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oZKS (Ordered Zero-Knowledge Set) is a library that provides an implementation of an Ordered (and Append Only) Zero-Knowledge Set.


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Ordered Zero-Knowledge Set - oZKS


oZKS is a library that provides an implementation of an Ordered (and Append Only) Zero-knowledge Set. Zero-knowledge sets allow a prover to convince a verifier that a given value is a member of a specific set without revealing any information about the value or the set itself. oZLS implements a Zero-knowledge dictionary, where the user can add Key/Value pairs in a given epoch, obtain a proof of the correctness of the added Key/Value pair, and then retrieve a proof of whether a given Key is present in the dictionary.

Zero-Knowledge Set definition

An Ordered (and Append-Only) Zero-Knowledge Set is a cryptographic primitive with the following properties:

Data Structure

Let S be an Ordered Key-Value Dictionary where each element is of the form (label, value, e), where e is the epoch in which the elements got added to the dictionary. New (label', value', e') pairs can be added to S (such that label' did not already exist). But once a (label, value, epoch) tuple is added, it cannot be modified or removed.


An Ordered (and Append Only) Zero Knowledge Set lets a Prover (P) produce a short cryptographic commitment c for S such that it can later produce succinct proofs of membership and non-membership of a tuple with respect to c. In more detail, the prover can produce proofs of membership of any label lS (and corresponding value) or non-membership of label lS corresponding to a certain epoch t with respect to c. These proofs reveal no extra information beyond the assertion (and some well-defined leakage).

The Prover can also update a commitment c1 to c2 if new elements get added to the underlying set S1 to produce S2 and produce a cryptographic proof that S1S2 with respect to c1, c2. This proof does not leak any extra information beyond the assertion (and some well-defined leakage) either, just like the membership and non-membership proofs.

For more details we refer the readers to Section 5 of the SEEMless paper.

oZKS Implementation

The core data structure of oZKS is a Patricia Trie, where leafs contain the keys added to the dictionary. Non-leaf nodes contain prefixes that are common to the added leaves. Each node also contains a hash. Leaf nodes contains hashes of the Key, a commitment of the Value and the epoch where the pair was added. Non-leaf nodes contain hashes of the concatenation of the hashes of their children. The core trie structure supports add / query operations.


The API of the core trie structure is not meant to be public. The public API would be an implementation that takes the core data structure and performs additional computations in order to serve as a useful protocol.

The oZKS library is meant to be flexible, and as such there is no single implementation of an actual oZKS class that provides a public API for users to consume. This is because the requirements of the public-facing class will entirely depend on what and how the system is supposed to work. The class will be different if the system is meant to run on a single machine, or it is meant to run in a distributed highly-scalable system, for example.

We have provided two different implementations of what a public API could look like in the examples directory.

The first example implements oZKS running in a single executable (ozks_simple).

The second example implements oZKS as it might look running in a distributed system (ozks_distributed). In this example, Key/Value pairs are not directly inserted into the dictionary. They are kept in a "pending updates" structure. An update service runs every certain number of seconds, takes entries found in this structure and inserts them in the directory in a batch operation. The query functionality in this case is delegated to 4 different Querier objects, each one holding a copy of the directory in memory.

The two examples still run on a single machine. oZKS defines 'provider' interfaces that can be used to change the implementation to a distributed implementation. For example, the Query provider for the ozks_distributed example simply creates 4 instances of the Querier class and queries one of them at random. In a real distributed system, the Query provider could instead send a REST request to a backend that provides scalable query capabilities, such as a pool of machines that hold a copy of the trie. The same can be done with the Update provider, the implementation could simply send a request to a backend whose only purpose is to handle trie insertions.


The oZKS library provides a flexible way to store its data (that is, trie nodes, trie themselves, and user data). The concept of 'storage' is abstracted in the Storage interface. Different implementations of this concept provide flexibility in the configuration of the system for different needs.

