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Thread and irq don't go #9271

schamu opened this issue Sep 10, 2022 · 4 comments

Thread and irq don't go #9271

schamu opened this issue Sep 10, 2022 · 4 comments


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schamu commented Sep 10, 2022

  • Please search existing issues before raising a new issue. For questions about MicroPython or for help using MicroPython, or any sort of "how do I?" requests, please use the Discussions tab or raise a documentation request instead.

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I think here is an error in the modul treaed and irq
here is the code:

``# 10.09.2022 by Thomas Steffen
from machine import Pin, Timer, I2C, ADC, RTC, UART
from time import sleep, sleep_ms, ticks_ms, ticks_diff, localtime, mktime, time
from astrodata import isSommerzeit, tagnacht, isNacht
from sh1106 import WIDTH, HEIGHT, SH1106_I2C as DISPLAY
import sys, statistics, _thread

from dcf77_anzeige_matrix import anzeige_schreiben
#from dcf77_anzeige_streifen import anzeige_schreiben

version = sys.implementation.version
version = "("+str(version[0])+"."+str(version[1])+"."+str(version[2])+")"
print("RPi-Pico MicroPython Ver:", sys.version, version)

Test / Uhr

dcf_pin = Pin(28, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # GPIO-Pin für DCF-Signal (2) (22)
dcf_led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT) # GPIO-Pin für interne LED (7) (25)
ldr = ADC(27) # GPIO-Pin für Lichtsensor (27) (27)
anzeige_helligkeit = 10 # Helligkeit der LEDs (0-255)
anzeige_farbe = 6 #0 aus #1 rot #2 grün #3 blau #4 gelb #5 violett #6 türkis #7 weiß
ldr_liste = [800]*10
rtc = RTC()
uart = UART(0, baudrate=115200, rx=Pin(1), tx=Pin(0))
i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(9), sda=Pin(8))

DCF77 Deklarationen

puls_start, puls_stop = False, False
start_high, start_low = 0, 0
laenge_high, laenge_low = 0, 0
timeInfo = [] # DCF-Bits zur Auswertung
dcf_bits = [] # DCF-Bits der laufenden Minute
dcf_sync = 3 # 0-OK; 1-Sekunde 59 erkannt; 2-Fehler; 3-Start; 4-StundenSync
bitnr, signal, sommerzeit, nacht = 0, 2, 2, 0
wt = ["Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So"]
sz = ["MEZ", "MESZ",""]
do = [",", ",", ":", ":", ";"]
s = [] # Sonnenaufgang/Untergang

Ticker Deklarationen

isSekunde, isMinute, isStunde = 0, 0, 0
isTag, is50hz, is4Hz = 0, 0, 0
z50hz, zSekunde, zMinute, zStunde = 50, 60, 60, 24

def computeTime():
global timeInfo, wt, sz
if timeInfo[0] != 0 or timeInfo[20] != 1 or sum(timeInfo[21:29]) % 2 != 0 or sum(timeInfo[29:36]) % 2 != 0 or sum(timeInfo[36:59]) % 2 != 0 or sum(timeInfo[17:19]) != 1:
print("Empfangsfehler: parity bits or constant bits have unexpected values")
return 2
sommerzeit = timeInfo[17]
minute = timeInfo[21] + 2 * timeInfo[22] + 4 * timeInfo[23] + 8 * timeInfo[24] + 10 * timeInfo[25] + 20 * timeInfo[26] + 40 * timeInfo[27]
stunde = timeInfo[29] + 2 * timeInfo[30] + 4 * timeInfo[31] + 8 * timeInfo[32] + 10 * timeInfo[33] + 20 * timeInfo[34]
tag = timeInfo[36] + 2 * timeInfo[37] + 4 * timeInfo[38] + 8 * timeInfo[39] + 10 * timeInfo[40] + 20 * timeInfo[41]
wochentag = timeInfo[42] + 2 * timeInfo[43] + 4 * timeInfo[44]
monat = timeInfo[45] + 2 * timeInfo[46] + 4 * timeInfo[47] + 8 * timeInfo[48] + 10 * timeInfo[49]
jahr = timeInfo[50] + 2 * timeInfo[51] + 4 * timeInfo[52] + 8 * timeInfo[53] + 10 * timeInfo[54] + 20 * timeInfo[55] + 40 * timeInfo[56] + 80 * timeInfo[57]
rtc.datetime((2000+jahr, monat, tag, wochentag-1, stunde, minute, 0, 100))
print("{:s}, {:02d}.{:02d}.{:d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {:s} syncronisiert".format(wt[wochentag-1], tag, monat, 2000+jahr, stunde, minute, 0, sz[sommerzeit]))
return sommerzeit
def handle_interrupt(dcf_pin):
global puls_start, start_high, laenge_low
global puls_stop, start_low, laenge_high, bitnr, dcf_bits, signal
if dcf_pin.value() == 1: # Puls Start
if dcf_sync != 7: dcf_led.value(1)
start_high = ticks_ms()
laenge_low = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start_low)
puls_start = True
else: # Puls Ende
start_low = ticks_ms()
laenge_high = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start_high)
signal = 2
if laenge_high > 40 and laenge_high < 130: signal = 0
if laenge_high > 150 and laenge_high < 220: signal = 1
bitnr += 1
puls_stop = True

