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Notification framework is a ready-to-use framework which can be plugged into any application for their notification needs. The notifications currently supported are: Email Notification Device Push Notification (iOS/Android/Windows) Web Push Notification Text Notification


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Notification Framework

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) CodeQL OpenSSF Scorecard

Notification framework is a ready-to-use framework which can be plugged into any application for their notification needs. The notifications currently supported are:

  • Email Notification
  • Device Push Notification (iOS/Android/Windows)
  • Web Push Notification
  • Text Notification

Getting Started

These instructions will get the project up and running in Azure.


Before running the project on local machine/ or deploy the following things needs to be setup on Azure:

  • Azure Subscription
  • Azure Key Vault (to store secrets)
  • Azure App Configuration (to store all configurations)
  • Microsoft Entra ID App
  • Azure Notification Hub (for device push notifications)

Apart from these keep the following items handy as it would be required during deployment:

  • Microsoft Entra ID App's ClientId

  • Custom Application Name which would be used to create AppServices/Functions (resource_name_prefix)

  • Custom Resource Group Name where all the resources will be deployed

  • Location/code to deploy the Azure Resources (e.g. Central US/centralus. Powershell Command: Get-AzureRmLocation |Format-Table)

  • Provider For Email Notifications

    Exchange - Service Account Details

    Send Grid - Account Details (this is supported but right now not a part of the current solution)

  • Provider for Text Notifications

    Twilio - Account Details

  • Notification Hub Connection information

  • Key for Web Push Notification. Generate and store the following keys



  • Enterprise Email Provider's App Registration Details

    Microsoft Entra ID App's Client Id

    Microsoft Entra ID App's Secret


A step by step series of that explains how to get the components deployed in Azure

Step 1: Download the ARM template (azuredeploy.json) from the source (Code\ReleaseManagement\ResourceTemplates folder)
Step 2: Go to Azure Portal and search/select the service 'Deploy a custom template"
Step 3: Select 'Build your own template in the editor' and paste the content of 'template.json' in the editor
Step 4: Remove the nodes which are not required ('EmailResources', 'TextResources', 'PushResources') and update the next node's 'dependsOn' property to correctly point to the previous node.
Step 5: Save and go the next step. Select the subscription, resource group & location.
Update the settings to update any of the parameter values if required and click on purchase 

Note : If there is any failure, try re-deploying again before proceeding for any troubleshooting.


It might have happened that some of the resources which got created may be already present in your subscription. In that case, you can continue to use the same and delete the newly created resources. (e.g. Storage Account, Application Insights, ServiceBus - In case of ServiceBus make sure to create the Queues in your exisiting ServiceBus namespace before deleting).

If a specific channel needs to be deployed, the following table will help in deciding which components can be cleaned-up.

Notification Channel Components Required
Common App Configuration
Application Insights
ServiceBus Namespace
Storage Account
Storage API Connection
Notification Common Services Function App (w/ App Service Plan)
Email Notification ServiceBus Queue
Send Email Function App
Send Email Logic App
Office 365 API Connection
Text Notification ServiceBus Queue
Send Text Function App
Send Text Logic App
Twilio API Connection
Device Push Notification ServiceBus Queue
Send Push Function App
Notification Hub
Notification Service API (w/ App Service Plan)
Web Push Notification ServiceBus Queue
Send Push Function App
Notification Service API (w/ App Service Plan)
Reminder Notification ServiceBus Queue
Send Reminder Function App

Setup and Configuration

Once all the components are deployed, go to the below components, copy the access keys and store that in Azure App Configuration. The secrets needs to be stored in KeyVault and a key-value reference of the same should be present in Azure App Configuration.

