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Brian Gianforcaro edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 4 revisions


Allocate an executable region near the given address.


PVOID WINAPI DetourAllocateRegionWithinJumpBounds(
    _In_ LPCVOID pbTarget,
    _Out_ PDWORD pcbAllocatedSize


pbTarget : The address to start searching for an allocatable space from

pcbAllocatedSize : The variable to receive the size of the allocated region in bytes

Return value

If successful, returns the base address of the allocated region of pages; otherwise, returns NULL.


DetourAllocateRegionWithinJumpBounds tries to allocate a region near enough to make a jump from the given address.

To free a region allocated by DetourAllocateRegionWithinJumpBounds, use the VirtualFree function.

As explained in Interception of Binary Functions, Detours writes a relative jump with a signed 32-bit offset into a target function to make a jump to a detour function. This means the detour function needs to be placed within +/- 2GB of the target. DetourAllocateRegionWithinJumpBounds allocates an executable region which Detours can write a jump from the given target address to. This is useful if you want to dynamically craft a detour function.

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