For example, a simple memory storage implementation is provided which holds all information in memory. This same interface could be implemented in a persistent database or file storage as well.

Abstracting the storage this way allows using different storage implementations in layers. For example, oZKS provides a memory cache storage implementation that holds a given number of elements in memory, using an LRU policy to evict items when the capacity is exceeded. This storage implementation receives as parameter a backing storage, which is where it gets items from and where it saves updated items to. One could easily imagine using a memory cache storage with a database storage implementation as backing storage. This would provide the benefits of persistence, while also providing the benefits of quick access to the most accessed elements.

The abstract storage concept is also used to speed-up database operations. Imagine that you have a database storage implementation. Inserting values into a dictionary backed by a database storage would be very slow, as each node update would require a round-trip to the database. Updates to a database are more efficient when applied in a batch. oZKS provides a batch insert storage implementation, which holds updated elements in memory until a 'flush' command is received. When the command is received, all updated elements are then sent to the backing storage.

Choice of Elliptic Curve implementations

oZKS uses a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to map the actual key value to a random position in the trie, to provide zero-knowledge. The VRF is implemented using elliptic curves, and two different implementations are provided:

Curve Description
FourQ Fast implementation of FourQ elliptic curve
NIST P-256 OpenSSL implementation of NIST P-256

By default oZKS will use FourQ. A CMake option can be specified to use NIST P-256 instead.

Getting Started

The OZKS class (defined in examples/oskz_simple/ozks.h) provides an example of the main API for use of the library. It provides the following functionality:


Insert a key and payload, or a batch of keys and payloads.

InsertResult OZKS::insert(const key_type &key, const payload_type &payload);
InsertResultBatch OZKS::insert(const key_payload_batch_type &input);

Keys are not inserted immediately in the tree. Any key/payload that is inserted through these methods will become a pending insertion. Pending insertions are actually inserted in the set when calling the flush method:

void OZKS::flush();

After calling flush, pending keys/elements are inserted and its epoch will be increased.


Query for the presence/non-presence of a given key.

QueryResult OZKS::query(const key_type &key) const;


InsertResult objects returned from an insert operation and QueryResult objects returned from a query operation can be verified for correctness.

Verify that the QueryResult returned by a query has a correct proof:

bool QueryResult::verify(const Commitment &commitment) const;

The Commitment received by the method as parameter should be built from the information that was published publicly, as specified in the SEEMless protocol.

Verify that the InsertResult from an insert operation provides a correct append proof:

bool InsertResult::verify() const;

Building and Installing oZKS

oZKS has multiple external dependencies that must be pre-installed. By far the easiest and recommended way to do this is using vcpkg. Each package's name in vcpkg is listed below.

The CMake build system can then automatically find these pre-installed packages, if the following arguments are passed to CMake configuration:

  • -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${vcpkg_root_dir}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
Dependency vcpkg name
FlatBuffers flatbuffers
GSL ms-gsl
OpenSSL openssl
POCO poco
Google Test gtest (needed only for building tests)
Google Benchmark benchmark (needed only for building benchmarks)

To use the OpenSSL implementation of the NIST P-256 elliptic curve, set the CMake option OZKS_USE_OPENSSL_P256 to ON.

To build the examples, set the CMake options OZKS_BUILD_EXAMPLES to ON.

To build the unit tests, set the CMake option OZKS_BUILD_TESTS to ON.

To build the performance benchmarks, set the CMake option OZKS_BUILD_BENCH to ON.

Building dependencies automatically

A file called vcpkg.json is provided in the root directory of this repository. This file is used by vcpkg to automatically build the dependencies that are needed by oZKS. When you configure the oZKS project using CMake, part of the initial configuration process will be to build the dependencies specified in the file. If the dependencies were pre-installed then they will not be compiled, they will simply be used.


For contributing to oZKS, please see


oZKS (Ordered Zero-Knowledge Set) is a library that provides an implementation of an Ordered (and Append Only) Zero-Knowledge Set.



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