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Symfony Blog

Web page for publishing articles

The goal of this project is to create a web page that allows users to post and manage their articles.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Detailed information about installation and configurations are provided at developers' site.

For dockerization of this project see my Symfony-blog-docker repository.

Technology Stack

  • Symfony [4.2]
  • PHP [7]
  • MySQL for local development and testing
  • Heroku + PostgreSQL for the production environment


A step by step instruction [on Windows]:

  • Navigate to project directory.

  • Run the following commands:

    composer install

    php bin\console server:run

The application should be ready to build and run locally now.

The default database is MySQL with the following address: mysql://root:@

In order to change the database, .env and config/packages/doctrine.yaml files should be modified accordingly.






Article Administration Panel

article administration panel

Creating Article

creating article

Slack Integration

When an article is published, a message is sent to Slack.

slack integration

Comment Administration Panel

comment administration panel


  • Michał Koziara