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NOTE: The description here is aspirational, under active development, and an initial release is not yet available. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback and pull requests to help shape how this tool evolves.

Marina makes devops for cloud native applications on Kubernetes easier. It enables writing DRY resource definitions and configuration, capturing common resource definitions into abstracted and shareable components, and building a GitOps deployment workflow that both simplifies operations and makes deployments more auditable.

In particular, Marina simplifies the frontend of the GitOps workflow: it takes a high level description of your deployment, a target environment (eg. dev or prod), and renders the resource definitions for that deployment. It is intended to run as part of your CI/CD pipeline such that with every commit to your Marina deployment project triggers the generation of Kubernetes resource descriptions that is then reconciled with the current state of your Kubernetes cluster using a tool like Flux.

The best way to understand what Marina provides is see it in practice, so let's walk through the creation and use of a simple workload.

Developer Experience

First off, install the marina cli on your local machine. This CLI tool, docker, and git are the only tools you need to have installed: any other dependencies will be fetched via docker images and/or git.

$ curl -sL | sh

Let's next create our first project, in this case for a hypothetical microservices workload that we want to operationalize.

$ cd ~/dev (or wherever you like to keep your development projects)
$ marina scaffold component microservices-workload
$ cd microservces-workload

This creates a folder called microservices-workload, a config folder that holds configuration data for different environments using this definition, and a component.json file in the current directory that looks like this:

    "name": "microservices-workload",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "components": []

A component in Marina houses the definition for building the Kubernetes resource definitions for its directory tree scope.

Let's say we are setting up a cluster running a number of microservices, so the first thing we'd like to define is to add a component to manage the common infrastructure pieces that makes all of our infrastructure more observable.

We want to house all of these in a separate subcomponent called infra, so in the same way that we created the top level component of this project, let's scaffold that as well:

$ marina scaffold component infra

This updates the top level project to include a component:

     "name": "microservices-workload",
     "version": "1.0.0",
     "components": [{
         "name": "infra",
         "source": "./infra"

and creates a subcomponent called infra with a similarly scaffolded out component.json:

$ cd infra
$ cat component.json
    "name": "infra",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "components": []

Next, let's add an Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana based logging system as base logging infrastructure for our cluster. We can do that with:

$ marina add efk

This updates the component.json for our infra project to include this component:

    "name": "infra",
    "type": "component",
    "components": [{
        "name": "efk",
        "source": "",
        "tag": "^1.4.1"

This looks similar to our own infra subcomponent but instead of the source location being local, it is instead a git endpoint that this component should be fetched from. This enables us to share components between projects, but also do semver locking of them to a specific version to limit the risk of them from evolving underneath us and breaking our deployments, while still picking up small improvements.

This component also takes a number of inputs. Marina has automatically scaffolded these configuration properties into config/common.json when we added the component to the project. In a config folder, common.json are the defaults that will be applied for all environments in the absence of an overriding definition for the specific environment you are building.

    "config": {
        "efk": {
            "elasticsearch": {
                "namespace": "elasticsearch",
                "master-storage-class": "default",
                "master-storage-size": "4Gi",
                "data-storage-class": "default",
                "data-storage-size": "4Gi"
            "fluentd": {
                "namespace": "fluentd"
            "kibana": {
                "namespace": "kibana"

Using shared components like this also provides a level of abstraction away from the implementation. This component's subcomponents use helm to template out the resource descriptions but we don't have to be concerned with that: we can just focus on providing reasonable values for the inputs to the component and Marina will handle the rest under the hood.

We know that these default sizes and storage classes are not large or fast enough for our prod cluster and we want to override them. Let's scaffold out a new prod config to fix this:

$ marina scaffold config prod

This scaffolds out config/prod.json for us that has sections for all of our subcomponents (and their subcomponents):

    "config": {
        "efk": {
            "elasticsearch": {},
            "fluentd": {},
            "kibana": {}

Let's update the elasticsearch section to have a more prod like configuration:

    "config": {
        "efk": {
            "elasticsearch": {
                "master-storage-class": "managed-premium",
                "master-storage-size": "16Gi",
                "data-storage-class": "managed-premium",
                "data-storage-size": "64Gi"
            "fluentd": {},
            "kibana": {}

When the prod environment is rendered for our project, any values in prod.json will override the values in common.json.

Moving back to the root of our project, let's scaffold out a component to deploy all our microservices.

$ marina scaffold component services --type "static"

Like the infra component we created earlier, this is an umbrella component for all our microservices for all the common elements of our services. It has a type of static, which is a subclass of component that includes static file based resource definitions that are specified by the path property. It also defines a hook that is run after this and every child component, which we leverage to introduce a Linkerd filter to inject a service mesh sidecar into all of our service deployments.

    "name": "services",
    "type": "static",
    "path": "./resources",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "components": [{
        "name": "simple-service",
        "source": "./simple-service"
    "hooks": [{
        "after": [{
            "name": "linkerd",
            "source": ""

With our umbrella component defined, let's scaffold out a concrete microservice.

$ marina scaffold component simple-service --type=helm

This service is templated with helm charts, so instead of choosing the generic component type, we instead specify a more specific helm type. Like the static type above, the helm type is a subclass of component and has helm specific properties like the location of the chart to use to deploy the application.

    "name": "simple-service",
    "type": "helm",
    "chart": "./chart",
    "version": "1.0.0"

A helm component knows how to take a chart and apply the values specified in the environment's config and materialize the resource definitions from them. All of the config traits we used as we were defining our logging infrastructure apply to this as well. For example, if we define config/common.json as:

    "config": {
        "simple-service": {
            "serviceName": "simple-service",

and a config/dev.json as:

    "config": {
        "simple-service": {
            "replicas": 1,
            "imageName": "timfpark/simple-service:edge"

and a config/prod.json that looks like:

    "config": {
        "simple-service": {
            "replicas": 6,
            "imageName": "timfpark/simple-service:stable"

Then the rendered resource definitions will have prod deployments with 6 replicas running the stable tagged image, the dev environment will only 1 replica running the edge tagged image, but both will have a service name of simple-service.

With this - the grand finale (and the real purpose for all of this definition) -- generating all the resource descriptions for all of the components we defined. You can now do that by simply going to the root of our project and executing:

$ marina generate dev

In this invocation we are generating all of the resource definitions with a dev config. By default, all of the resulting resource definitions will be placed in a directory called generated/dev at the root of the project and organized with the same directory structure as the project itself.

As we mentioned at the beginning, Marina is intended to be executed as part of a CI/CD pipeline with downstream tooling to manage reconciling the resource definitions in our cluster, but if you have a Kubernetes cluster handy, you can also apply the generated resource descriptions directly with:

$ cd generated/dev
$ kubectl apply --recursive -f .


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