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How variables are fetched

Rich Chiodo edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

This page describes the variable viewer and how it fetches data from the kernel.

Variable viewer creation

The variable viewer is a custom webview registered in the Jupyter extension's package.json:


Those entries in the package.json are picked up when the extension registers the variable view type.

The registration is then handled by a VariableView which eventually uses the html property on a webview to load some react code for the UI.


Variable viewer UI

The variable viewer UI is a react control that hosts a react-data-grid control that does our rendering.

It's actually split into two parts:

Variable View Panel

The main entry point is a panel that hosts an inner VariableExplorer. This outer panel was created so that we might continue to host the inner VariableExplorer elsewhere.

Variable Explorer

The inner part actually hosts the react-data-grid.

The internal state of the control (variables, rows, columns, etc) is stored in a redux store. We use a set of messages (or actions) to modify the state of the variable viewer store:

Message When it fires What it does
GET_VARIABLE_DATA Rendering the name column of any row in the grid will force a refresh for the current page of variables with this message The response from this message contains a page of data for the variable viewer to display
ForceVariableRefresh Fired by multiple actions on the extension side - cell executes, variable explorer pane activates, kernel restarts, debugger steps Increments refreshCount in the store and then sends a GetVariableRequest to the extension side code
GetVariablesResponse Extension side sends this in response to any request for data It updates the list of rows stored in the redux store
  • Show refresh cycle
  • Describe how they're fetched from kernel
  • Describe how they're fetched from the debugger
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