def core1_thread():
global isSekunde, isMinute, isStunde, isTag, is4Hz
t2 = localtime()
c = 0
while True:
t1 = localtime()
if c == 40: is4Hz, c = 1, 0
if t1[5] != t2[5]: isSekunde = 1
if t1[4] != t2[4]: isMinute = 1
if t1[3] != t2[3]: isStunde = 1
if t1[2] != t2[2]: isTag = 1
t2 = t1
c += 1

t = localtime()
sommerzeit = isSommerzeit()
s = tagnacht(t, sommerzeit)
nacht = isNacht(t, s)
oled_sync = 2 # kein oled angeschlossen
if i2c.scan(): # scanne i2c-Bus
oled_sync = 0 # oled angeschlossen
print("I2C Configuration: "+str(i2c)) # Display I2C config
for x in i2c.scan():
print("I2C Address : "+hex(x).upper()) # Display device addresses
oled = DISPLAY(128, 64, i2c) # Init oled display (WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c)
oled.fill(0) # Clear the oled display in case it has junk on it.
oled.text("Pi Pico dcf77",12,0) # Add some text
oled.hline(10,9,108,1) # Linie drunter
print("Uhrzeit: {:0>2d}:{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}".format(t[3],t[4],t[5]))
zSekunde = 60 - t[5] # Sekunden syncronisieren
zMinute = 60 - t[4] # Minuten syncronisieren
zMinute = 24 - t[3] # Stunden syncronisieren

second_thread = _thread.start_new_thread(core1_thread, ())
dcf_pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler = handle_interrupt)

while True:
if puls_start:
puls_start = False
if dcf_sync == 1:
result = computeTime()
if result < 2:
t = localtime()
z50hz = 50 # 50Hz syncronisieren
zSekunde = 60 # Sekunden syncronisieren
zMinute = 60 - t[5] # Minuten syncronisieren
zStunde = 24 - t[4] # Stunden syncronisieren
dcf_sync = 0
sommerzeit = result
s = tagnacht(t, sommerzeit)
nacht = isNacht(t, s)
print("Aufgang: {:0>2d}:{:0>2d}".format(s[0],s[1]), " Untergang: {:0>2d}:{:0>2d}".format(s[2],s[3]), " Nacht:", nacht)
dcf_sync = 2
#laenge_puls = laenge_high + laenge_low
#print("Puls: {:0>2d} - {:0>1d} - {:0>3d} - {:0>4d} - {:0>4d} - {:0>1d}".format(bitnr, signal, laenge_high, laenge_low, laenge_puls, dcf_sync))
if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start_high) > 1050:
if bitnr == 59:
#print("sync: 59")
if dcf_sync != 0:
dcf_sync = 1
timeInfo = dcf_bits
dcf_bits = []
bitnr = 0
start_high = ticks_ms()
if isSekunde > 0:
isSekunde = 0
t = localtime()
print(50-z50hz, 60-zSekunde, t[5])
if t[4] == 59 and t[5] == 50: dcf_sync = 4 # Stündlicher DCF-Sync
licht = int(statistics.median(ldr_liste))
if oled_sync < 2:
oled.text("ldr: {:.0f}".format(licht),0,20)
oled.text("{:0>2d}:{:0>2d} - {:0>2d}:{:0>2d} {:1d}".format(s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3], nacht),0,32)
oled.text("{:s}{:s}{:0>2d}.{:0>2d}.{:0>2d} {:s}".format(wt[t[6]],do[dcf_sync],t[2],t[1],t[0]-2000, sz[sommerzeit]),0,44)
oled.text("{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}:{:0>2d} ({:0>2d}:{:0>1d})".format(t[3],t[4],t[5], bitnr, dcf_sync),0,56)
oled_sync = 1
helligkeit = anzeige_helligkeit
if nacht == 1: helligkeit = 1
if nacht == 2: helligkeit = 6
if helligkeit > 1 and licht > 5000: helligkeit = 1
#print(helligkeit, licht, ldr_liste, s)
anzeige_schreiben(t, anzeige_farbe, helligkeit, dcf_sync)
if isMinute > 0:
isMinute = 0
nacht = isNacht(t, s)
print("{:s}, {:02d}.{:02d}.{:d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {:s}".format(wt[t[6]], t[2], t[1], t[0], t[3], t[4], t[5], sz[sommerzeit]), " Nacht:", nacht)
if isStunde > 0:
isStunde = 0
if isTag > 0:
isTag = 0
if is4Hz > 0:
is4Hz = 0
if oled_sync == 1:
oled_sync = 0

@schamu schamu added the bug label Sep 10, 2022
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robert-hh commented Sep 10, 2022

Please use three backticks to enclose code in your post. You have only two. And please tell which firmware version you use.

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schamu commented Sep 10, 2022

It's ma error
please delete

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schamu commented Sep 10, 2022

it is my error, please delete

@schamu schamu closed this as completed Sep 10, 2022
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No problem. You can delete it yourself, but the history remains. But it also my experience that writing up a problem for others to read helps a lot to find a solution. And it is important that this text is actually sent. In that respect, it is good that you have sent it

tannewt added a commit to tannewt/circuitpython that referenced this issue May 31, 2024

update frozen modules for 9.1.0-beta.3
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