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Eric Voll edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 8 revisions

1.1 Installing the components

To run the demo, you will need to install some applications. There are two tiers:

  • Required software to run the demo
  • Required software to build from source

1.1.1 Required software to run the demo

Running the demo does not require a lot of things.


MR Device setup

Depending on where you are planning to deploy the application to, you'll need to setup your device accordingly.

  • Android:
    You have to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources. This can quickly be done by navigating to Settings > Security > Unkown sources and enabling the option.
  • iPhone: No steps known/required.
  • HoloLens 1 & 2:
    Enable the developer mode on HoloLens. This can be done by navigating to Settings > Updates & Security > For Developers and confirming that the developer mode is activated.

Deployment (optional, but highly suggested)

To download the code from GitHub we suggest using git. You probably have that installed anyways. This wiki uses git for the step-by-step instructions.
If not: Here you can find all installers for the major operating systems.

1.1.2 Required software to build from source

If you also want to edit the project you'll additionally to 1.1.1 have to install the following tools:


If you want to build the software from source, you'll need to install the Unity GameEngine version 2019.4.10f1. The easiest route is to install Unity-Hub and then to click on this archive link, which will open Unity-Hub with the correct version of Unity to open the project.

Theoretically, you would need to download and import Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) v2.4 but we did that for you already. The project you'll clone contains everything.

Deploying to platforms: Depending on which platform you are planning to deploy your apps to, you'll also have to install this specific platform support. Read here for more info.

Visual Studio

If you want to edit the project we suggest either installing Visual Studio 2019 or the more lightweight Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio 2019

  • Is required if you want to deploy the App to HoloLens 1 & 2.
  • Is available for Windows only.

Visual Studio Code

  • Suffices when only wanting to edit the Unity project
  • Cannot build for HoloLens 1 & 2 (at least I don't know how to)

You can find the download link to both VS 2019 and VS Code here.


If you want to deploy the app to iPhones, you will need to install XCode. Try to download the newest version. You can find XCode in the app store, or online on Apple's developer page. The developer website also has some older versions available.


If you want to work with the code, please also install git. If you want to have a graphical client (easier for beginners) you can look here.