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Weakly-Supervised Language Conditional Audio Separation


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Weakly Supervised Sound Separation via Bi-Modal Semantic Similarity (ICLR 2024)

Official PyTorch Implementation

We propose a weakly supervised learning framework for conditional audio separation from natural mixtures (i.e. when no single source sound is available). In particular, we leverage bi-modal semantic similarity (from pre-trained CLAP model) to generate weak supervision on fine-grained source separation without having access to single source sounds.

Tanvir Mahmud*†, Saeed Ameezadeh†, Kazuhito Koishida, Diana Marculescu

In ICLR 2024. (* Work done in part during an internship at Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA, † equal contribution)

WebDemo | OpenReview | arXiv

(Left) The proposed conditional audio separation framework. (Right) The comparison of our framework and the mix-and-separate baseline in unsupervised and semi-supervised settings.

Setting Up Environments

conda create -n bisep python==3.9.12
conda activate bisep
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

AudioCaps Dataset

The AudioCaps dataset can be downloaded from AudioCaps. We provide AudioCaps captions and parsed sound source phrases here. Download this file and put it into "data/audiocaps/annotations" folder. We also provide the script used to parse the sound sources from AudioCaps captions in preprocessing/audiocaps/ Then, use preprocessing/audiocaps/ script to download all audio files, and put downoladed audios into data/audiocaps/audio directory. Afterwards, prepare train and test split ids using preprocessing/audiocaps/, and put the csv files in data/audiocaps/annotations directory.

VGGSound Dataset

Download audios from VGGSound dataset, and put in the data/vggsound/audio directory. We also provide the sample download script in preprocessing/vggsound/ Then, prepare annotation files test.csv, and train.csv using preprocessing/vggsound/ Afterwards, prepare the test compositions using preprocessing/vggsound/ Put all annotations in data/music/annotations directory.

Music Dataset

Download videos from MUSIC dataset, and put in the data/music/video directory. Then, extract audios and frames using and provided in preprocessing/music directory. Afterwards, prepare test.csv, and train.csv using the preprocessing/music/ Finally, prepare the test compositions file test_sep_2.csv using preprocessing/music/ Put all annotations in data/music/annotations directory.

The data directory should be like this:

    ├── AudioCaps/
    │    ├── annotations/
    │    │   ├── parsed_all_caps.json
    │    │   ├── train_ids.csv
    │    │   └── test_sep2_ids.csv
    │    └── audio/
    │        ├── __0Fp4K-2Ew_60.wav
    │        ├── __8O7tZPwsI_20.wav
    │        └── __LerxtZ9ac_0.wav
    ├── MUSIC/
    │    ├── annotations/
    │    │   ├── train.csv
    │    │   ├── test.csv
    │    │   └── test_sep_2.csv
    │    └── audio/
    │        ├── accordion
    │        |   ├── -DlGdZNAsxA.wav
    │        |    └── _jPFkOkNjuo.wav
    │        ├── acoustic_guitar
    ├── VGGSound/
    │    ├── annotations/
    │    │   ├── train.csv
    │    │   ├── test.csv
    │    │   └── test_sep_2.csv
    │    └── audio/
    │        ├── accordion
    │        |   ├── -DlGdZNAsxA.wav
    │        |    └── _jPFkOkNjuo.wav
    │        ├── acoustic_guitar

Training Script

Here, the sample training script are provided for AudioCaps dataset. We also provide scripts for other datasets in scripts/ directory.

    python --id Proposed_AC --mode train --list_train data/annotations/train_ids.csv \
                    --list_test data/annotations/test_sep2_ids.csv --audio_dir data/audio \
                    --cond_layer sca --num_cond_blocks 1 --num_res_layers 1 --num_head 8 \
                    --cond_dim 768 --num_downs 7 --num_channels 32 --num_mix 2 --audLen 131070 \
                    --audRate 16000 --workers 4 --batch_size 16 --lr 1e-4 --num_epoch 200 \
                    --lr_step 15 --disp_iter 20 --ckpt outputs --multiprocessing_distributed \
                    --ngpu 8 --recons_weight 5 --disp_iter 20 --dist-url tcp://localhost:12341 \
                    --warmup_epochs 1 --eval_epoch 2 --n_sources 3 \
                    --parsed_sources_path data/annotations/parsed_all_caps.json

Test Script

Here, the sample test script are provided for AudioCaps dataset. We also provide scripts for other datasets in scripts/ directory.

    python --id Proposed_AC --mode test --list_train data/annotations/train_ids.csv \
                    --list_test data/annotations/test_sep2_ids.csv --audio_dir data/audio_16k \
                    --cond_layer sca --num_cond_blocks 1 --num_res_layers 1 --num_head 8 \
                    --cond_dim 768 --num_downs 7 --num_channels 32 --num_mix 2 --audLen 131070 \
                    --audRate 16000 --workers 4 --batch_size 16 --lr 1e-4 --num_epoch 200 \
                    --lr_step 15 --disp_iter 20 --ckpt outputs --multiprocessing_distributed \
                    --ngpu 8 --recons_weight 5 --disp_iter 20 --dist-url tcp://localhost:12341 \
                    --warmup_epochs 1 --eval_epoch 2 --n_sources 3 \
                    --parsed_sources_path data/annotations/parsed_all_caps.json


Pre-trained Models

Please download the pretrained models from model_weights and put it in ./pretrained_weights directory.

You can simply run the demo without setting up the dataset.

    python  --cond_layer sca --num_cond_blocks 1 --num_res_layers 1 --num_head 8 \
                    --cond_dim 768 --num_downs 7 --num_channels 32 --audLen 131070 \
                    --audRate 16000 --workers 4 --multiprocessing_distributed \
                    --ngpu 1 --dist-url tcp://localhost:12342 --samples_dir demo_samples \
                    --load pretrained_weights/model_weights.pth.tar


Please cite our paper if you find this repository useful.

    title={Weakly-supervised Audio Separation via Bi-modal Semantic Similarity},
    author={Tanvir Mahmud, Saeed Amizadeh, Kazuhito Koishida, and Diana Marculescu},
    booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},


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Our code is based on the implementations of SoP, CLAP, and CLIPSep. We used pre-trained audio-language grounding models from CLAP. We thank the authors for sharing their code. If you use our codes, please also cite their nice works.


Weakly-Supervised Language Conditional Audio Separation



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