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Jeff Delmerico edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 11 revisions

Microsoft IROS 2020 Demo 1 | Mixed Reality in Robotics

Table of contents

  1. Home
  2. How to get started
    1.1 Installing required components
    1.2 Running the demo
    1.3 Building the demo from source
    1.4 Demo features
  3. Architecture
    2.1 Repository Overview
    2.2 ROS & networking
    2.3 ROS#
    2.4 Unity app architecture
  4. Technology transfer
    3.1 How to replace the robot
    3.2 How to add more robots!
    3.3 How to extend the MR app

We would suggest that you first run the demo, such that you know what the rest of the docs are talking about. So first, head over to 1.1 Installing required components and make sure, that you are ready to go. Then deploy to a device and have some fun! After that head over to 2. Code Documentation and find out how you can utilize Microsoft's MR Cloud for your purposes.

General demo overview

This demo aimes to answer thes questions:

  • What benefits does MR bring to the table when working with robots?
  • How do I build Mixed Reality applications in a robotic context?
  • How can I extend my own robot with MR capabilities?

What you need for this demo:

  • A computer with docker installed (either Windows, linux or macOS) (see setup)
  • A device to deploy apps (Android phone, iPhone, HoloLens (1 or 2), other MR devices)
  • That's it! You do not need to have a robot. We'll simulate that for you.

This requires two main components: The robot and the MR environment. We provide the first using a docker image and the second using a Unity project and ready to go installers for Android and iOS. The demo is built in a way that everybody (having the robot or not) can run it and play with its funcitonality using a simulated robot. The demo uses the Clearpath Jackal robot, but could use any other robot as well.


If you have issues running the demo please create an issue on our GitHub repository. We are more than happy to help out over there and to rapidly fix any issues that might arise due to unforeseen bugs 🐞

Can I use this project as a template for my own work?

Sure! We highly suggest that you try that out. Go ahead and fork this repository and implement your own usecase.