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Android for Maven Eclipse Stories in Ready

Android for Maven Eclipse (m2e-android) is a Maven Eclipse (m2e) plug-in that adds Maven support for Android Developer Tools (ADT) and the Maven Android Plugin. It brings the power of Maven dependency management into the ADT.

For instructions on how to get started using the m2e-android please see the project web site.

Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Ricardo Gladwell, Hugo Josefson and Anthony Dannane
License: Eclipse Public License 1.0


This section details how to set-up your environment to make code changes to the m2e-android code base.

1. Getting Started

In addition to having Eclipse Juno installed, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Install the Android SDK.
  2. Create ANDROID_HOME environment variable containing the Android SDK install path.
  3. Ensure you have the latest update on the Android SDK (execute android update sdk --no-ui --obsolete --force)
  4. Install the Maven Android SDK Deployer
  5. Install latest Android Development Tools.
  6. Install Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment.
  7. Install M2E Plugin 1.2+.
  8. Install Maven 3 for command line Tycho support.
  9. Install Egit.
  10. In Eclipse select Help → Install new software… and go to the m2eclipse update site.
  11. Un-check the “Group items by category” check box.
  12. You should now see the “m2e – Extensions Development Support (Optional)” plugin.
  13. Select, install and restart Eclipse.

2. Import Projects

The m2e-android project is made up of six sub-modules: the parent POM project, the core plugin, a test suite, an Android tools plugin, the feature project and an update site project.

To clone them into your Eclipse workspace follow these steps:

  1. Clone this git repository into your local workspace.
  2. In Eclipse select FileImport… in the menu and then select MavenExisting Maven Projects.
  3. Choose the parent folder you just cloned into your workspace (should be m2e-android), select all sub projects and click Finish
  4. If you get a “Plugin exception not covered by lifecycle configuration” error in your POM click “Discover new m2e connectors” which should allow you to install the Tycho configurator.
  5. Mark all new projects in the Package Explorer and right-click on them to select TeamShare Project.
  6. Select Git and click Next.
  7. Check the Use or create Repository in parent folder of project and click Finish.

Further reading

For more information on developing the m2e-android plug-in please see the following:


Special thanks to those who crowdfunded project development through Patreon:

Raphael Ackermann


The m2e-android project uses Travis to continuously
integrate its code. To help diagnose issues with Travis, we have added a
Vagrant image and provisioning script that
simulates a Travis CI build.

To use this please follow these steps:

  1. Install Vagrant.
  2. Execute vagrant up.

You can then get screenshots by logging into a stalling insatnce as follows:

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
$ cd /vagrant
$ import -display :99 -window root screenshot.png