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Pratik Bhattacharya edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

CQRS.Mediatr.Lite is a light-weight library to implement CQRS pattern in .NET solutions. The motivation for this library comes from the popular Mediatr library.

The library enables you to create Commands, Queries, Events and their respective handlers in a decouples fashion. The library also provides some starter code for Aggregate Root, for implementing Domain-Driven designs leveraging the CQRS pattern.


Install the NuGet package: Install-Package CQRS.Mediatr.Lite.

CQRS Basics

CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It's a pattern which segregates the read and write pipeline. In complicated scenarios creating separate models and pipelines for reading and writing data help in tackling the complexity. All operations in the system can be divided into 2 caegories

  • Queries - Used only to read data from the database, and should not make any change to the state.
  • Commands - Change the state of the system by creating new data, update existing data or delete data from the system. References to CQRS
  1. CQRS - Martin Fowler
  2. Apply simplified CQRS and DDD patterns in a microservice

Complex applications which can benifit from Domain-Driven-Design also draws advantage from CQRS.

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