model ( User, UserConnectionSignUp, UserSignUpController, UserSignUpService, UserSpringSocialProfileFactory ).

These custom classes allow Spring-Social-Security to hook into an existing or custom local user management system but wouldn't be required if the default persistence of Spring-Social-Security was used instead.

Running the demo

/src/main/resources/ must be populated with Twitter consumer key and secret and Facebook clientId and secret for this application to run. The return url of the Facebook client account must also be configured to be the connection url for this application - http://localhost:8080/ . As Twitter allows any return url by default, no such requirement is needed for the Twitter client account.

Twitter and Facebook are two arbitrary spring-social providers - alternative providers can be used instead - they must simply be registered in place of the Twitter/Facebook connection factory classes in SpringSocialSecurityDemoWebappConfig.

This webapp consists of a basic implementation of Spring Social framework, configured with an in-memory datasource for persistence of UserConnection data. This in-memory datasource (configured in spring-config.xml) can be replaced with custom datasource as necessary. The PostContruct method in SpringSocialSecurityDemoWebappConfig can be removed if the in-memory database is replaced.

To get started , clone the spring-social-security-demo project. Once the Twitter and Facebook client details have been populated in the file, and the Facebook client account has been set up with a return url of http://localhost:8080 the application can be started using the in-built Jetty plugin:

mvn jetty:run

from the base directory of the spring-social-security-demo project.

Access http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser.

The application has two primary pages, the public home page ( http://localhost:8080/ ) and a protected resource ( http://localhost:8080/protected ).

Spring Security is configured in the spring-config.xml file to treat the protected url as a protected resource and delegates to spring-social-security for authentication via the springSocialSecurityAuthenticationFilter bean.

Users are then asked to login via spring-social, and once they have authenticated with Twitter they are redirected back to the application and locally logged in.

Application overview

The bulk of this application sets up the environment for Spring Social and Spring Security, with the spring-social-security bridge between these two frameworks being configured with a few lines of configuration:

  <!-- Start Import of Spring Social Security -->

  <!-- Scan classpath for components, including our Social Security Configuration 
		class -->
		base-package="" />

   <!-- End Import of Spring Social Security -->
  <!-- configuration of spring security -->

<!-- Note the springSocialSecurityAuthenticationFilter is registered in place of the FORM_LOGIN_FILTER,
and the entry point for protected resources is defined as the springSocialSecurityEntryPoint -->

	<security:http use-expressions="true"
		entry-point-ref="springSocialSecurityEntryPoint" xmlns="">

		<intercept-url pattern="/protected/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/oauthconnect.jsp" access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />

		<security:logout logout-url="/logout" />

		<anonymous />
		<security:custom-filter position="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"
			ref="springSocialSecurityAuthenticationFilter" />

	<bean id="springSocialSecurityEntryPoint"
 		<property name="loginFormUrl" value="/oauthlogin.jsp"/>

<!-- end configuration of spring security -->

<!-- Configuration of spring social -->

<!-- Note the postSignInUrl is set to /authenticate, the signUp url is set to /signup and a provider specific connect interceptor
is registered for each post-login connect provider -->

	<bean class="">
		<constructor-arg value="${application.secureUrl}" />
		<property name="signUpUrl" value="/signup" />
		<property name="applicationUrl" value="${application.secureUrl}" />
		<property name="postSignInUrl" value="/authenticate" />
		<!-- relies on by-type autowiring for the other constructor-args -->

	<bean class="">
		<!-- relies on by-type autowiring for the constructor-args -->
		<property name="applicationUrl" value="${application.secureUrl}" />
		<property name="interceptors">
    	    	<ref bean="facebookConnectInterceptor" />

<!-- End configuration of spring social -->

The only additional code which is needed for this spring-social-security demo is the FacebookConnectInterceptor, needed because the Spring-Social framework requires API-specific connect interceptors to be registered before they can be called. This interceptor is registered with the ConnectController as above.


Spring Social Security Demo - with custom local user account persistence. Also demonstrates use of spring-social-hibernate-jpa






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