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A flask app for simple username and password assignments for the Data Science Virtual Machine


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A Web App for Distributing Logins to JupyterHub Running on an Azure VM

This project is a WIP. It will have two parts:

  1. Programmatically deploy a multi-user Azure Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) with Ubuntu for working with PyTorch and other deep learning frameworks through Jupyter

  2. Setting up a web app based on Flask for handing out user logins to a VM with JupyterHub

The final product is handy for workshops where Jupyter and a multi-user setup is needed.

What gets deployed

  • NC6 Ubuntu Data Science Virtual Machine with JupyterHub and PyTorch 1.x kernel with Python 3.6
  • Azure App Service for Flask webapp
  • AAD App with a Service Principal


Deploying a multi-user Ubuntu DSVM

But first, here are some more details on the VM.

  • Multiple users are created
    • 1 admin ("superwoman" is the default name or otherwise provided in the VM_USER environment var) and 10 users with sudoer permissions (so that they can pip install)
    • The admin and users have randomly generated passwords. The admin password is given when running the Python deployment script. The list for the additional users and corresponding passwords is downloaded automatically as a csv file after running the deployment script.
    • Each user will have a home folder with the generic notebooks that come with the VM by default - so essentially their own working environment.
  • JupyterHub is provided for multi-tenant login
  • PyTorch 1.1 kernel for Jupyter is created


Clone this repository in Git bash or bash terminal:

git clone

Open up VS Code to the repository folder.

Go to Terminal -> New Terminal to open up a terminal window.

Create a virtual environment (assuming Python 3.6 is installed):

python3.6 -m venv .env

Activate it:


Install Python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create an AAD app and Service Principal in Azure Portal for authentication.

Create a file .vars and place environment variables inside it.

  • For example, the Unix file will look like:
export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<tenant or directory id>
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<client or app id>
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<app secret key>
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<Azure subscription id>
export VM_USER=wonderwoman
  • The Windows file will look like:
set AZURE_TENANT_ID <tenant or directory id>
set AZURE_CLIENT_ID <client or app id>
set AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET <app secret key>
set AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID <Azure subscription id>
set VM_USER wonderwoman

Set the variables in the shell in Unix as follows (in Windows take away the source command):

source .vars

Run the deployment script:

.env/bin/python dsvm_deploy/

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to "Stop" the VM when not in use to avoid incurring charges for it. This can be done in the Azure Portal

Setting up a web app based on Flask

This is currently being implemented. It will be based on this Tutorial.


When first getting to this repository, test locally.

gunicorn --bind= --timeout 600 startup:app
  • Navigate to the indicated URL to see the web app in action (flask run could also be used for testing, but since gunicorn is used by App Service, it's nice to test it that way).

Purpose of files

The file, for its part, is specifically for deploying to Azure App Service on Linux without containers. Because the app code is in its own module in the login_app folder (which has an, trying to start the Gunicorn server within App Service on Linux produces an "Attempted relative import in non-package" error. The file, therefore, is just a shim to import the app object from the login_app module, which then allows you to use startup:app in the Gunicorn command line (see startup.txt). As the tutorial indicates under Configure a custom startup file, the startup.txt will need to be placed in the App Service's Configuration -> General settings -> Starup Command (just go to the App Service in the Azure Portal to do this).



Contributions to the sample are welcome. Feel free to submit an issue or PR.

Additional details


  • The CryptographyDeprecationWarning is a known issue.

  • Occasionally, the VM has an issue with deployment and an scp error will show up (paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError). In this case, please delete the resource group in the Azure Portal and try the deployment agin.

  • Passwords for the VMs must have 3 of the following: 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character that is not '' or '-'.

  • To check for the user accounts present on the VM, ssh into the VM, and use the following command:

    • cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd


A flask app for simple username and password assignments for the Data Science Virtual Machine








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