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A Jackson-based lazy JSON parsing library for Clojure.

Some code from the (EPL-licensed) library is being reused here; see below for details.

Please note that at this early stage the API and even the scope of this library is subject to change without notice.



clj-lazy-json provides a Clojure wrapper for Jackson's stream -- parse event-based -- API and a method of processing seqs parse event. The latter is based on a query / path specification language for matching nodes in a JSON document (vaguely resembling -- simplified -- XQuery, CSS selectors and the like); a define-json-processor macro allows one to package a handful of paths together with appropriate callbacks in a regular Clojure function which can then be used to process JSON documents.

JSON text can be parsed into a parse event seq by the parse function, which can be called on anything acceptable to (e.g. a File, URI or a ready-made Reader). parse-string is a convenience wrapper for dealing with JSON documents contained in strings.

During development, rather than defining named JSON processing functions, it may be convenient to use the process-json function; for example

(process-json (parse-string "{\"foo\": 1, \"bar\": 2}")
              [:$ "foo"] #(apply prn "Foo!" %&)
              [:$ "bar"] #(apply prn "Bar!" %&))


"Foo!" [:$ "foo"] 1
"Bar!" [:$ "bar"] 2

and returns nil. To achieve the same effect with a named processor, one would say

(define-json-processor foo-bar-processor
  [:$ "foo"] #(apply prn "Foo!" %&)
  [:$ "bar"] #(apply prn "Bar!" %&))

(foo-bar-processor (parse-string "{\"foo\": 1, \"bar\": 2}"))

Wildcards matching "any key/index" (:*) or "any subpath" (:**) are supported in paths. The docstring of the define-json-processor macro contains a description of the path language and the contract which must be met by the callback functions.

Note that no JSON emitting functionality is currently supported; this is available in both and clj-json.


Let's have a look at an example. First, a simple JSON document:

(def test-json
  "{\"foo\": [{\"bar\": 1}, {\"foo\": {\"quux\": {\"bar\": 2}}}],
    \"bar\": [3]}")

Suppose we want to call some function with the values attached to bars below at least one foo. We'll use the following callback function:

(defn print-value-callback [_ v] (prn v))

To demonstrate the use of a callback's first argument, we'll also call a function to print out its value at a different path. This function is defined inline in the parser specification below, just to show it's possible.

(define-json-processor example-processor
  "Print out the values attached to bars below at least one foo."
  [:** "foo" :** "bar"] print-value-callback
  [:$ "bar" :*] (fn print-path [path _] (prn path)))

Here example-processor is a regular Clojure function. It takes one argument named lazy-json-tree and has the specified docstring attached. To test it out on our example document, one would say

(example-processor (parse-string test-json))
[:$ "bar" 0]
; nil

The 2 is printed twice, because its position in the tree matches the first path in two ways (see below for details).

The DSL used to define example-processor breaks down as follows:

[:** "foo" :** "bar"] print-value
; <----- path ----->  <callback>
; ^- :** -- skip any (possibly empty) subpath
;    ^- "foo" -- expect to see an object; descend into the value
;                attached to key "foo"
;          ^- :** -- skip any subpath
;              ^- "bar" -- descend at key "bar"; this is the end
;                          of the path spec, so call the attached
;                          callback -- print-value -- with the
;                          current node

[:$ "bar" :*] (fn print-path [path _] (prn path))
; ^- match document root
;   ^- expect previously matched element (= root) to be an object;
;      follow key "bar"
;         ^- expect to see an object or an array; call the callback
;            for all children (:* matches any single step in the path)

The callbacks receive two arguments: the exact path to the current node in the JSON document, which is a vector of :$ possibly followed by strings (object keys) and numbers (array indices), and a standard "Clojurized" representation of the node's value (with objects converted to maps and arrays to vectors).

Use of code

The lazy trees used here are constructed using two functions from, fill-queue and seq-tree, copied here because they are marked private in their original namespace of residence. code carries the following notice:

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

This notice is also reproduced in the src/clj_lazy_json/cdx.clj file containing this code. See also the file epl-v10.html at the root of the present distribution.


This work was sponsored by Fablo ( Fablo provides a set of tools for building modern e-commerce storefronts. Tools include a search engine, product and search result navigation, accelerators, personalized recommendations, and real-time statistics and analytics.


Copyright (C) 2011 Michał Marczyk

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Jackson-based lazy JSON parsing library for Clojure.






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