Key Name Source In KeyVault ? Required For
AzureAppConfigurationUrl Azure App Configuration No Common
ServiceBusNamespace ServiceBus No Common
StorageAccountName Storage Account No Common
ApplicationInsightsConnectionString Application Insights No Common
SendEmailWebhookEndpoint LogicApp - Send Email (without SAS Token) No Email
SendTextWebhookEndpoint LogicApp - Send Text (without SAS Token) No Text
VAPIDPublicKey Web Push Keys Yes Web Push
VAPIDPrivateKey Web Push Keys Yes Web Push
NotificationHubDefaultFullSharedAccessSignature Azure Notification Hub Yes Device Push
HubName Azure Notification Hub No Device Push
MustUpdateConfig No Common
IdentityProviderClientId Microsoft Entra ID No Common
IdentityProviderAppKey Microsoft Entra ID Yes Common
IdentityProviderAuthority Microsoft Entra ID No Common
IdentityProviderResource Microsoft Entra ID No Common
WebPushNotificationRegistrationTableName No Web Push
DeviceNotificationTemplatesTableName No Device Push
MailQueueName ServiceBus Queue No Email
DevicePushQueueName ServiceBus Queue No Device Push
WebPushQueueName ServiceBus Queue No Web Push
TextQueueName ServiceBus Queue No Text
ReminderQueueName ServiceBus Queue No Reminders
SendNotification_Url Function_Url (#CommonServiceFunctionUrl#/api/NotificationBroadcaster?code=#FunctionKey#) No Reminders
IsEnterpriseEmailEnabled No Enterprise Email
EESAuthority Microsoft Entra ID No Enterprise Email
EESClientId Microsoft Entra ID No Enterprise Email
EESAppKey Microsoft Entra ID Yes Enterprise Email
EESApiUrl Enterprise Email Provider No Enterprise Email
EESResource Enterprise Email Provider No Enterprise Email

Update Application Settings

  • Enable (if not enabled) 'Managed Identity' for all the App Services, Function Apps and Logic Apps

  • Add the above created identities in the 'Access policies' section of the KeyVault

  • For the Function Apps add/update the below AppSetting keys:




    FeatureName : --Label in Azure App Configuration--

    ValidAppIds : --Microsoft Entra ID App's ClientIds which are authorized to access this component (; separated)--

  • For the Azure App Services add/update the below AppSetting keys:



    FeatureName : --Label in Azure App Configuration--

    ValidAppIds : --Microsoft Entra ID App's ClientIds which are authorized to access this component (; separated)--

  • Authorize the API connections (for Logic Apps)

    • Outlook - with the account that will be sending emails,
    • Twilio
    • Key Vault - with Managed Idenity of the Logic App
    • Storage - with Managed Idenity of the Logic App
      Note: For your personal outlook account, please add a new outlook (Send an Email(V2)) task instead of Office 365, 
      and fill all the parameters as if in the existing Send an Email task.
  • Setup AuthN for APIs and Function Apps

    • Update the Reply Urls section of the Microsoft Entra ID App created earlier with the URLs of the App Services and FunctionApps (HttpTriggered) URLs suffixed with '/auth/login/aad/callback'
    • In the 'Authentication' section of the AppServices / FunctionApps (HttpTriggered),
      • Add or update the Authentication values (ClientId/Secret/Issuer/Audience)
      • Select 'Return HTTP 302 Found (Redirect to identity provider)' for the option 'Unauthenticated requests'
  • Setup AuthZ for Logic Apps

    • Creating an Microsoft Entra ID Authorization Policy

    • Add the following Claims with the appropriate values



      Use 'IdentityProviderResource' value


      Use 'IdentityProviderClientId' value

Local Setup

Configure the following package sources in VS to restore NuGet packages:

  • One-Engineering-System@Local


Deploy the code in these new components using AzureDevOps (Build and Release pipelines)

The deployment might fail sometimes due to locked files. Try restarting the service, before redeploying. If the issue persists, add the following AppSettings in the service configuration


How to Setup to use this framework

See the file for details


  • Chinmaya Rath
  • Nirav Khandhedia


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Notification framework is a ready-to-use framework which can be plugged into any application for their notification needs. The notifications currently supported are: Email Notification Device Push Notification (iOS/Android/Windows) Web Push Notification Text Notification




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